"Hey, you two have had enough. You haven't eaten enough yet." Conan said with a dark face between Lin Feng and ash yuanai.

"I want you to take care of it!" Lin Feng punched Conan in the head and said.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng finally finished his meal, and then walked with Conan and Xiaolan towards the location of the incident. As for ash Hara AI, she was left to be taken care of by Youmei sakuchi. By the way, Youmei sakuchi wanted to talk to takenan sanshang about the commission fee.

"That's it." Lin Feng said, pointing to the bones they dug out.

"Vomit!" even Xiaolan, who had seen the body, could not help retching.

"Here you are." Lin Feng handed Xiao Lan a mask, while Conan took out his gloves and put them on his hands.

Conan searched through a pile of things for a long time and found a diary. This is the diary of liumeiko Inada. Previously, ash yuanai had already confirmed it. It is precisely because he confirmed the diary that ash yuanai will look for clues here.

"According to this diary, this man's name is liumeiko Inada. Several university professors came to search for the treasure and have confirmed the approximate location of the treasure. Although there is no treasure in the back, I feel that they should be killed after they found the location of the treasure. That is to say, at least one person on the island knows the location of the treasure, so they want to find it The murderer only needs to find out who knows the location of the treasure. "Conan analyzed.

"I think so too, but there is no clue yet. Do you have any idea?" Lin Feng nodded and approved Conan's words.

"I think we should look for these people on the island, see who knows there are treasures on the island, and then eliminate them." Conan thought for a while and said.

"Your method doesn't work. People on this island know there are treasures." Lin Feng shook his head and said that he had known this problem before, so he should not be wrong.

"Well, can we leave here first? Although not afraid, it's disgusting." Xiaolan pulled lalinfeng and said. As for Conan, Xiaolan raised a little because the child grabbed those disgusting things.

"That's right. Let's leave here. It's really disgusting here." Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng and Xiao Lan are leaving, and Conan naturally keeps up. After all, he is still very curious about the case, so he should think of ways to solve the case.

"You just said that people on this island know there are treasures. What's going on?" Conan asked.

"The Navy on this island once came to take refuge. You should know?" Lin Feng asked.

"What Navy?" Conan was interested.

"In which direction, there was once a naval cave, which was once a place for the navy to take refuge, and my purpose this time is to eliminate the monsters in the naval cave." Lin Feng pointed to the direction of the cliff and said.

"Naval cave?" Conan frowned and thought. No one told him such important information.

"Yes, it is said that hundreds of years ago, a group of navies lost the war and took refuge on this island. However, the residents of this island killed all these navies for the reward of the enemy. The naval cave was the place where they took refuge at the beginning. There is still a strong resentment there. It is precisely because of these grievances that a kind of The corpse demon is a monster, "Lin Feng said.

"You mean, the residents of the island know that these navies may have hidden the treasure somewhere on the island?" Conan seems to have caught some important clues.

"Yes, but the residents on the island should not believe it, otherwise, they would have started to look for it on a large scale. Even if it is handed over to the country, they can leave one tenth of it, so they can make a lot of money," Lin Feng said.

"That's also very reasonable. If it were me, I would find those treasures and hand them over to the state, and the state would reward me one tenth, which would be enough to spend a lifetime." Xiaolan thought for a moment.

"Therefore, there is no large-scale search for treasures on the island. In other words, people have searched for them for hundreds of years, but they have not found them. Therefore, people here have given up. As for whether they have, I guess even if they have, they can't find them now." Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Why?" Xiaolan asked with some confusion.

"Because the naval cave collapsed and now it has sunk into the sea," Conan explained.

"According to what the village head of sanshang said when we were having dinner, the naval cave was blown up by the strange thief Kidd. So, has he got any treasure from it?" Conan touched his chin and said.

"I don't know that. After all, I was leaving after I finished my work. I know what happened to the thief Kidd himself." Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"Yes, but I don't think the strange thief Kidd will do such a thing. Although he is an international thief, he hasn't done such a cruel thing," Conan nodded.

"Who knows, these international thieves are too ferocious," Lin Feng shrugged.

The party walked while chatting and soon returned to the hotel where they stayed. Of course, Lin Feng lived in a relatively high-end hotel, while Maori family was an ordinary hotel nearby.

"The village head of sanshang is still too much. He is still far from being treated." Conan glanced at the hotel Lin Feng walked into and said.

"Well, Conan, Lin Feng's work is more important. After all, we should eliminate demons. That's to save the whole island. Of course, we will pay more attention to it." Xiao Lan took Conan's hand and said.

"President, I have just talked with the village head of sanshang about the commission fee. Today they will arrange 100 million to the account of the firm, and they will arrange the rest of the money within a week." sakuchi Youmei saw that Lin Feng came back and immediately came to report on her work.

"Please keep an eye on this matter and let them implement it as soon as possible." Lin Feng nodded.

Generally speaking, Lin Feng doesn't care about these things now. They are all made by Youmei sakuchi. After all, as a boss and a well-known figure, there is a drop in the price when talking about money with others.

"Yes, I'll urge them to raise money as soon as possible," said Youmei sakuchi.

"The work has been finished. Next, Miss Youmei can walk around the island as a trip." Lin Feng smiled and said.