Chapter 424

Chapter 427

fuzzy mathematics, as a very popular branch in the field of Applied Mathematics, can be said to involve all aspects of production and life.

For example, fuzzy clustering analysis, fuzzy pattern recognition, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, fuzzy decision and fuzzy prediction, fuzzy control, fuzzy information processing, etc.

After decades of painstaking research by several generations of mathematicians, these methods constitute a kind of fuzzy system theory and a rudiment of speculative mathematics. It has achieved concrete research results in medicine, meteorology, psychology, control, remote sensing, education, sports and so on.

This conference on the application of fuzzy mathematics was born in this environment.

With the reputation of the previous two sessions, the number of participants in this academic exchange conference has not only reached a record high, but also greatly increased the attention of the outside world.

Therefore, even if it is still in the Spring Festival holiday, several academic journals also send reporters to record the whole process.

In this way, at 10 a.m., with an old man over 70 sitting on the theme, the third academic exchange conference based on fuzzy mathematics was officially held!

After a brief opening speech by Professor Ji Peisheng, director of the Kyoto Institute of Applied Mathematics and the organizer of the conference, he quickly determined the theme.

Based on fuzzy mathematics, this conference mainly discusses its application in road traffic.

There was only less than four hours of meeting time, and no one would talk at length.

Obviously, the theme of the meeting had been revealed to the invited mathematicians, so people first looked at each other and then began to state their ideas in turn.

Cheng Nuo didn't want to come for nothing. He sat in an inconspicuous corner and took out the notebook in his backpack. While consulting the information about this, he was distracted to listen to the big men's speeches.

Different people have different ideas about the application of fuzzy mathematics in road traffic.

The first mathematician said, can we apply the fuzzy information processing of fuzzy mathematics and the characteristics of fuzzy decision-making to the automatic driving and navigation of intelligent vehicles?

After discussion, it is found that the current technical application conditions are not mature, and using this fuzzy information processing method, it is easy to ignore the risk caused by small factors in the process of automatic driving, and the instability is very high.

After a brief discussion, the first proposal was rejected.

The mathematician was only frustrated for a while, and then enthusiastically participated in the discussion of the next proposal.

It is suggested that fuzzy mathematics should be applied to the safety assessment of mountainous roads, and it is also said that fuzzy mathematics can be used for simple fuzzy identification in real-time traffic conditions, so as to speed up the feedback speed. The concept of fuzzy set in fuzzy mathematics can be used to re plan the distance and location of high-speed toll stations

Cheng Nuo with a small book, in the side of the silent record.

Some of these proposals have been directly rejected or temporarily shelved, but they have been confirmed to be feasible and can be applied to the field of actual road traffic. Only one of them has been discussed for half a day.

It is the proposal put forward by Professor Fang to apply fuzzy mathematics to the safety assessment of mountain roads.

Even Professor Zhou's proposal to apply fuzzy mathematics to the selection of Expressway sections has been put on hold for a long time after discussion.

However, although the proposal put forward by Professor Fang is applicable, it is found that the economic value actually created is not high after people's estimation.

The main reason is that at present, most of the mountain roads in China have been assessed for safety. Moreover, the use of fuzzy mathematics method for assessment will reduce the equipment, but the data to be measured, or the difficulty of evaluation, has been increased by more than two or three times, which is difficult to be popularized in China.

It is estimated that the economic benefits that the patent can create and the economic losses to be reduced are only 34 million at most.

Professor Ji Peisheng, sitting on the throne, has frowned slightly.

Now that the process of the meeting is almost half way through, only one proposal can be passed, which is still difficult to create high economic benefits.

He remembers that when the conference was held, the Institute of applied mathematics was shouting slogans in front of reporters for more than the previous two sessions.

We can see that the current situation, let alone surpass, can be compared with the achievements of the first session.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the fourth session will not be held again!

Professor Ji Peisheng sighed in his heart.

The meeting continued.

The next speaker is a professor from Beihang. The proposal is about the application of fuzzy mathematics in the structural analysis of asphalt pavement.

The theoretical support is the knowledge of fuzzy measurement and integral in fuzzy mathematics. Through fuzzy evaluation, the loss of raw materials can be minimized under the condition of maintaining the stability of pavement structure.

However, as soon as the professor finished speaking, he was rejected by all the professors.

After a few words of theory, the professor realized that there were many loopholes in his proposal, and he shut up angrily.Just as the crowd was about to jump to the next topic, a hand was suddenly raised out of time.

"Er Well, can I say a few words? " Cheng Nuo said tentatively.

There was a strange silence for a few seconds.

It seems to be sitting in the corner and looking at the brush.

At first sight, I don't know!

Second look, who is this?

Third, some people feel a little familiar.

We haven't been waiting for people to figure out who the man is. Professor Ji, who was sitting in the chair, said with a smile, "this session is for the purpose of communication and will not restrict anyone's right to express his or her views freely."

In front of a pile of should number field big man, Cheng Nuo is still a little nervous.

Under the gaze of all eyes, he said cautiously, "in fact, I just want to express my views on Professor Li's plan on asphalt pavement just now."

Seeing that the crowd did not make a sound, Cheng Nuo glanced down at what he had written in his notebook, and said slowly, "my viewpoint is different from yours. I think that the theory of fuzzy mathematics in the first stage can be applied to the analysis of asphalt pavement structure today."


Several big men immediately raised eyebrows to express their inner curiosity.

They are very curious. What else can the young man say about the plan that they all rejected.

"You go on." Professor Ji Peisheng also urged.

Cheng Nuo pondered for half a second, "my starting point is different from Professor Li. Professor Li is based on the theory of fuzzy measure and integral, and I think that fuzzy reliability analysis is an optimal choice

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