The old man's surname is Zhang. People in the village are used to calling him Mr. Zhang. He's over the age and he's late to get his son. So he's very fond of his children, but he's very strict and has high expectations. In fact, none of Zhang Fulu's expectations have been met.

At the bottom of his heart, the old man still resented himself. He felt that he had not taught his children well, and he exchanged the village life for a jade seal. His principle and integrity were worth it, but from his own heart, he thought it was not worth it. A dead thing could not compare with a fresh life.

Finally, the old man compromised under the threat of Zhang Fulu, and waved his hand wearily, "everyone go back, there's nothing wrong, Wang... This smelly boy doesn't dare to do anything with me."

Think of scolding him son of a bitch, the end is not scold yourself, in the end is not a good thing.

Zhang Fulu looks at his father. In fact, he doesn't have much feeling in his heart. He doesn't have much intimacy and hatred. The only thing he can thank is that the old couple gave him life and came to this world. There's nothing to say about the rest. Zhang Fulu's only regret is his mother.

The old woman looked left and right, and the father and son were silent for a long time without saying a word. Zhang Fulu said, "I haven't eaten the braised crucian carp made by my mother for a long time. Can you make one for me?"

The old woman was silent for a while, but Mr. Zhang said faintly, "no, I don't need to go as soon as I finish. I don't need to be angry with him."

Zhang Fulu took a look at his mother, and he didn't speak any more. In fact, after so many years out, he also understood his father's good intentions, but some things, if missed, were missed. He knew it, and the old man also understood it. But every lost thing, there was no way to recover it. This is what the old man used to say.

Take a very simple example. You buy a piece of cake that looks delicious, but when you go back and take it out to eat it, you find it particularly bad. But it's a pity if you spend money and don't eat it. As time goes by, you don't feel so upset. But when you think about it, you still feel that you've spent the money wrongly, but it's the money that has already been spent, If you can't get it back, you have to bear it. At most, you will have a long memory in the future. If you don't buy it, you have to remember to try it.

"I'm not a dutiful son, and you're not a good father," Zhang Fulu said. "When we open up, you and I know very well. When you were a child, you always asked me to do this. Don't ask me if I like it or not. When there are many outsiders, you will say I'm wrong. When I don't do something wrong, others say something, and you think I'm wrong."

"When I was young, I was thinking, am I your own son; I've been wandering in the world for many years. Now I'm lucky enough to get an official position. I'm still able to use brain melon seeds, so I've been living a good life. But I know your good intentions these years. "

The old man pursed his lips. Zhang Fulu sighed, "Dad, I don't blame you. Really, you should hate me. After all, what I'm doing now doesn't match your... Truth."

"If you keep that thing, it will only bring disaster, especially now the world is changing..."

The old man didn't know this. It's just that the calculation behind his son may be more far-reaching, but it's impossible for him to hand over that thing, because he has made a mistake once, so he can't make a mistake again.

"I can't give things to you." he is old enough to live. If he gives things to his son, it will hurt him. He knows that his son is better than his father, but he knows that his father is better than his son. What's Zhang Fulu's plan? Can he know that they are still thinking about each other? "I'll leave here with your mother tonight."

Zhang Fulu calmly looked at the old man, "my son went up to the mountain and became a bandit, but he didn't do anything hurtful. He also killed a villain. He decided not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. He has a clear conscience."

"Dad, there's some truth in this world. No matter how good it is, no one will listen to it. Take a knife and put it on his shoulder. If you say he's a bastard, he'll have to admit it with a smile." Zhang Fulu said softly.

"How old are you now?" he said with a smile? How many people did you meet? How many roads have you traveled? How many nights of salt? How dare you say the world is like this? "

"Roll, roll!" Mr. Zhang got up and put his hands on his back. "If you do your business, I will abide by my rules. If your life is good, my father and son can see you again. If the book is bad, my parents will go underground to explore the way for you."

Ling Yun stands outside the door, which is probably the most difficult place for people to guess, because some feelings are like beautiful jade hidden in hard rock. If you don't really knock it open, you don't know what's inside.

"Practice is not enough, after all, it is not enough," Ling Yun murmured in a low voice. However, once there was a civil strife, he didn't know whether it could be solved or not, and he didn't know what kind of expert in it would threaten him or not. Ling Yun knocked on the door gently, "grandfather, it's me."

"It's not convenient to see guests today." Ling Yun is a very good young man whom Mr. Zhang meets. He knows that Ling Yun has done wrong, and he doesn't even want to face it. But what's good about it?

It's Ling Yun who knows he's wrong and is willing to change it. He's trying to find a way to change it instead of knowing it or not. If Ling Yun is that kind of person, he won't feel guilty.

Of course, his knowledge and character are very good. In the old man's mind, Ling Yun seems to have chosen a right path in his life, although somewhat biased.

So he doesn't want to let Ling Yun get involved in these things. He still has a lot of time to do more things. He will have a good life when he repays his fault.

There will be irreparable mistakes and unforgivable mistakes in life. In fact, the most important thing is to make mistakes. Whether there is a conscience, whether there is an ordinary heart, and whether those who ascend high place attach importance to feelings and righteousness, though they die without regret; Live sparingly, live freely.

There is no right or wrong in living, but there are many right or wrong in living.

Zhang Fulu talked about a lot of things, but he couldn't go back to heaven. Therefore, if we talk about these things with Ling Yun, maybe it will be a good thing for many people to have a better scholar and a less evil person.

"I saw a lot of people in the Jianghu outside," Ling Yun thought for a while and said, "they didn't come here. They should be OK, but if you go out, you have to be careful."

"I see. Go back." The old man came back gently.

He is a kind-hearted child.

Zhang Fulu picked eyebrows, but he didn't say much. The old man straightened his clothes and said, "it's impossible to give you something. Let's die."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill the people in the village?" Zhang Fulu sneered, "old man, times have changed. It's useless for you to insist on it. I can't get it. There will be others to take it."

Mr. Zhang snorted, "get out of here."

Zhang Fulu takes a deep look at his father, turns around and goes. Ling Yun squats by the door and sees Zhang Fulu coming out. They look at each other, "how long have you been here? What's the purpose? For that too? "

Ling Yun spread his hand and said innocently, "no, you don't believe it anyway. One of the troubles of smart people is that it's hard to believe what a person says."

"But I remind you that no matter which way you choose, one of you and your grandfather will die," Ling Yun said softly, "so have you thought of the best solution? Officialdom ups and downs, has always been a variety of bureau and intrigue, you can not play those old foxes

Zhang Fulu squatted beside Ling Yun. He was thin and small, but his eyes were very sharp. "Whose person are you?"

"Maybe I'm just a passer-by to the world. You don't have to care who I am," Ling Yun said with a smile. "Do you dare to make a bet with me? If I can keep you and Zhang safe, you will make up for the mistakes you made in the past with the rest of your life?"

"Why?" Zhang Fulu sneered.

Ling Yun snapped his fingers and said faintly, "I just find it very interesting. Of course, Mr. Zhang and grandma take good care of me."

"I'll help you pick out a few of the people under your hand. If you are really smart, you can have a good look. It's not a good person," Ling Yun took a deep breath. "In our life, we really miss some things, and we have irreparable regrets. But the meaning of living is not to struggle with the past loss and miss, but how to go better along the way, How can we not make those who care about us sad, how can we make up for the mistakes we have made before, so that we can get some comfort in our hearts, and let those who died because of us know that they are not so sad. "

"Of course, it's just my personal opinion. It can't be taken seriously. It's your own business whether you want to listen or not. I can find a way to help the old man through this difficulty."

Ling Yun said calmly, "it's rare for this village to be peaceful. How noisy it is outside? It's a good thing to be peaceful here as always. The old man is a very good gentleman with high knowledge and reason. It's a kind of luck for the children in the village to meet him."

"You don't have to worry about my affairs," Zhang said with a smile, standing at the door. "I'll take care of my family and state affairs. It's my old man's business. You're still young. You don't have to think about these things."

Ling Yun stood up and said with a smile, "I always say that you father and son are not good enough. Just now, your son's kind-hearted staff explained the current situation for me. Although it's not very comprehensive, you can guess that it's not very difficult." Ling Yun rubbed his hands and turned his eyes. "I heard that the braised crucian carp made by grandma is delicious. Can you steal a teacher, Try some more? "

Ling Yun turned Zhang Fulu, "in a hurry, take me to have a meal?"

Zhang Fulu snorted coldly and glanced at her father. The old woman quickly came out and said, "just in time, just in time to have dinner together."

Ling Yun hurriedly went in, took the old woman's hand and said gently, "I have to steal my teacher. You don't want to hide your secrets, hehe..."

Ling Yun is very good at everything. He is also very patient to listen to the old man. The old woman really likes Ling Yun, "there is no fish at home. Let's go and catch a fish."

He turned and Zhang Fulu went to the river. They stood by the river. Ling Yun rolled up his trouser legs, thought about it and put them down. It was just the beginning of spring, and the ice on the river had not melted. Zhang Fulu looked at the group, and more than a dozen hands were injured. Ling Yun didn't look up and took him to find the fishing boat. "It's not difficult to spy on people's heart, Eyes and subtle expressions can determine whether they are in the same group, so you don't have to doubt it. It's not difficult for you to find out in that way. "

"What's your purpose?" Zhang Fulu said coldly, "my parents are old. If you dare..."

Ling Yun turns his head and his eyes are indifferent. Zhang Fulu instinctively feels extremely dangerous. Ling Yun says gently, "it's not bad enough. It's a good thing. My only purpose is actually very simple."

"A gentleman who has no loss of virtue, has a bandit who goes up to the mountain and has several innocent children in his hands. What will he do?" Ling Yun said with a faint smile. "That's just the purpose."

His eyes softened again. "Of course, I want to see you, how to make atonement, how to make atonement by death, or other ways. In a word, it's more beneficial to me. In other words, when I don't do something, these things are extremely important to me. I don't read enough, I don't walk far, and I don't see many people, So we need to see and ask. "

"Or that question, who are you?" Zhang Fulu asked.

Ling Yun looked down at his white clothes. He turned to a corner and put on a green shirt. He looked calm and said, "am I a green shirt guest in the world?"

"I'm Ling Yun, the high flying Ling Yun." Ling Yun said with a smile.

Zhang Fulu is too lazy to play a riddle with Ling Yun, "no matter who you are, I can kill you at any time."

"Catch the fish." Ling Yun sighed. He was standing by the river. Zhang Fulu looked at the brothers around him, and more than a dozen fingers were cut off.

"Boss, that's him! Absolutely a spy. " One of the severed fingers said harshly.

Ling Yun looked indifferent, glanced at them, then looked at the one eyed young man. The corner of his mouth raised slightly. Zhang Fulu said coldly, "who are you?"

As he spoke, his sword came out of its sheath again and directly cleaved to Ling Yun. Ling Yun carried it with one hand and clamped the blade with his left hand. No matter how hard Zhang Fulu tried, he couldn't move a cent. For those who had asked such a question many times, Ling Yun was helpless. His fingers pressed gently and the sword broke, leaving only a pile of fragments on the ground, "Do you still want to know?"

It's obvious that I want to kill all of you. In fact, it's very simple. As if Zhang Fulu remembered some legend, he quickly stepped back and said, "I don't know, elder..."

"I'm really in my twenties," Ling Yun shrugged helplessly. "I'll take care of the things after catching fish for dinner."

If Ling Yun is really an expert in legend, Zhang Fulu thinks his parents should be OK this time, but he doesn't know what the purpose of Ling Yun is, why he came here, and at such a sensitive time.