The case was solved smoothly. For Lin Feng, there were almost no waves. On the contrary, the service department was very injured, because the case made him lose face.

Without a word all night, "it's actually English. Can you understand it?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

"It's OK. There have been relevant studies before, but this report is a little more novel, and others are nothing special." ash yuanai said calmly.

That's what I said. Obviously, I asked if you could understand English. As a result, you gave me such a professional. I didn't understand it. Xiaolan was very embarrassed.

However, there is no way. After all, ash Hara AI looks too professional. Ordinary people really don't understand it.

Then Xiaolan looked at her own Conan. She suddenly found that Conan was actually very good.

However, uncle Maori doesn't think so. What he thinks is how his children can lose to others.

"You see, you see, Xiao AI knows that he reads. If he can't understand it, put it aside. At least people are easy to learn, but Conan knows to fool around." Uncle Maori was very angry and hit Conan on the head.

"Dad, Conan is already excellent, OK? He can get full marks in every exam." Xiao Lan said to Uncle Maori.

"Hum!" although he knows this truth, uncle Maori is still very unhappy.

Lin Feng looked at the happy family in front of him with great interest and thought that uncle Maori's family was still very interesting.

However, sometimes Li Fa also thinks, is uncle Maori really so confused?

Lin Feng doesn't believe that uncle Maori is so unbearable. Otherwise, he would have starved to death after opening a detective office for so many years.

All the way back to Tokyo with great joy, and then the Maori family got a lift from Lin Feng's office and went home.

"Miss Changliang, nothing has happened these two days." Lin Feng asked.

"Nothing, but the police force in the most static police station is mobilized more frequently. I don't know what they are preparing," Changliang Chunxiang said.

"You don't have to worry about this. I know something about the police department, so don't worry. Pick me up to the office after school tomorrow and deal with the backlog in the past two days," Lin Feng said.

"Yes, Mr. Lin Feng." Changliang Chunxiang simply nodded and said.

After returning home, ash yuanai rushed to the laboratory to check her mice for the first time, because she took a fancy to these mice.

After returning home, he naturally needs to continue to school, and Lin Feng enjoys it, because this time is very happy and there is no need to worry about any danger.

After returning home from school that day, Lin Feng found that Conan and his kids had arrived at his house. He didn't know what they were plotting.

"Hello, brother Lin Feng." several kids stood in a row, bowed and said hello.

"Hello, why did you leave school so early today, or did you have any activities?" Lin Feng asked.

"No, we came here to play the game console. Huiyuan said that brother Lin Feng had a very fun game console at home, so we came here to play. However, we still need brother Lin Feng's consent." Yoshida Bumei said.

"Well, there is really a new game console at home, and the Games in it are also very good, but you can't tell anyone if you play it. Can you guarantee it?" Lin Feng said.

"Yes!" several kids shouted at the same time.

"Well, come with me," Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Feng doesn't like these kids, but he won't hate them.

Because these kids can make trouble too much, and each one is very adventurous. They don't know what danger is.

However, these kids are sometimes very cute and full of vitality, which makes people can't bear to educate them.

"Wow, it's a computer. This screen is really big." xiaodaoyuan shouted in surprise.

"Yes, yes, is the game console we're going to play today on this computer? I heard that computer games are very interesting, but I haven't had a chance to play them yet." Yuangu Guangyan said.

"Well, the game has changed here. Ashara knows how to operate. Just let her open the game for you." Lin Feng turned on the computer and said.

In fact, this room is a game experience room arranged by Lin Feng. He has to experience many games of Lin's club after they are completed.