Translator: CTCTRANS Editor: CTCTRANS

This man has exceptional manners, every gesture exuding charm. Qingzhi slowly assessed him, then involuntarily shifted her body slightly.

The dress was so tight on her that she felt like she was struggling to breathe.

In her memory, Lu Qingzhi had deliberately made the dress two sizes smaller to attract Song Yan’s attention. It wasn’t obvious when she stood up, but she felt it difficult to breathe when she sat down.

“This place is quite close to the Fellman Hotel where I’m staying. Little Princess, do you want to change your clothes?” Huo Jiting’s demeanor was gentle, and his words were perfectly delivered, making it very inviting.

“Alright!” Qingzhi agreed quickly.

“No!” Grandma Zhou refused sternly.” This car has excellent privacy. Miss, you can change here. We have her clothes inside the car. Xiao Zhang, please park the car in a suitable spot, and all the men should step out!”

It could be seen that Grandma Zhou had a deep prejudice against Ji Huo. Besides the driver, Xiao Zhang, only Ji Huo was in the car.

Seeing that Qingzhi didn’t refute her opinion, Grandma Zhou nodded in satisfaction. She quickly took out the clothes for Qingzhi, and the car stopped. Ji Huo exited the car before she could chase her away.

“Oops, Grandma Zhou, the dress got caught in my hair!” Qingzhi felt the zipper tangled in her hair and frowned.

“Oh my goodness! What am I doing with my failing eyesight? Miss, don’t move. I’ll get scissors from outside!”

Grandma Zhou quickly opened the car door and got out, leaving Qingzhi with a rare moment to digest the situation alone. Qingzhi let out a deep breath.

Lu Qingzhi’s plump arms couldn’t even reach the zipper on her back. She didn’t know what was happening, but her scalp pulled so hard that she could only look back. It was uncomfortable.

At this moment, the car door opened and closed again. Qingzhi’s back felt a little sore. “Grandma Zhou, I’m a little tired. Let’s hurry up!”

She didn’t hear the sound of scissors snipping. Instead, she felt cold fingers touching her skin from behind. She shivered, wondering if it was so cold outside that Grandma Zhou’s fingers were icy.

“You didn’t find the scissors?”

“Yes!” A deep voice rang out. It was Jiting’s voice.

Qingzhi cried out in shock. She stepped forward, and her hair was still in his hands. It hurt from being pulled. The next moment, his waist carried her back, and her back was pressed against his chest.

“Don’t be afraid, Little Princess. Your hair is so beautiful. It would be a shame to cut it with scissors!”

His warm breath caressed the soft top of Qingzhi’s hair, carrying a faint fruity scent reminiscent of oranges. Beneath that was the unique fragrance of a young woman, and further down was her soft, flawless back, which was delectable. It seemed like even a gentle bite would leave a mark.

Qingzhi didn’t want to appear inexperienced, but involuntarily, her ears still turned red. “Get out and let Grandma Zhou in!”

“She is currently meeting with guests, and I was worried that you might have to wait too long, so I came up first,” he explained.

Huo Jiting was skillful, and Qingzhi soon felt the pressure on her scalp significantly lessen as he freed her hair from the zipper.

“What guest?”

Just as Qingzhi finished speaking, there was a knock on the car door. “Qingzhi, it’s Grandpa Song. May I come in now?”

Qingzhi was stunned.

It turned out to be Mr. Song who had arrived, explaining why Huo Jiting had mentioned guests outside.

Mr. Song was Song Yan’s grandfather and Lu Qingzhi’s grandfather’s best friend. The two of them were as close as brothers. Since Lu Qingzhi’s grandfather passed away, Mr. Song had been particularly attentive to her.

“Grandpa Song, wait a minute. I need three minutes!”

After Qingzhi spoke loudly to the outside of the car, she moved around to Huo Jiting’s back. “I’m changing clothes, please don’t turn around!”