Chapter 66

The appointment ceremony was not a massive event with complicated procedures but rather a party to announce Leo to the people as his successor. After reading the letter from the Emperor in front of the people, it was officially acknowledged that Leo’s status was the Young Duke and an official introduction to the people.

The Emperor’s letter began with ‘The Spencer family, who has lit up the empire with a long history and tradition…’ was as long and verbose as the power of the Spencer family, causing the listeners to yawn secretly, and Leo couldn’t understand what it was saying and only rolled his eyes.

The blessing continued to prosper like now, and the party began in earnest when the reading was finished.

“Congratulations on the Young Duke’s birthday.”

“Thank you.”

Kyle took Leo’s hand and went around to greet the nobles.

Like the main character, Leo was wearing colorful clothes and was busy greeting people while walking around. Although it must have been a difficult and hard task for a young Leo to do, he was doing it quite resolutely without whining.

“Since you have such a strong son, the Duke should not be worried.”

“Probably so.”

Kyle’s soft smile quickly caused high-pitched laughter to erupt.

“They are exactly the same age, so I can pass him on to my granddaughter later. Is this too much?”

The Madams looked at Leo, who was still small, with a rather blatant gaze. It was a competition to get Spencer’s eldest son in advance. Kyle was dealing with people while drawing a line and accepting it moderately.

“My daughter was said to be beautiful because she has already taken out my beauty. Wouldn’t it be nice to see them together next time? What do you think, Duchess?”

“It’s always good to have something like that.”

“Then, I need to reserve an audience. How beautiful is she? She’s sure to sweep the social world?”

Rosalind also smiled and chatted with people in a friendly atmosphere, then pulled out from the crowd to catch her breath for a moment. Thinking it was an event for Leo, she was so nervous all day that she couldn’t even finish her meal properly.

Looking around, savoring light snacks and cocktails, when she heard a familiar voice from behind.

“Madam Spencer?”

She turned her head to where the sound was coming from, and Dustin was there. Rosalind greeted him with a greatly delighted face.

“Oh my, it’s been a long time.”

“It is, Madam. Long time no see.”

Dustin was Kyle’s friend who came to the rescue when she was kidnapped. At that time, if he hadn’t helped her, she really wouldn’t have survived even a second ahead.

“For that time, I was really grateful. Thanks to you, I think we were able to create a place like today.”

“What is the thank you for? By the way, Madam is getting more and more beautiful? Your beauty is getting brighter day by day.”

“Oh, that’s exaggerating. I’m embarrassed.”

“Is it because you received a lot of love?”

He smiled sly at her and patted her lightly with his elbow. He had put praises on her in advance to make fun of me. She had seen Dustin one or two more times since the kidnapping, and Rosalind, who was shy yet had a good personality, could easily get along with him.

“I still like Madam’s look back then. You were more like a trustworthy knight rather than a delicate Lady as you ran towards Kyle.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Was it too obvious…?”

At his words, Rosalind pretended to roll her eyes playfully.

“At that time, I told you to trust Kyle, but you walked away.”

“It’s not that I didn’t believe… I just couldn’t leave him alone.”

Rosalind bit her lip slightly, looking a little embarrassed.

“A person who could not get married can only live in regret? It’s dripping honey.”

“You keep saying embarrassing things… Still, it’s nice to see you like this.”

“It’s nice to see you like this too. In that sense, how about a dance with me?”


She widened her eyes slightly as if unexpectedly.

“Yes. How about a dance with me, Madam?”

She first checked to see if Leo was well. The child seemed to be carried around diligently and sincerely with Kyle, like a nanny. It was difficult to turn down Dustin’s dance request after he helped her, and since she didn’t seem to need to, Rosalind nodded obediently.

When Dustin reached out his hand, she grabbed his hand without hesitation.

As Rosalind listened to the splendid music, she spun around to the familiar beat. The hem of her rich dress spread and folded like a flower in full bloom.

“You are good at dancing.”

“I learned from a good teacher.”

“Is that good teacher Kyle?”


Rosalind nodded her head, and Dustin burst into laughter. The two danced until the end of the music in a friendly atmosphere. As the song was about to stop, Dustin gave her a closing greeting, and Rosalind also spread out the hem of her dress.

“Dancing with Madam makes me feel very lacking.”

“How are you so clever?”

Rosalind spoke out loud and laughed. Kyle was also kind, but he had a kindness with a strangely different sense. If he was genuinely kind, then Dustin felt like he was smirking every now and then. There was a corner that was openly slick.

“You know what? Madam is very responsive, so she’s the type of person I want to tease a little.”

“What do you mean I…”

She burst into laughter, wondering if that was the case, though a low, clear voice approached.



After seeing her husband appearing all of a sudden, Rosalind confirmed her son first. Leo whom he had been with until a moment ago, was not with him.

“What about Leo?”

“He was tired, so I left him with the nanny for a while. He is probably resting in his room.”

“I’m seeing my friend here again.”

Dustin smiled warmly and greeted Kyle.

“What are you doing with my wife?”

“Aren’t you being too vigilant about us dancing? Huh?”

At his words, Kyle smiled absurdly and pulled Rosalind into his arms, and spoke back, “Go dance with your fiancée.”

“I have to take her to dance with her.”

“Didn’t you come with her?”

“Why would I be with her? A girl who has no interest in me.”

Dustin shrugged his shoulders. Even though he looked so skillful, his love didn’t seem to be easy, so it was strange and a little cute.

“You are still the same.”

“Then, you two can talk. I’m a little tired today because I’m so nervous today. Leo is also taking a break, so I think I’ll take a break during this time as well.”

“Go ahead. I think I’ve been holding on to you for too long.”

“How is that possible! It was so much fun. Please, invite me for another dance next time.”

When she smiled softly, Dustin smiled sweetly as well.

Rosalind bowed her head lightly and slipped out of the banquet hall. She was about to go to Leo, who was resting with the nanny, but as she didn’t want to be away for long, she headed to a nearby empty room.

As she entered the room, she felt her tension release.

…It was Leo’s birthday, held at Kyle’s castle for the first time, although his appointment as the successor made it even more tense and hectic. Her legs were swollen from wearing high-heeled shoes, and her tight waist was very uncomfortable.

Taking off her shoes, she placed her feet on the little sofa.

“Ah, my legs…”

She rolled up the hem of her dress and started rubbing her legs. Her legs were sore and throbbing.

“I’m going to have a good rest tomorrow.”

It was when she was comforting her weary body by chanting softly.

“You were here.”


The door opened, and a familiar voice was heard. Even though she saw Kyle and tried to get up, he stopped her lightly, saying it was okay.

“Were you resting?”

“Yes. Wait. I can’t do any more talking. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

“It’s already overflowing.”

Naturally, he sat down next to Rosalind, and he abruptly placed her ankles in his hands. Then, he turned her body towards him. After a moment, startled by the ankles held by his large hands, he started stroking her legs casually.

“If you keep walking around in shoes like this, you won’t have any legs left.”

As Kyle pointed to her little feet with the tip of his eyes, she smiled at him without saying a word.

“It’s okay. I’ll take a little rest tomorrow, and I’ll be better.”

Kyle continued to rub Rosalind’s leg.

It was much better for the man’s large, powerful hand than hers to rub it. She waved her hand, saying it was okay at first, but at some point, she leaned on the sofa and entrusted her legs to him. Even though it was just a leg, she was somehow a little shy, but she didn’t hate it.


However, he suddenly gave it a strong force, and without realizing it, a faint moan came out. As he was about to open her mouth, saying that it hurts, his words came faster.

“You learn to dance from me and use it to dance with the wrong guy.”

“He is a friend.”

“But, what if I don’t like it? I hate it when you’re with another man.”

Listening to his words, Rosalind burst into laughter. She wondered if it was because of childish jealousy that he gave a strong force.

“So, are you taking revenge now?”

“You said that you like me, you would have liked any man who danced with you that day. Right?”

It was nonsense. While there were many men who danced with her at various parties, none of them took her heart away.

“Dustin also has a fiancée.”

“So, from now on, if he was a man with a fiancée, would you dance with anyone? With such a friendly atmosphere?”

In the social world, dancing between men and women meant nothing other than a formal exchange. Besides, she had no reason not to be friendly with Dustin, who was his best friend who helped her, too. Rosalind asked Kyle in a half-teasing voice.

“Are you even jealous?”

“How can I not be jealous?”

No matter how proud he was, when she asked, she felt like she was getting weird again.

“…Aren’t you my wife?”