"Hmm? Where should we start?" the girl put the milk on the table and said.

"You're free. Anyway, there's a lot of time today." Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"My name is Zhibao Miyano. I'm a scientist. I used to be a member of a dark organization, but now I've escaped." Zhibao Miyano briefly introduced it.

"Then what?" Lin Feng looked at Miyano Zhibao and said with a wink.

"Hmm? I invented a drug with the number of aptx4869. I became like this after taking this drug. However, I was lucky to escape from that organization." Miyano Zhibao blinked his lovely big eyes.

"Why?" Lin Feng found it really hard to communicate with Miyano Zhibao, and he didn't know how Dr. Ali in the original book communicated with her.

"Because they killed my sister and forced me to continue to study this drug, I didn't want to, so they imprisoned me. Fortunately, I secretly hid a drug, otherwise I really couldn't run out." Miyano Zhibao said with cold eyes. Obviously, she hated the dark organization very strongly.

"Then why did you go to Kudo's house? Did you know him?" Lin Feng asked curiously again.

"Because I only know his family and have no friends, I can only go there," Miyano Zhibao said reluctantly. "In fact, I've seen you, but I don't know your family, so I can't help it."

"I see." Lin Feng thought of the three people he saw at Dr. Ali's house.


That day, Lin Feng and Miyano Zhibao talked for a long time and almost thought of all the problems they could think of. Moreover, after Lin Feng's analysis, Miyano Zhibao also knew his situation, so he became more cautious.

"So, are you sure you want to use the name of ashara AI?" Lin Feng looked at Miyano Zhibao and confirmed it for the last time.

"Yes, just use ash Hara, age seven." Miyano Zhibao nodded seriously.

"Well, Miyano Zhibao, this is the last time I call you that. After that, you will be sad." Lin Feng nodded and said.

"Thanks a lot," said Miyano Zhibao, now ash Hara AI.

"This is just a small matter. Next, go to the police department to do a formality. There is no problem in the registered residence database." Lin Feng pointed to the data on the computer.

"When can I go through the formalities?" ashara asked with a wink.

"It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, I shouldn't be off work. I happened to go to pick up something. It's been so long. I haven't taken it back. I don't know if I lost it." Lin Feng looked at his watch and said.

Although ash yuanai was curious about what Lin Feng had in the police station, she didn't ask, because she knew that as long as she went to the police station, she would be able to know what it was.

"Brother Lin Feng, you haven't been here for some time? Why do you remember to come today?" officer Mu said with a smile when he saw Lin Feng.

"It's not because I have to come to get something. I don't know if I've lost it for so long." Lin Feng said strangely. After all, it's better not to come to a place like the police department.

"Ha ha, how could it be? This is the police station!" officer Mu smiled awkwardly and said.

"Officer mu, you should take things here. After all, you and I are still familiar." Lin Feng looked at officer Mu and said.

"How can it be? Of course that kind of thing is in the police department. Let's go. It's just fine. I'll take you there." officer Mu Mu pressed his hat and said. He also wondered why Lin Feng had given a police rank since. After all, he was just a police Department, which made officer Mu want to incarnate lemon essence.

"Thank you!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"By the way, officer mu, my cousin wants to fill in the identity certificate. Who do I need to find?" Lin Feng said to officer mu.

"Well, just ask the police department for help. It's not a big deal anyway." officer Mu thought for a moment and said that if it's lost, it's still very simple.

As Lin Feng expected, it was very easy for the police department to have acquaintances here. Only half an hour later, Lin Feng left the police department with ash yuanai, which was absolutely eye-catching.

"Unexpectedly, you still have some contacts in the police department?" ash yuanai, who has been silent, glanced at Lin Feng and said.

"Of course, at least he has made some contributions, and it's normal to get familiar with some police." Lin Feng said with some pride.

"So, what are you going to do next?" ash yuanai looked at Lin Feng and said.

"What plans can I have? Of course, I want to continue to go to school. If I want to make a plan, it should be your plan." Lin Feng said with a look at ash Hara.

"I don't have any plans for the time being. I feel that I should hurry home now because I'm hungry." ash yuanai touched his belly and said.

"Well, let's go home now." Lin Feng smiled and said.

In fact, Lin Feng is in a good mood today. He not only completes the formalities, but also arranges an identity for ash yuanai. Next, what ash yuanai is doing can be completed through this identity. He doesn't have to worry about being called by the police to check his identity one day.

At the same time, Lin Feng feels that it is much better for ash yuanai to stay with him than Dr. Ali. At least, it can give her better protection here.

Ash yuanai was a little strange. Why did Lin Feng feel better suddenly? However, he didn't say much. After all, boarding at Lin Feng's house was helpless. The two had just met for two days. If there are any problems, please observe and talk about them first.

So, a few days passed, and Lin Feng finally ushered in another weekend.

"I said, ash yuan, you can't stay at home like this every day. It's easy to go crazy." Lin Feng said, looking at ash yuan, who was leaning against the sofa reading a magazine.

"Then what good way do you have?" ash yuan AI said without blinking his eyes.

"I think it's better for you to go to school, so you can avoid getting sick at leisure," Lin Feng said.

"Which university are you going to send me to? Mihua university or Didan university?" ashara said with a natural look.

"What do you think? Of course, I sent you to Didan primary school." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What?" ash yuan AI put down the magazine in his hand and looked at Lin Feng strangely.

"I won't go!" then ash yuanai picked up the magazine again.