Chapter 109

It's seven o'clock in the evening.

A full hour has passed since the test began.

However, according to the difficulty of the test, most of the students who participated in the test did not reach the tenth question.

Except, of course, some evil characters.

Qingcheng City, Zhuyuan district.

Cheng Nuo rubbed some sour eyes, moved his fingers and said with a smile, "only the last ten questions are left!"

Yes, compared with other Xueba who are still hovering in more than ten questions, Cheng Nuo has come to question 41!

This is a basic two-point question.





The requirement of the title is to deduce the final "5 + 6" equal to according to the law of the above three equations.

Cheng Nuo takes a look at it, and different numbers fly in his mind.

Suddenly, the corner of Cheng Nuo's mouth slowly rises. "Is it Pythagorean theorem?"

Soon, Cheng Nuo will fill in the blanks - 61!

Next, reasoning questions, basic points 3 points!

The questions are as follows:

there are five persons a, B, C, D and E. Everyone wore a white or black hat on their heads. Everyone can see the color of the hat on other people's heads, but they can't see the color of their own.

If a person is wearing a white hat, he is telling the truth; if he is wearing a black hat, he is telling a lie. What they said was as follows:

a said: I saw three white hats and a black hat.

B: I see four black hats.

C: I see a white hat and three black hats.

E said: I see four white hats.

Q: what color are the hats each of them wears?

This is a very basic reasoning problem.

"It's another sub question." Cheng Nuo shakes his head and chuckles. Fill in the answers at your fingertips.

Cheng Nuo presses the OK key to move on to the next question.

"In five seconds, the topic will appear, please be ready! At the end of the question, please fill in the blanks with the calculation results! "

The screen displays a prompt with a countdown of five seconds next to it.

At the same time, many of the 100000 candidates did the same thing as Cheng Nuo.

They can't help but abandon their concentration and focus on the computer screen.

3! 2! 1!

A number appears on the computer screen: 651!

After a second, the first number disappears and the next number appears + 157!

After a second: - 541!

Next second: - 211!


Every second, the previous number on the screen disappears and the next number appears.

All the players need to do is sum all the numbers on the screen. The result of making a peace is the final answer.

The test of this problem is the player's quick calculation and memory. To be precise, it's quick calculation or memory.

If you don't have enough memory, you can calculate the results quickly.

But if you can't count your speed, you can count all the numbers in your mind with a strong memory.

Cheng Nuo is not talented. He has both abilities.

On the number of memory and computing power, I am afraid only robots can do it.



Ten numbers, ten seconds, appear on the screen in turn.

When the last number "+ 947" disappears under their noses, the minds of those who are doing this problem are like this:??? "

Who am I? Where am i? What am I doing?

This question My special How do you do it?

A second a number, even if you remember at that time, but the next second to see the next number, a nervous, forget the previous number how to break?

Needless to say, if you remember a number wrong, you can't get it right at all.

This problem may be very simple for those who have been trained in mental arithmetic since childhood.

But For those who have never been exposed to such problems, I am afraid that nearly half of them will be planted here.

"1024, yes, it's you!"

On the other side, Cheng Nuo quickly fills in the blanks without any hesitation after ten numbers are displayed on the screen.

Don't compare speed with me, let you have a calculator, I'm faster than you!

Yes, with Piao Rou, you are so confident!!


There is also a gap between them.For Cheng Nuo, the man of learning bully, although he has just set foot in the field of Xueba, he is destined to be an extraordinary half of the existence.

From this set of test questions, we can see the level difference between different students.

Yes, they can only dominate in their own schools.

And some, notes will become the shadow of the whole Chinese learning slag.

Cheng Nuo is one who is working in this direction.

"The last question?"

Unconsciously, Cheng Nuo has come to the last question.

The last question is to test the player's observation.

Basic score, five!

"When you finish this question, it's over." Cheng Nuo smiles faintly and looks at the screen.

To Cheng Nuo's surprise, this question occupies ten pages of the screen.

This is the requirement of this topic.

The system will then give the player a three times three grid.

Nine squares are filled with nine small colored squares.

The color system of the lattice is divided into white, green, orange, yellow, red and blue. The same color as Rubik's cube.

On the ten page screen, each page presents 60 * 40 squares filled with these six colors.

It's just like the Rubik's cube wall, the original challenge of "the strongest brain.". However, the arrangement of the six colors is more irregular than the magic square wall.

Players watch the color blocks given by the system. According to the order of colors, they can find the exact position of the nine squares in their hands and find them out.

To tell you the truth, this problem is quite difficult.

Six color blocks, 60 * 40 ten magic square walls.

The corresponding color order is 60 * 40 * 10 * 6, with a total of 576000 possibilities.

What the players need to do is to use their eyes to see through everything from the 576000 possibilities to find the only order given by the title.

It takes quite a long time to read all the ten magic square walls.

If you miss the correct answer in the middle of the way

So The feeling is absolutely quite sour!

At this time, in a neighborhood not far from Chengnuo, a teenager is suppressing his impulse to cry, while his eyes are red and constantly turning over the ten magic square walls.

It can be clearly seen that the title number of his question is 1!

In other words, he has spent more than an hour on this problem.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and a figure wearing a deer hat came into the room.

He held his arm and looked at his younger brother at the computer desk. "Hey, Bai Feng, is this problem so difficult? I think you've been thinking about it for more than an hour? "

Bai Feng suddenly turned his head and glared, "Bai Yan, what you said is light, or you can do it."

Bai Yan shrugged, "what's wrong with that. I'm a detective, and observation is my strength. "

Half an hour later, Bai Yan's wail came out of the community, "such a perverted question, who specially made it?"


PS: looking for a few brain exercise games. The papers were sent to the book friends.

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