"That's right. It must be Lin Feng. He's the only one who runs around so leisurely." Uncle Maori said helplessly. He didn't expect to meet Lin Feng and them here.

"Ah, it's great that you know that adult." Yuantian fanglang said with a bright eye.

"Dad, it's really scary to listen to the voice from afar. Let's go back to the room now. It's really scary." Xiao Lan said timidly.

"No, that's right. I think we'd better go back to the room. It's scary here." a plainclothes policeman said cautiously.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Lin Feng is here. Don't worry. However, I think it's time to go back to the room and have a rest. The mountain village police officer might as well go with me. We can have two drinks." Uncle Maori said and took the mountain village to his room.

"Well, it's not good. I'm on a mission now." mountain village aerobics said awkwardly.

"What's the matter? Anyway, you don't have to go back immediately today. It doesn't matter to have two drinks." Uncle Maori persuaded him.

After uncle Maori's family returned to the house, Lin Feng's battle here also entered the final stage, because all the performances have ended. The next step is to deal a fatal blow to the monster.

"Endure the law · spiral pill!"

Lin Feng's spiral pill was not given by the system, but he practiced it with the help of magic sea. Therefore, he is more proficient in mastering this ninja.

"Boom!" with a loud noise, the centipede monster was completely beaten.

"Hoo! I'm really tired." Lin Feng breathed in the open space.

"Teacher, have you solved this monster?" Yuko Inada rushed up first and asked.

"Yes, this monster is not strong, but its body is too hard. Ordinary means can easily fail it. Of course, today is also to let you see the real fighting mode of Ninja, so it will waste so much time. In the next period of time, you will begin to digest today's harvest." Lin Feng nodded.

"It's a teacher. I'll study hard." Yukiko Inada nodded happily.

"Lord Lin Feng's fight just now is really amazing. It's even more shocking than the film. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid I wouldn't believe that there are such magical means in the world." Fukuda Mingzhi said respectfully.

"Mr. Ming Zhizhu, this kind of battle is actually the most tiring. Many times, we will make a fatal blow to the enemy." Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Now that the monster has been eliminated, let's go back first and have a rest. After all, such a battle is very tiring," Lin Feng said.

"Yes, let Mr. Yuantian prepare some delicious food and just have a rest." Fukuda nodded approvingly.

Whether Fukuda Mingzhi's help, changliangchunxiang, or even ash Hara's sorrow, they saw Lin Feng's battle for the first time. Therefore, when they left, everyone had some other ideas in their hearts, that is to hold their thighs tightly.

Lin Feng also knows that after showing some strength this time, the mentality of these people will certainly change. However, he doesn't care very much. Anyway, they should know their real strength sooner or later, so this also gives these people a process of adaptation.

Without words, the group soon returned to kuiwu Hotel, but when they returned to the hotel, there were more people in the hotel.

"Mr. Yuantian, what's going on?" Fukuda mingzhizhu called Yuantian fanglang and asked.

"Mr. Fukuda, these people are the police. They have agreed to come to investigate the case today," Yuantian explained.

"Is that the case you mentioned five years ago?" Fukuda asked.

"Yes, that's the case. Isn't there a famous Maori xiaowulang coming, so these policemen also want to solve the case as soon as possible," said Yuantian fanglang.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Yuantian means that uncle Maori and they are coming?" Lin Feng said with wide eyes.

"Yes, yes, Lord Lin Feng knows detective Maori too?" Yuantian fanglang asked curiously.

"We are acquaintances, too. We just didn't expect to meet them here. What a coincidence." Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Ashara, what are you looking at?" Yuko Inada asked curiously looking around at ashara.

"I want to see who is dying here," said ashara with a wink.

"Giggle, ash, you are naughty again." Yukiko Inada giggled with his mouth covered.

"No, every time I meet detective Maori, they will always have some cases. Moreover, there are so many people here, and I don't know who is the unlucky guy this time." ash yuanai shook his head and said.

"Speaking of it, I thought it was very strange when I came here at the beginning. Now I heard that Maori detectives came, so the strangeness here is right immediately. This is the prelude to the murder." ash yuanai analyzed and said.

"Eh, ash plain, you can still talk about these things now?" Lin Feng suddenly turned back and said.

"You care about me?" ashara AI rolled her eyes and said.

Well, Lin Feng begged for no fun, and then stopped talking. However, hearing ash yuanai's words, Lin Feng knew that this guy had not changed at all, and he was still so proud and charming.

"Mr. mingzhizhu, I'll go back and have a rest first and call me when I have dinner in the evening." Lin Feng said with a glance at Fukuda mingzhizhu.

"Yes, Mr. Lin Feng, Mr. Lin Feng has worked hard today." Mingzhi Fukuda nodded.

So Lin Feng took his party back to the guest room, and Lin Feng really needed a rest.

"Mr. Yuantian, how is the commission fee preparation for the demon removal?" Fukuda mingzhizhu asked Yuantian fanglang.

"It's already raising money. After all, it's related to the life safety of all nearby residents. Everyone is still very positive, but it's still a little worse." Yuantian fanglang said carefully.

"How much is left to be made up by Suji society," Fukuda said.

"Yes, but Mr. Fukuda, why?" Yuantian fanglang asked, looking at Fukuda mingzhizhu in some confusion.

"Because you don't know how powerful Lord Lin Feng is. Today I follow Lord Lin Feng to remove demons and see the battle of legislators with my own eyes. That scene will be unforgettable for me all my life." Fukuda mingzhizhu said with a shocked expression after recalling it a little.