Chapter 483

Chapter 486

Princeton University, Institute of advanced mathematics.

The mathematics Yearbook is known as the mathematical world. Today, there are only eight Philippine prize winners who are still active in the mathematics circle of the United States.

This time, six of them were directly gathered in the annual journal of mathematics. This is Is there an earthquake in mathematics?


The golden haired youth is right. There is an earthquake in mathematics.

When he saw Cheng Nuona's four papers, he had such a premonition.

Cheng Nuo, chief editor of brewer, is no stranger to this name.

At that time, Cheng Nuo's paper on solving the two major problems of minimal model program was published in the mathematical Yearbook.

At that time, bruer saw that Cheng Nuo had great potential and high mass production, so he had the idea of establishing a fixed relationship with Cheng Nuo.

But Cheng Nuo suddenly returned home, this matter was stranded.

Until later came the news that Cheng Nuo was attacking the BSD conjecture, and this plan was officially aborted.

After that, the editor in chief of brewer paid little attention to Cheng Nuo, and seldom heard about the news of process Nuo in the international mathematical world.

Until That day!

When brewer saw the title of Cheng Nuo's four papers, the whole person was completely confused.

The first reaction is, how can it be?

Then he spent more than a day staying up late to read Cheng Nuo's first paper, the three-step proof of BSD conjecture.

Although there are several parts in the middle, he can not fully understand, but on the whole, there is no logical error in Cheng Nuo's paper.

It surprised him.

But it also made brewer aware of the seriousness of the situation.

BSD conjecture, has it been proved?

So he immediately called a meeting and brought several top professors from the Institute of advanced mathematics to discuss this issue.

At the meeting, brewer handed over four papers to several professors, and finally received the unanimous attention of several professors.

A special review group for Cheng Nuo's four papers was set up quickly.

Its members include three Fei prize winners and two Wolf Prize winners.

But after two days of research, brewer found that the panel was completely understaffed.

There are four papers in total, and the paper proving BSD's conjecture needs to be reviewed by at least five professors.

For the remaining three papers, each paper needs at least two professors to chair.

A total of more than 300 pages of papers, the workload is quite huge.

There is no way, Princeton's staff are almost out of bloom, and they can only ask other universities in the United States for help.

It is said that BSD conjectures that it may be successfully proved that no one in the universities receiving the news can sit still, and sends mathematicians to Princeton one after another.

Even as soon as he got the news, Professor Fresnel boarded the latest plane and flew to Princeton.

After more than a year, Professor Fresnel finally heard the familiar name - Cheng Nuo!

And this time and Cheng Nuo involved, is one of the seven famous mathematical conjectures, BSD conjecture!

At the moment when he heard the news, Professor Fresnel was more than surprised.

After more than a year's silence, Fresnel was really worried that he, a proud student, would be frustrated by the setback of BSD conjecture, and finally lost to the public.

But now, Cheng Nuo has contributed to the proof of the BSD conjecture to the mathematical Yearbook.

According to Professor Fresnel's understanding of Cheng Nuo, since Cheng Nuo dares to submit papers and publish his research successfully, he must have absolute confidence.

Cheng Nuo will never do anything that is uncertain.

Although the professor is still not proud of himself, he is still proud of himself!

Twenty years ago, he proved Poincare's conjecture, one of the seven mathematical conjectures, which was well-known!

Twenty years later, Cheng Nuo, his student, proved the BSD conjecture in the seven mathematical conjectures!

This will certainly become a beautiful talk in the history of mathematics in the world.


Six Fei prize winners, four Wolf Prize winners, and professors from other schools, a total of 20 mathematicians formed a luxurious panel of judges in the history of mathematics.

Even in the evaluation of Poincare's conjecture proof process 20 years ago, there were not so many big men.

With the participation of several big men, the evaluation process has been shortened by half.

After ten days of overtime, four papers were evaluated.

The official website of the Institute of advanced mathematics in Princeton also announced to the outside world that this news was enough to cause a sensation in the world:

the BSD conjecture has been successfully proved!…………

PS: I'm preparing for the exam recently. The update will be unstable. Sorry, sorry , the fastest update of the webnovel!