Chapter 332

Chapter 335

after the agreement on the patent, director Lin got up to leave.

He has asked for Cheng Nuo's bank card number. If he is determined, 150000 patent fee will be transferred to Cheng Nuo's account.

"Wow, you are so good!"

Seeing director Lin leave, Liu Qing felt relieved, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Cheng Nuo in succession and exclaimed.

Gu Feifei is also similar, hands on the chin, full of peach heart.

The great God is indeed a great God. Even the people of the Supreme People's court have come here to buy patents. Their two sisters are on the right track!

In the face of two sisters' flattery, Cheng Nuo faintly smiles, "basic operation, basic operation."

Although I had known that the program developed in the modeling contest was corrupt for a long time, I didn't expect that it would disturb the Supreme People's court.

However, it is good to prove at least that he has not wasted more than ten hours modifying the program.


"The great God, if there is nothing else, we will go first!"

After chatting in the office for a while, Liu Qing offered to leave.

During this period, Cheng Nuo also mentioned the idea of sharing the 150000 patent fees equally among the three people, but they two resolutely refused.

It's their great luck to be led by such great gods as Cheng Nuo. As for the patent fee, they really don't want to share equally with Cheng Nuo.

After all, the whole process belongs to Cheng Nuo.

Moreover, now that the Supreme People's court has sent people to buy Cheng Nuo's modeling program, doesn't it mean that their modeling team has a very good chance of winning the first national award.

Liu Qing and Gu Feifei have agreed that if they can really get the first prize of the modeling contest, they will take out half a month's living expenses and invite Cheng Nuo to have a big meal!

Seeing Liu Qing and Gu Feifei off, Cheng Nuo is the only one left in the office. He has been sitting on his desk smiling at Professor Fang.

Professor Fang gave a faint smile, with a trace of ridicule in his tone, "I thought that if you could take part in this modeling contest, you would be able to win one country. I didn't expect that you would make a big battle!"

Cheng Nuo laughed bitterly, "Professor, I don't want to do this, but I can't help it!"

With that, Cheng Nuo sighed, "if you want to blame me, just blame me for being too good!"

Professor Fang:

You're really out of breath when you say you're fat.

"Forget it." Professor Fang shook his head and laughed, "since you are here, let's discuss the proof of BSD conjecture by the way."

Cheng Nuo's complexion is su. He moves a chair and sits opposite Professor Fang's desk. "Well. Professor, I have encountered some problems in the process of proof recently. By the way, I would like to ask you something

"Tell me."

"For the rational points of Abelian clusters, if we form a finitely generated commutative group, I use the set of local points..."


Old and young, gradually into the realm of selflessness.

When Cheng Nuo's mind swam back to the shore from the ocean of mathematics, he looked up and found that the sun was setting outside the window.

After saying goodbye to Professor Fang in a hurry, Cheng Nuo left the buildings of several institutes.


In the next month, Cheng devoted all his remaining time to the proof of weak BSD conjecture besides his daily courses.

But what has been achieved It's not good!

To be precise, in the last week, the progress of research can be described as an inch of difficulty.

It has been proved that the progress has been stuck at the 56% threshold.

Even the news of winning the first prize of modeling country did not dilute Cheng's worries.

Three days later, it was still the same.

Gradually, Professor Fang and Cheng Nuo realized that there might have been a mistake in their research direction.


Setting: Professor's office of mathematics college.

Time: 10:00 p.m. on November 27, 2021.

Characters: Fang Ruoyu, Cheng Nuo.

On the desk, there are three stacks of straw paper. These are all the painstaking efforts of the two people on the BSD conjecture.

Under the bright light, Cheng Nuo, who was somewhat haggard, said, "Professor, which step do you think we have a problem?"

Professor Fang pushed the presbyopia glasses and sighed, "it's hard to say. Mathematical proof, this is a wrong step, wrong step. Now, it's hard to know which link is causing the problem. "

"Therefore, if we want the certification work to continue, we have to go through the whole process."

Professor Fang said one of the most troublesome, but the most effective solution to the current situation.

Cheng Nuo smiles bitterly and nods, indicating that he knows.

Although it has been known that this will happen in the process of world-class conjecture proof, it is still a little difficult to accept when the fact really happens in front of you.In fact, optimistically speaking, it is a good thing that they can discover the mistakes in the proof in time.

It is much better than those cases in which a mistake is made in the end, a conjecture is proved to be true, but a major error is found in the proof process.

Since you can't resist, be optimistic.

It's just liver burst He is not afraid of Cheng Nuo!

Pick up the first pile of a few drafts, Cheng Nuo looked down carefully.

Let L (E, s) be the Hasse Weill L-function corresponding to the elliptic curve E. In fact, BSD projection contains the following two. The order of Taylor expansion of function L (E, s) at is equal to the Mordell weilrank of elliptic curve Then l (E, 1) = 0, ~ l '(E, 1) not = 0rightarrow (E) ≥ 1]

no error!

The next part is the proof process.

Then there is l (E, 1) = 0, ~ l '(E, 1) not = 0 ≥ R (E) = 1 】

no error!

Cheng Nuo's brain is like a high-speed machine.

Piles of formulas, characters, combine, operate, and produce logical results in the brain.

As if indefatigable, Cheng Nuo turns page by page from the end to the end.


Time, has come to three o'clock in the morning.

Cheng Nuo put down a piece of paper in his hand, twisted his neck, looked up, and found that Professor Fang was lying on the table asleep.

Cheng Nuo chuckled and found a blanket to cover Professor Fang in the cabinet beside the office. Then, he continued to search for the wrong point with the paper full of formulas.

Time, minute by second.

Cheng Nuo's eyes scan line by line.

All of a sudden, his eyes were locked on a line of arithmetic.

【…… If P ≥ 11, if elliptic curve is semi stable, then ord (L (E, 1) C) = ord (Sha (E), Gl2 is 】

here, here Why use Gl2 part of the technical proof conditions to get the key conditions of the next part of the proof work.

No, it shouldn't be!

It is unnecessary to solve Gl2 formula. If you want to get kolyvaginconjecture logically, you should use

In an instant, Cheng Nuo's aura burst out!



PS: one word: hot!!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!