Chapter 218

Keqiang and Song Qing are both 75 rings in strength.


The victory or defeat of this competition completely falls on Cheng Nuo and another student selected by instructor Song Qing.

The student selected by Song Qing is a tall boy with black glasses and sharp edges and corners.

Song Qing looked at Cheng Nuo up and down, and opened his mouth to the boy beside him. In his voice, the soldier's murderous spirit was in his voice, "Zhao Yang, do you have confidence to defeat him!"


"I can't hear you!"

"Yes!!! Zhao Yang has blue veins on his neck and growls at the top of his throat.

Keqiang looks down at Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo smiles lightly and strides forward. In a low voice, he said to Keqiang behind him, "drillmaster, just leave it to me. I, Cheng Nuo, haven't let anyone down yet! "

"Before, or Now

Zhao Yang helped his black glasses, a green military training uniform, standing in front of Cheng Nuo with a smile.

"Zhao Yang, Department of mathematics, School of mathematics."

"Cheng Nuo, Department of finance, School of economics and management."

"Classmate Cheng Nuo, kindly remind you that I have shot before." Zhao Yang's mouth, the emergence of a confident smile.

Cheng Nuo shrugged, a face of total indifference, "you this is nothing, I was before, but had a plane!"

Zhao Yang:

Zhao Yang, choked by Cheng Nuo, snorted, turned his head and stopped talking to Cheng Nuo.

"Take it easy. Don't be too nervous. First of all, ensure your own safety. " Before shooting, Keqiang tells Cheng Nuo carefully.

Cheng Nuo nodded, said he knew, then picked up the rifle and stood in the target next door to Zhaoyang.

Ke Qiang and Song Qing both stood by their side with their arms in their arms to prevent any operational errors during the shooting process.

Loading, shoulder, cheek, two almost at the same time.

Shooting target The center of the target at a distance of 200 meters.


After aiming for two or three seconds, Zhao Yang first pressed the trigger.

With the bang of a gun, the bullet came out of the chamber, sparking sparks.

"Seven rings!" Ke Qiang quickly gives Zhao Yang's number of shooting rings. Meanwhile, he looks at Cheng Nuo with worried eyes.

Seven rings!

The number of rings in Zhao Yang's shot is no less than that of the two instructors just now.

According to the law, these students who take part in military training should not only play the third ring or the fifth ring when they carry out live ammunition training.

As long as you can hit the target, even if it is good!

Zhao Yang can hit seven rings in the first shot. This is enough to prove that Zhao Yang did, as he said, shoot before military training.

Zhao Yang looked up at his ring number and nodded his head.

Subconsciously turned his head, but found that Cheng Nuo was still aiming.

"Vulnerable to a blow!" Zhao Yang chuckles and shakes his head, that feeling, seems to have won in hand!

At this time, Cheng Nuo's side. Groups of data flow.

The weight of the gun is 3.42kg, the length of the gun is 955mm, the caliber is 7.62mm, the effective range is 400m, the weight of the bullet is 9.65g, and the muzzle velocity of the bullet is 750ms

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8574 meters, the second power second, the wind speed is 3.25 meters, and the wind is 24.58 degrees north by East

It is 200.58 meters away from the bull's-eye, and its height is 1.82 meters

The data collected by both eyes in mind can be quickly calculated to get the best shooting scheme.

The shooting distance is 198.36 meters, the shooting direction is 2.35 degrees north by west, and the shooting height is 1.82 meters Estimated bullet flight time 0.34 seconds!

The data is adjusted, start shooting!

Cheng Nuo's mouth, not easy to detect a slight bend, a fierce, press the trigger.


Shot! Hit the target!

The onlookers raised their heads. I want to know the number of rings of Cheng Nuo.

And then Is Qi Qi's exclamation!

Ten rings!

Hit the bull's eye!

Judging from the bullet hole on the target, Cheng Nuo's gun hit the ten rings in the center of the target, the most central position! A perfect shot!

You know, even in the competition between the two instructors just now, there were only one bullet in each of them that hit the bull's-eye.

Can Cheng Nuo, the first shot, hit ten rings!

Zhao Yang, who was just about to press down the second shot, stopped his movements after hearing the exclamation of all the people. Zhao Yang looks up and sees Cheng Nuo's ring number.

Mind, not from a little shock.

Ten rings! Zhao Yang looked sideways, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Cheng Nuo that guy is the first time to shoot, which Zhao Yang can be sure. Because, in his opinion, Cheng Nuo's action of holding a gun just now has many defects.But it was such a guy who shot the first live ammunition for the first time He made ten rings.

Zhao Yang is not sure, this is Cheng Nuo pure good luck, or this guy, really has the talent against the sky.

On this side of Zhao Yang frown, thinking of thousands of time, bang a shot, from the next door sounded again.

Zhao Yang subconsciously turned his head and saw Cheng Nuo's hands shaking slightly by the recoil of Bayi rifle.


It was Qi Qi's exclamation again!

Zhao Yang quickly raised his head and his pupils suddenly shrank!

Ten rings, ten rings again!

How could it be?!

Zhao Yang's heart, already turned over the startled waves!

Cheng Nuo's side, after two shots of "practice", the action more skillful.

Bang bang bang!

Cheng Nuo fired three shots this time!

"Crazy!" Seeing Cheng Nuo's move, Zhao Yang can't help roaring in his heart!

If you want to hit the bull's eye with three shots in a row, the difficulty is not as simple as 1 + 1 + 1.

You know, after each shot, the body of the gun will produce a huge recoil force. The recoil force will inevitably affect the direction of the muzzle.

Although this change is very subtle, it is likely to cause the trajectory of the bullet to deviate and fail to hit the target center. Unless, in the instant of the bullets firing, press the gun!

Make the muzzle position, quickly return to the original position.

Press gun, that is the pronoun of master!

In particular, 15 times mirror pressure gun, that is a god level operation that scientists can control!

Although Cheng Nuo is just the most basic but pressing gun operation, in Zhao Yang's eyes, it is already amazing!

In Zhao Yang's cognition, Cheng Nuo's three guns will never achieve any higher ring number.

But what happened?

Ten rings! Ten rings! Ten rings!

Three shots, all hit the bull's eye.

At present, Cheng Nuo fired five shots, a total of 50 rings. It's a terrible number. I'm afraid only a well-trained sniper can get this result.

Bang bang bang bang!

Five shots in a row!

Zhao Yang looks at Cheng Nuo's movement, eyelid son has been crazy jump.


Five shots fired in succession, Cheng Nuo's whole action is simply too arrogant to do!

Ten rings! Ten rings

Without any accident, it is still a series of ten rings.

That one big "ten" characters, see Zhao Yang is a burst of toothache.


Cheng Nuo takes off the gun with a light smile.

He looked one side Leng in situ Zhao Yang, curiously asked, "Zhao Yang classmate, why don't you fight? I didn't play very well this time. Let's see your performance! Try to surpass me

With that, Cheng Nuo patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder.

Zhao Yang looked up at Cheng Nuo's total number of 100 rings


PS: the correct answer to the first question, "6"! Problem solving steps can enter the group consultation.

The winner of the first phase "Mo long Di", 8.88 yuan has been awarded! , the fastest update of the webnovel!