"Hehe, it's like a thief. Which thief will write the words I'm a thief on his face?" Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"What?" as soon as Lin Feng's words were finished, several people in the film club were angry. This is very hurtful.

"Lin Feng, don't say that. It's hard for everyone to come out and play. If you say that, it will hurt everyone's feelings." Suzuki Ayako waved her hand and said.

"I just said that for everyone's safety. After all, no one knows who the murderer is. In case of danger, it will be trouble," Lin Feng shrugged.

"Well, it's getting late now, and we should have a rest. However, we'd better check the house at the window door so that no one will come in and commit murder." Koku Hongshu also stood out and said.

We all accepted the proposal of Hiroki kokoya. This statement is more acceptable than sitting in the front hall until dawn. After all, we are very tired at this time.

In this regard, Lin Feng didn't say much. He had new ideas about his strength. Even if he met the so-called bandage freak, Lin Feng was confident that he could easily kill him. Therefore, Lin Feng simply returned to his room, sat on the bed and began to think about a problem.

Recently, Lin Feng also took a look at his financial situation. Only in recent months, he has spent tens of millions of yen, most of which are spent for cultivation.

Of course, this is not the reason why Lin Feng is worried. If it is in other world, Lin Feng can persist for several years until he graduates to make money. However, in Conan's world, it seems that he will always sink into high school, which is more painful, because if it goes on like this, even 10 billion will not be enough to spend. After all, God knows how long it will last in Conan's world.

Lin Feng remembers that Conan started broadcasting in the 1990s, and it hasn't finished until the two years he went through. The time span has exceeded 20 years. Therefore, Lin Feng feels that it's better to find other ways to get money. Otherwise, he will eat nothing, and sooner or later he won't have to eat.

Originally, Lin Feng also planned to be a copycat, write a script and invest in a movie. As a result, it was a tragedy. Many things in this world existed in previous lives. If you want to copy them, you can't copy them. Therefore, you can only think of other ways.

"There is no smart phone in the world for the time being, and according to Dr. Ali's black technology output ability, it is possible to develop a smart phone. Maybe I can contact him." Lin Feng thought to himself and felt lucky that he had a good relationship with Dr. Ali all the time.

"Hum!" suddenly a strong light appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Who?" Lin Feng stood up in an instant and was ready for battle.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm!" with this sound, a child with a blue suit with a pacifier in his mouth appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Who are you?" Lin Feng held the blue bitterness tightly in his hand, because the bitterness hurt a little more.

"I'd like to introduce myself. I'm the little Yama from the spirit world." the little Yama said straight to the point.

"Little Yama?" Lin Feng looked at the guy who claimed to be a little Yama. Although he had long been mentally prepared, he came to Conan world, but the sudden emergence of a little Yama was also a little creepy.

"Yes, my father is the master of the spirit world. However, he has been on a business trip recently, and I am the master of the spirit world for the time being." Dai Jie, the little Yama, said proudly.

"I don't think it's time for me to die now? Moreover, I don't want to understand that the second leader of the spirit world needs to take over and lead him personally." although Lin Feng is talking to little Yama, his hand movements are not relaxed at all. As long as the other party has any strange movements, he will make the most direct attack.

"Of course, apart from those people, there is no one in the whole world worth me to pick up. I come this time not because you are dead, but because I need to cooperate with you." the little Yama said with a gesture of old cadres behind his back.

"Cooperation? I'm just an ordinary person." Lin Feng was puzzled. After all, he didn't know what to do with the spirit world.

"Yes, it's cooperation. The world is not as simple as you see. In this world, there are many strange things happening. For example, some monsters who escape from the spirit world tend to hide in the human world. Moreover, over the years, the screens of the three worlds have become more and more unstable. My father and I are thinking of ways now, so they travel." Little Yama nodded very seriously, but his childlike appearance made his actions very cute.

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me," Lin Feng shrugged.

"Of course, under normal circumstances, it has nothing to do with you, but I still hope you can cooperate more with the spirit world, become a spirit world detective and help us catch these escaped monsters." little Yama still said coolly.

"I......" Lin Feng just wanted to refuse, but a message from the system interrupted him.

"Di: when the branch mission is released, you become a spirit detective. You can get special rewards for completing the mission."

"I agree, but what benefits can I get?" Lin Feng said.

"Benefits, you can get more powerful power." little Yama thought for a while and said.

"I have my own system of practice and my own way of becoming stronger. Therefore, this condition is really unattractive to me. It's better to come up with some conditions that can attract me." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"Hmm? It's also true that you people with your own inheritance have your own way to become stronger. So, what do you want to write?" little Yama nodded in agreement. Obviously, he was not only in contact with Lin Feng.

"My condition......" Lin Feng felt his chin and lengthened his voice.

"Let me tell you first. Although being a spirit world detective will have some benefits, it can't be too many. After all, not everyone can have such opportunities." the little Yama saw that Lin Feng wanted to ask too much, so he said.

"Well, for the time being, I didn't expect anything, but the spirit world detective should be paid?" Lin Feng shrugged.

"Of course, but they are all the coins of the spirit world. Are you sure you also need them?" said the little Yama with a natural swallow.

"Although it can't be used now, it can be saved for me. In case I die one day, maybe I need it?" Lin Feng said helplessly.

Sorry, I read the wrong line during the update. Fill in Chapter 27. Even add one today. Everyone, give me a wave of tickets!!!