"What a dog man and woman!" when turning on the second floor, Mr. Sugiyama glanced at Lin Feng and MI yuanko, with infinite contempt in his heart.

"Mr. Miyuan!" Lin Feng quietly pulled out his arm.

"Hoo, I've finally muddled through." mikara said with a smile.

"Well, let's prepare dinner!" mikara said with a smile. Obviously, she is in a good mood now.

One night without a word, the next day Lin Feng went to the ski resort with mikara Koko and Mr. Sugiyama, where he finally met Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

"Hey, what's situation with the you?" garden poked Lin Feng's arm and said.

"What's the situation?" Lin Feng looked at the garden and asked.

"Of course it's you and Mr. Miyuan. I think you were very close when you came here. What didn't happen to you last night?" the garden whispered.

"Go away!" Lin Feng looked at the garden silently. How could this kind of thing be possible? Although Lin Feng likes young women very much, is that a good felling?

"Cut, just admit it. Looking at your intimacy, dare you say no?" the garden forked his waist and said.

"Do you think I'm such a hungry man? Besides, it's not more convenient to find you anyway? It takes a lot of effort?" Lin Feng said and hid away. After all, if the garden reacts, it must find him desperately.

"Yes!" the garden nodded approvingly.

"Sister Yuanzi, brother Lin Feng means that even if you can't find someone, you can find you, that is, no one wants you." Conan said thief Xi next to him.

"Damn little devil, what are you talking about?" the garden was angry. How dare you say that, Miss garden?

"No, it's not me, it's brother Lin Feng." Conan quickly waved his hand and said.

"Damn Lin Feng, wait for me!" said the garden ski to chase Lin Feng in the direction.

"Hey, hey!" Conan looked at the garden chasing Lin Feng and finally showed an evil smile.

"Conan, where are Yuanzi and Lin Feng?" Xiaolan finally caught up at this time.

"There, sister Yuanzi went after brother Lin Feng." Conan pointed to the garden and said.

"The relationship between them is really good. Can this guy in the garden ski so fast?" Xiao Lan said, looking at the two people.

"Oh, why are you so fast? Lin Feng and Yuanzi are two of them?" Mi yuanhuangzi and several teachers rushed over at this time.

"They have gone skiing. Let's go too." Xiao Lan said, pointing to the garden and Lin Feng.

"I feel that there seems to be something around here, which makes me very uncomfortable." Molly whispered to Lin Feng.

"You mean, there are monsters?" Lin Feng said with a look at Molly.

"It's possible, but I'm not sure. My demon force meter doesn't respond," Molly shook her head and said.

"I know. I'll be more careful," Lin Feng nodded.

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to play until it was dark. However, no one thought that it snowed in the afternoon. Therefore, the party took the car rented by the teachers back to the villa. Fortunately, they prepared a lot of things in advance. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to buy vegetables in such weather.

"The food is ready, but what about Mr. Sugiyama and Mr. Xiatian?" after Nakamura helped bring the food to the table, he found that Mr. Sugiyama and Mr. Xiatian were missing.

"They were just here. Why did they suddenly disappear?" Miyuan said with a frown.

Although Mihara Koizumi is still very disgusted with Mr. Sugiyama, after what happened yesterday, she has given up the idea of killing them. Therefore, now she finds that the two people are missing, and Mihara Koizumi can't help frowning.

"I think the two of them may have gone out for a walk, but why haven't they come back when it's snowing so heavily outside?" banjinglong waved his hand and said.

"Which of you was the last one to see them?" Conan frowned and said. According to his experience, the two people haven't come back after going out for so long. It's obvious that something is going to happen.

"Finally, it should be me. At that time, the three of us played cards in the room for a while, and then the two of them said to go out and have a look. But now half an hour has passed, why haven't they come back?" banjinglong thought about it and said.

"There should be no problem in half an hour, but it's easy to get lost in such heavy snow," said the garden.

"Yes, it will be troublesome if you get lost in such heavy snow. Fortunately, it's safer for two people to be together." Nakamura nodded in agreement.

"Ding Dong!" the door bell rang.

"They're back." Hiroshi Ishii stood up with a smile and walked towards the door.

"Sorry, the snow is too heavy, so I can only come to you for shelter." a middle-aged man patted the snow and walked into the house.

"It's you!" all the teachers present looked at the man in surprise.

"Sorry, it's really me. Someone wrote to me that someone would die here, so I came here. After all, pursuing news is our bounden duty." the middle-aged man said calmly.

"Who is this guy?" Molly whispered to Lin Feng.

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Lin Fengbai said with a glance at Molly.

"Mr. Miyuan, who is this?" Lin Feng asked Miyuan.

"Sorry, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is sendenshi. I'm a reporter." sendenshi squinted at Lin Feng and said.

"If you want to kick me out, I don't mind. The big deal is that there will be some news about Beihu primary school teachers dying in the newspaper tomorrow. It doesn't matter to me." sentunshi said with a smile. Obviously, he also knows that people here don't welcome him.

"Sorry, I'm not a teacher of Beihu primary school, so please leave here." Lin Feng smiled and said to sendunshi.

"Oh..." sendun sneered, "do you think so?"

Obviously, Sundance is a threat, but he also used it in the wrong place. After all, Lin Feng is not these safe teachers. How can he be threatened?

"Isn't it just more news? I think Noguchi won't mind tomorrow's news. More news reporters commit violence against the bitch and then commit suicide and sink into the sea." Lin Feng sneered and said that in the face of the threat, Lin Feng is certainly not afraid. Moreover, Noguchi Songnan, who happened to meet before, still owes him a favor.

Ha ha, what do you think of the ending of mikara?