"Well, miss Mingzi's acting is really good!" Lin Feng heard a neutral voice as soon as he walked out of the room.

"Holding the grass, I met them again." Lin Feng was not well, because from the sound, Lin Feng knew that the man with the biggest cry was Uncle Maori.

"It seems that we have met acquaintances again." Lin Feng shrugged at Molly.

"Can't you? Can you still meet acquaintances here?" Molly said incredulously.

"Yes, we can knock at the door." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Dududududududui!" Lin Feng knocked on the door of Uncle Maori's room.

"Hello, excuse me... Lin Feng!" Xiao Lan opened the door to ask who it was. It was a coincidence to see Lin Feng.

"Hello, Xiaolan. I didn't expect that we met here again." Lin Feng waved and said.

"How do you know we're here?" Xiao Lan said as she let Lin Feng into the room.

"Because I just heard uncle Maori's angry voice, so I came to say hello." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"I'm really sorry, Dad disturbed your rest." Xiaolan said apologetically, and gave uncle Maori a murderous look in her eyes.

"Where, we are also ready for dinner, so we will come out." Lin Feng waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Hello, brother Lin Feng!" Conan also came to say hello.

"Hello, Conan. I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence." Lin Feng smiled and said.

"Yes, what a coincidence!" Conan said very speechless.

"It's Lin Feng. Are you traveling too?" Uncle Maori turned his head and looked at Lin Feng and said.

"No, we're here to work." Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Really? But your girlfriend is really beautiful." Uncle Maori said with two more eyes on Molly.

"No, no, I'm just Lin Feng's assistant. I help him work." Molly quickly explained.

"Have you had dinner?" Lin Feng said.

"Not yet. Is it time? Well, how about going to dinner together?" Uncle Maori looked at the time and said.

"Of course there's no problem." Lin Feng also promised to come down, so the party went to the restaurant.

"Sorry to bother you!" just as Lin Feng and them came to the aisle, two beauties came in.

"I'm Yoko asamura. I've booked a room before!" said one of the beauties.

"Oh, you are miss Yoko asamura and miss Akiko Muxia? The room has already been prepared for you." said the innkeeper kindly.

"Thank you so much!" Yoko Asano said with a smile.

"Miss Akiko!" Uncle Maori rushed to Akiko Muxia.

"Miss Mingzi, I'm your fan. Hey, your performance is really great, especially the scene of jumping down, whew, just jumping down like that!" Uncle Maori said and compared. The image is like a gorilla in the zoo.

"What a shame!" Conan said, covering his face with one hand.

Seeing Conan's expression, Lin Feng reached out and rubbed his head to show comfort.

"Hehe... In fact, Yoko jumped down!" Akiko Muxia said, pointing to Yoko Asanuma with a smile.

"Ah? Ah?" Uncle Maori looked back and forth at the two beauties, some of whom couldn't distinguish clearly.

"I'm Yoko asamura. I'm a double actor. I've done some difficult scenes," Yoko asamura said with a smile.

"Yes, because the images of Yoko and I are too similar, so many scenes are completed by Yoko." Akiko Muxia also explained.

"Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom!" said Akiko Muxia.

"Go straight and you'll see it!" Yoko Asanuma said, pointing to the end of the corridor.

"Well, it's time for me to leave, boss. Help us prepare a room with banyan trees outside the window," Yoko Asama said.

"This woman is really strange. I just heard them chat and said it was the first time to come, but I'm really familiar with the layout of the hotel." Conan thought of touching his chin.

"Now that people have gone to rest, let's go to dinner!" Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Ha ha, sure enough, you still have to drink beer like this to enjoy yourself." Uncle Maori said happily after killing a glass of beer.

"Dad, you are really. It's rare to come out and play once. If you're drunk with me, I don't care about you." Xiaolan looked at Uncle Maori angrily and said.

"I know, I know. It's really wordy." Uncle Maori said with an unhappy face, and then came to a glass of beer.

"Well, Xiaolan, it's nothing tomorrow anyway. It's just skiing." Lin Feng persuaded.

"It's always like this. I can't walk when I see wine. It's a shame." Xiao Lan said with her waist crossed.

"Sister Xiaolan is relieved. Uncle Maori is drunk every time, but he will wake up soon." Conan looked up at Xiaolan and said.

"Hey, this kid is right. My detective Maori Kouro can't get drunk. Even if he is drunk, he can wake up soon." Uncle Maori said proudly.

"Drinking has something to do with a famous detective?" Lin Feng heard a black thread. Uncle Maori was too easy to get carried away.

"If I say, it doesn't matter to drink some wine at night, as long as it doesn't affect the next work." Molly happily ate the meal and said.

"Eat your meal!" Lin Feng glared at Molly and said.

"Yes!" Molly answered and began to eat happily again.

Lin Feng found that jasmine, a woman, likes to eat all kinds of food. However, she doesn't grow meat. After eating so much every day for such a long time, she is not fat. This is unscientific.

After dinner, Lin Feng took a rest and went out with Molly. He aimlessly looked for the trace of the snow girl in the ice and snow, but he didn't get anything until the second half of the night.

"Are we looking for the wrong direction?" Molly looked at the evil spirit meter and said in doubt.

"No, I feel that the snow girl should be around here. It's just hidden. We didn't find it." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"Right here? Why didn't the evil spirit meter respond?" Molly said, looking at the evil spirit meter without any response.

"In the snowy environment, the snow girl can be transformed into any snowflake. The snow girl hidden in the snowflake has no reaction and is normal." Lin Feng thought of the legend of a snow girl.