It can be described as the focus of attention. In addition, this time it is our own space station, so many people are paying attention to master Zhang, who has been waiting for them to debug the equipment and connect to the ground.

Yangchongming also completely relaxed at this time. He felt that the work here was not as terrible as he had imagined before. Before, he imagined that space was too complicated, but now he felt very safe in the cabin.

"Captain Qin really didn't expect this time to be so smooth. Every step we took seemed to be in our expectation. I don't think it was so difficult in training."

"After all, we have to simulate all kinds of unexpected situations in training, so it will be more difficult, but when we really enter the airport, there will be no problem. Everything will be done step by step."

"My side is ready. Have you connected the equipment over there?"

Longxiaoyun has taken the lead in making preparations. Now it only needs three people to work together to connect directly to the ground.

At the moment, the ground is also doing intense debugging work. This is the first time that it has been shown in the form of live broadcast. Before that, they simply did not dare to imagine.

It can only be transmitted to the ground by astronauts, but now with the development of technology and network, they can carry out real-time live broadcast and share the daily life of astronauts in the space capsule anytime and anywhere.

Old Zhang's hair is gray, but he is very energetic. This is the scene he has been looking forward to for so many years.

"Xiao Liu, you guys must do a good job in the security work. There must be no disconnection. As long as they have no problems above, we on the ground must do a good job. Do you understand? This is what the people all over the country are watching."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. We adjusted the frequency last night. There's absolutely no problem here. We'll start directly when they come in later."

Mr. Zhang nodded. With the end of the countdown, they would enter the same frequency.

The three men in the capsule were also ready. Qin yuan turned to look at the two men. "OK, get ready. Next we will be on camera."

With the end of the countdown, the picture has been successfully connected, their images have been successfully transmitted to the ground, and all the people with their hands in front of the electronic devices have seen their every move.

Gaoshiwei was even more excited. After all, Qin yuan did not just represent their military region this time. Now he has changed his identity to represent the people of Yan.

At the beginning of the picture, the three of them appeared to be in a very good mental state. Qin yuan, the representative, began to speak.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Qin yuan. Now I'm in the space station of Yanguo, giving you the next live speech."

Speaking of this, the people watching the video are very excited. This is their own space station, which is really promising.

At the moment, the news media in the United States are also beginning to report on this matter. After all, this is the first time that Yanguo has successfully launched into space in six years.

The US side pays more attention to this issue. In a large conference room, Qin yuan's pictures begin to play on the screen. Below are several core leaders of the US.


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