"Treasure?" sakabe frowned.

"Yes, there has been a legend in the Hutian family and Longwei family since ancient times. Their two families have been guarding the gold left by Takeda Xinxuan for generations. The old people don't believe it, but the young people believe that the legend is true. Therefore, they are looking for treasures nearby, which may also lead to the occurrence of the case." yueshui Qijun said.

"Although there is a possibility, it is not very big. We also found some news here. Last night, Xiaolan and ye saw someone outside the door, a man in armor. I suspect that the murderer did it on purpose," said sakabe Pingci.

"Yes, according to sister LAN and sister ye, this man's armor is covered with hair and looks very terrible. From this point of view, if it's not a real monster or a murderer, he's confused." Conan nodded.

"What nonsense? How could there be monsters here? If there were monsters, Lin Feng would have found them." Uncle Maori shouted at Conan.

"Uncle Maori, you look up to me too much. If you want to find monsters, unless you know where they are in advance or use special means, it's not so easy to expose them at once. Many monsters are actually similar to people." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"Yes, yes, it's the same anyway. You are the only one among us who knows monsters best. No one else can do it except you. Don't you think so." Uncle Maori said with some embarrassment.

Ignoring uncle Maori's performance, Lin Feng was curious about the conclusion of the three detectives of the clothing department. He didn't know when the three people could get more information.

"What are you going to do next?" yueshui Qijiu asked.

"We're going to meet the people of Longwei's family, tell them what's going on here, and let them prepare in advance," said Hattori Pingji.

"Asshole, since you want to go to Longwei's house, why do you want to call us over? Don't you want to beat us?" Lin and others roared at the clothing department.

Hehe, that's right. Who makes this guy still so reckless? Conan looked at Lin Feng who was almost angry and thought of it.

"Sorry, sorry, we got the news early in the morning. We thought about solving the case quickly, but we didn't think so much." the clothing department said in embarrassment.

"However, I'm curious. Why do you have to inform the Longwei family? Why not the Hutian family?" yueshui Qixiao, as a detective, was still very calm at this time.

"Because we got the news that Longwei's family has a suit of Takeda Xinxuan's armor, so we're going to Longwei's family. Maybe there's any unexpected harvest," said Pingci staller of the service department.

"Yes, you may receive my big fist, especially on your face. It's already black. If you punch a few times, it may turn a little white." Lin Feng glanced at his face.

"No, don't be kidding. We're talking about the case now," said sakabe Pingci awkwardly.

Lin Feng shrugged and didn't take it to heart. The current situation is that there are three bright detectives and Conan, a dark detective, who don't have much clues to the case.

"Well, well, I think you can go and discuss with the local people here, and then try to find clues. As for me, I need to go back and replenish my sleep. It's really troublesome to wake up early." Lin Feng waved his hand and said.

"Then I'll go too. Anyway, I'm not a detective. I might as well have a good sleep." ashara yawned.

"I said don't disturb others so early. You just don't listen. You are so self-centered." Yuanshan and ye said to FUBU Pingci, looking at Lin Feng's back when they left.

"What does it have to do with me? I just want to solve the case as soon as possible." Nobu said innocently, as if he was wronged.

"Please, don't you think it's too much that you have to pull people over for other people's rare holidays and call people up when you get up early? The most important thing is that people are not detectives." Yuanshan and ye said with a disgusted face.

"Well, Lin Feng won't care about this. He was too busy some time ago, so he always wanted to have a rest recently. If he didn't have a good relationship with the kimono department, he couldn't come over." Xiao Lan grabbed Yuanshan and ye and said.

"You hear me, it has nothing to do with me. We've been friends for so long that we won't care so much." clothing department Pingci said confidently.

"Well, you kids, stop arguing. It will affect my thinking about the case." Uncle Maori shouted at several people.

Conan looked at Uncle Maori with strange eyes and said in his heart, can you think about the case?

Of course, you may not dare to say this. After all, you must be beaten after you say it.

"By the way, now we'd better consider the case first. I'm afraid we'd better go to Longwei's house as soon as possible to find out the situation. Maybe we can find relevant clues." Hattori said in embarrassment.

"What are you waiting for?" Uncle Maori said and took the lead to Longwei's house.

Lin Feng and ash yuanai went back to their rooms to have a rest. Anyway, they are not interested in solving the case. They might as well sleep for a while.

However, obviously, they don't want to sleep today, because they will soon be woken up.

"I said, what's the matter with you? Do you have an opinion on me?" Lin Feng looked at Uncle Maori and said to a group of people.

Lin Feng was speechless. What happened to these people? Didn't they even let them sleep back?

"Sorry, we wanted to let you sleep back, but I'm afraid you can't sleep back because of some reasons." Yue shuiqixiao looked at Lin Feng with an apologetic face.

"What happened again?" Lin Feng was speechless.

"There's no case, but Miss Ling Hua is gone." Yue Shui Qixiao said.

Lin Feng looked at several detectives speechless. He thought of a terrible legend. In Conan's world, if someone disappears alone and can't be found, he will either be kidnapped or killed. When he finds it, he will become a corpse.

"You, why do you look at us with such eyes?" said sakabe Pingci, a little timid, because Lin Feng said he wanted to beat him.

"I think Miss Ling Hua was probably killed. Otherwise, how could she not find anyone?" Lin Feng said speechless.

"It's because we're worried about accidents that we have to decide to look everywhere. So, Lin Feng, come and find someone with us," said Hattori Pingci.