Translator: CTCTRANS Editor: CTCTRANS

“She … wasn’t here to chase after you …” Qi Yiming had a moment of existential doubt.

The behavior of those in the back who relentlessly blocked her car a while ago also seems worthy of a “DUMBASS” scolding …

But how could Lu Qingzhi be so heartless?

Usually, Qingzhi was reluctant to let anyone say anything wrong about Song Yan. Now, she has even used derogatory language.

Was it because she couldn’t have what she wanted, so she acted out in frustration?

On the other side, Lu Qingzhi quickly balled up the tissues after displaying those letters. She squeezed them in her palm, leaving only a faint lipstick residue on the car window.

She wrote it when Ji Huo wasn’t looking, so he probably didn’t see her using such foul language!

“It’s rare to have such peaceful private time!”

After saying that, Qingzhi smiled at him and discreetly tucked the tissue into the pocket of her sportswear.

“Ji … My Fiancé, you’ve always been accommodating to my demands. I unreasonably dragged you back from the party and made you my fiancé without your consent. You didn’t resist, and you didn’t run away. Why did you accept my behavior like that?”

Ji Huo casually twirled his finger, adorned with a ring etched with intricate patterns, and his eyes were deep and dark. “I have nowhere to go now and don’t want to make an effort. I want to be supported.”

Qingzhi was dumbfounded.

How could he say such misleading things with such a captivating voice and still have a clear conscience?

However, the fact that Ji Huo had nowhere to go was actual. She had already had Qian Xiao check, and the hotel had thrown out Ji Huo’s belongings.

As for other matters, she wasn’t interested in digging into his privacy. If he didn’t want to talk about it, so be it.

And Ji Huo’s statement temporarily put her mind at ease. His attitude was evident: he accepted the idea of being her fiancé.

She would take things one step at a time in the future.

Moreover, the story in this novel had yet to unfold. The female lead, Lu Wanwan, had yet to appear, and Song Yan was still the same playboy who had yet to face the upheavals in his family.

So even though she knew the novel’s plot, these events had yet to happen in the current storyline.

She would have to find a way to make sense of the threads of this world’s narrative.

The car soon arrived at The Lus’ Private Hospital, and just from the name, it was clear that the Lus entirely owned this private hospital.

As soon as the car pulled into the parking lot, the hospital director and a group of staff members came out to welcome them. The director personally opened the door for Qingzhi.

“Miss, the ward and the doctor are ready!”

“Miss, please be careful of your ankle!”

“Miss, let me help you!”

When Qingzhi got out of the car, two young doctors supported her on either side, and one used the palm of his hand to help her palm.

She instinctively glanced at them, noticing that they were both very young and had quite handsome appearances. Their fair complexions were very pleasing to the eye. She unconsciously rubbed her palm against the hand that was holding hers.

Before Qingzhi could steady herself using the strength of the young doctors, somebody suddenly lifted her from behind and let out a cry of surprise. When she realized what was happening, Ji Huo had already placed her in a wheelchair.

Ji Huo’s fingers lightly tapped her forehead, not applying much force, but the motion sent a tingling sensation through her.

Qingzhi rubbed her forehead in confusion, but before she could say anything, Ji Huo had taken control of the wheelchair, guiding it himself.

“Where is Little Princess’ ward?” Ji Huo glanced at the hospital director.

“I’ll take you there!” The hospital director’s tone unintentionally carried a hint of reverence. With that, he led the way.

Qian Xiao glanced at the hospital director and thought to himself, relieved that it wasn’t just him instinctively obeying Mr. Ji.

At this moment, Qingzhi suddenly glanced towards the emergency exit and saw a gorgeous girl.

The girl was surprised to make eye contact with Qingzhi. She hesitated momentarily before quickly lowering her head and turning to leave through the emergency exit.