Chapter 460

Chapter 463

clay Institute of mathematics.

Vice president of the Research Institute, a white haired old man with a big beard, also went to Cheng Nuo.

This is, Cheng Nuo is a person in the office, brush mobile phone, see vice president knock on the door, quickly politely invite him in.

The vice president looked at the layout of Cheng Nuo's office with a smile. He sat down on the sofa on one side and said slowly, "Mr. Cheng Nuo, I'm here to discuss with you about the conjecture of Gushan village."

Cheng Nuo poured a glass of water to the vice president, "president, please speak."

The vice president was silent for a few seconds, and his tone was not urgent or slow. "Now, Cheng's conjecture has been proved. I remember that Mr. Cheng Nuo mentioned at the last progress report meeting that once Cheng's conjecture is proved, the conjecture of Gushan village will not be a problem. I don't know... "

"The president doesn't have to worry." Cheng Nuo raised his hand. "As long as we use Frey's proposition on the basis of Cheng's complex ring conjecture, Gushan Zhicun's conjecture will be defeated."

"Two of my team members and I are also working hard to write a proof paper on Gushan Zhicun's conjecture, which is expected to be completed in three days."

"That's good. That's good." The vice president stroked his beard and breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, the cleaning plan has been carried out for half a year, but none of the eight conjectures has been solved.

This makes the outside world not only a lot of questioning voices, but also has a great impact on the prestige of clay Mathematics Institute.

But now it's all right.

The conjecture of Gushan village will be proved soon!

In addition, the emergence of Cheng's complex ring theorem has something to do with their Cray Institute of mathematics.

After the papers proving Gushan Zhicun's conjecture are released, the voices of doubt from the outside world will be eliminated.

After all, both Gushan Zhicun's conjecture and Cheng's complex ring conjecture are no less important than Jacobi's conjecture in the front-end time geometry.

Thinking of this, the vice president turned his head and took a look at Cheng Nuo.

Then I realized a terrible fact

Whether it was Jacobi's conjecture, Cheng's conjecture, or Gushan Zhicun's conjecture, they all had a great relationship with the young man around him.

Or, in other words.

These three conjectures are all proved by Cheng Nuo.

Although the status is respected, but with such evil spirits as Cheng Nuo alone, vice president said there is still a light pressure.

So with Cheng Nuo simple chat after a few words, the vice president will also have something to leave.


Time flies.

Three days later, when most people had not yet recovered from the event that Cheng's conjecture had been successfully proved, another blockbuster was thrown into the already rolling geometric boundary.

A seven page paper entitled "proving Gushan Zhicun's conjecture by Cheng's complex ring theorem" was uploaded to arXiv.

And the first author of the paper, is still the familiar name - Cheng Nuo!

Almost on the same day, seven or eight geometric bigwigs, including Professor Fresnel, tweeted at the same time, publicly stating that Cheng Nuo had proved the correctness of his paper.


Many people don't know whether he is crazy or the world is crazy!

Within three days, two world-class conjectures were proved!

What's more crazy is that the prover of these two conjectures is the same person!

Cheng Nuo, the rising star of mathematics.

People thought that it would take at least four or five years for this new star to reach the same position as them.

Only half a year

It seems that in their inattentive moment, whew, Cheng Nuo rose to the height they can only look up to.

There is no place to reason!


In mathematics, the solution of two big conjectures is still fermenting.

The protagonist of the incident, however, has already flown back to MIT with a low profile.

The time is already April 2024.

Walking on the road, Cheng Nuo has already felt the atmosphere of spring.

However, Cheng Nuo didn't appreciate the charming environment for a long time. The school people who got the news of Cheng Nuo's return to school called Cheng Nuo to an office.

Cheng Nuo is received by the vice president of the school of mathematics, an old generation of mathematics magnate.

In addition to this big man, there are several other real leaders of the college in the vice president's office.

"Professor Cheng, in view of your great contribution to clay's Mathematics Research Institute this time, you solved two world-class conjectures: Gushan Zhicun conjecture and Cheng's complex ring conjecture. After evaluation, our university has decided to confer you the title of Professor Zheng!" The vice president looked serious.

Cheng Nuo is also surprised and happy.

Professor Cheng!

Although he didn't stay at MIT for a long time, Cheng also knew the importance of a professor's title.Massachusetts Institute of technology, a world-class university, is quite strict in granting full professors.

Generally, in those ordinary universities, even if the academic water is limited, the associate professors will still be awarded the title of full professor as long as they have the qualifications to endure and reach a certain age.

But it doesn't work at MIT.

Take the full professors of several colleges as an example. Basically, one national award plus two SCI one area papers is the minimum requirement.

Of course, on this condition, Cheng Nuo is satisfied, but in terms of qualifications, Cheng Nuo thought it would take another year and a half.

I didn't expect that the school would act so decisively. After getting the news that Cheng Nuo proved the two conjectures, it was decided.

Professor Cheng is a rare professor at MIT, but it is not rare.

But it's very rare to have an associate professor as young as Cheng Nuo!

Because of the agreement in advance, Cheng Nuo will give lectures this semester.

So, basically every class, the classroom is filled with students who want to see the body of the youngest full professor at MIT.

Cheng Nuo can only smile bitterly.


When Cheng Nuo returned to MIT, he fell silent again.

Cheng Nuo is not a showman, ignoring all the discussions outside.

Therefore, in addition to two courses a week, Cheng Nuo is either in the library or in Professor Fresnel's office in the experimental building.

However, there are still some people who are not busy enough.

In mid April, the clay Institute of mathematics announced the nomination list of the 2024 clay mathematics science award, and Cheng Nuo's name was listed.

Meanwhile, the staff of Cray Mathematics Research Institute contacted Cheng Nuo at the first time, saying that Cheng Nuo must attend, otherwise it would not be a good ending. Almost explicitly, he said that the clay mathematics science award had been accepted by Cheng Nuo.

Fortunately, Cheng Nuo had no class on the day of the award, so he agreed.

The clay mathematics science award, as you can tell from the name, is an award sponsored by the clay Institute of mathematics.

And Cheng Nuo some time ago to take the Veblen prize, forced grid there are many gaps.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is also meat. After all, if you want to win the fields prize in the end, there must be at least many awards at the bottom.

This is also an unwritten rule.

Unless, directly prove one of the seven mathematical conjectures! , the fastest update of the webnovel!