Since the war, the imperial court's army has been victorious, quickly attacked Shandong and recovered a large number of lost land, which makes the imperial court happy and very optimistic. They think that it is just around the corner to win Jinan and defeat the Chinese army.

However, after fighting these wars, the main force of the government and army was frustrated in several major cities, and they didn't even win a whole place. They found that they entered Shandong of the Chinese army, but hundreds of thousands of troops seemed to be dragged into the mire, as if they had been tricked by the enemy.

Emperor Chongzhen and his cabinet members stayed in the imperial study every day, waiting for the military newspapers uploaded from all over the country. They also stared at the sand table all day and looked at the progress of both sides. They saw that the imperial army was blocked in three places and it was difficult to make inch progress, which made them worried and difficult to sleep all day and night.

It is very intuitive to see from the sand table that Yang Sichang's Department of the East Road army is blocked by the front lines of Dezhou and Qingzhou Prefecture. It can't go deep behind the enemy, neither threaten Jinan, nor complete the planned looting of Denglai and other places. Dengzhou and Laizhou of the Chinese army have not been affected.

Hong Chengchou's Department was trapped in Hejian Prefecture and Linqing. Although the surrounding prefectures had been won, they still had these two nails, so they didn't dare to say that Dongchang Prefecture was under their control.

Even Zhu Xieyuan's Department, which has made the best progress, is not as good as they thought. Zhu Xieyuan is now personally leading an army to besiege Jining. He claims that he will take Jining within a few months, and then personally go to Qufu Confucius Temple to worship Confucius saints.

His other army entered Xuzhou and fought fiercely with the Ministry of Li Dingguo stationed in Xuzhou in Jiulishan camp. It is said that the two sides fought very miserably, but this is actually a stalemate.

The two sides are in a stalemate, which is good for the Chinese thieves, but very bad for the officers and soldiers. The food and salaries of the officers and soldiers are insufficient to fight a protracted war, while the Chinese thieves have enough food and occupy so many good places. It is good for them to fight a protracted war.

Therefore, in their eyes, Jinan City, the core of Shandong Province on the sand table, has become a thorn in the eye.

In particular, it is rumored that after Liu Yuanqiao entered Jinan City to coordinate the fighting in various places, reinforcements were stationed in different places, which really boosted the morale of the troops all over Shandong and strengthened their resistance. Since Liu Yuanqiao entered Jinan, they could not seize any city from the Chinese army.

It is estimated that they also began to prepare, as a stick, to counter attack the Ming army.

This really makes the emperor and all officials stick in their throats.

Emperor Chongzhen lamented: "the Liuyuan bridge in Jinan is the fish stem in my throat, and which general is willing to pull out this stem for me, and I am willing to pay for it as a king."

For more than 260 years in the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a king with a different surname. Even if there are, they are all sealed after death, and their descendants are not allowed to inherit them. According to his current tone, in order to eliminate anti thieves and preserve the territory of the Ming Dynasty, he is ready to betray his ancestors' family precepts.

If he had said this in the past, most of the ministers in the court would have remorsefully advised that this practice was contrary to the ancestral law, but now the ministers are silent and have no objection, because they all know that now everyone is sitting on the crater and baking. If the volcano can not subside, they will be baked to ashes.

More importantly, those who led several armies to quell the chaos were all civil servants, that is, those who were qualified to be king had nothing to do with chuba who stormed the front line. Therefore, they did not resist, but thought it was a role in improving morale.

Zhou Yanyu wrote a letter. He said, "the emperor should make a public order to make it clear and let all generals go all out to fight Jinan."

The imperial court and the cabinet have formulated a vigorous plan. This plan is to take the first out of millions of generals. This is to make several armies stop worrying about these failed cities, but concentrate their troops to besiege Jinan, win Jinan and kill Liu Yuanqiao. This is victory.

But the following generals thought it was too risky and could easily be taken advantage of by the enemy.

What everyone wants is beautiful. Hundreds of thousands of troops go to attack Jinan, break Jinan mansion and capture Liu Yuanqiao alive. If they do this, they will destroy the Chinese thieves.

But who is Liu Yuanqiao? He is an octahedral Buddha. He has the most powerful army of the Chinese army. Moreover, Jinan City is the first strong city in Qilu. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. More importantly, as a man of Liu Yuanqiao, can't he run? How hard is it to catch him alive? It's hard to go to heaven.

The opposition of the following generals makes these officials very depressed. They can win at the sight of the moment, but the following officers and soldiers do not cooperate, and they have no way but to listen to the strategies of these tricky officials.

But neither the emperor nor the imperial court gave up. They insisted that this was the quickest way to defeat the enemy and take this place.

What the emperor thought day and night was how to use the fastest speed to eliminate the anti thieves, and then restore the construction of people's livelihood. ZTE Daming handed over an intact Daming River and mountain to his crown prince before his death, so that he could have the face to see his ancestors.

Before he died, he called him to bed, held his hand and said, "my brother should be the king of Yao and Shun!"

However, having been in charge of the Ming Dynasty for ten years, he did not make the Ming Dynasty strong, but nearly perished, which made him very afraid and exhausted. Emperor Chongzhen also knew that he could not live a long life, or even live to the age of his grandfather Emperor Wanli, so he had to compete with heaven and do everything well when he was in power, That's why he came up with such an idea.

Before that, all the officials in the court had formed a tacit understanding that Daming lost half of the country, which was a great change that had not happened in 300 years. In order to turn the tide, it violated the ancestral family law and had to be changed.

That is, if Zhu Xieyuan, Hong Chengchou, Yang Sichang and others surrounded by soldiers, exterminated the Chinese thieves, killed Liu Yuanqiao, calmed the world and restored peace in the world, the imperial court would not hesitate to reward them as a duke.

This is also why the Ming Dynasty has wantonly rewarded meritorious officials since the Jingnan disaster. It can be said that the rebellion of Liu thieves has endangered the survival of the Ming Dynasty, which is far more tragic than the Jingnan disaster.

But the emperor thought that this was not enough to persuade these generals to work hard for themselves. Now they are still worried about their reputation and their lives, but they are not willing to work hard for Daming.

The emperor sighed sadly in private: "really don't let me give them all the rivers and mountains before I'm willing to work hard for me?"

It must be impossible for the emperor to hand over all the rivers and mountains to these people. The emperor always lamented from time to time. After several considerations, he thought that if these people could really do these things for him, it would still be possible to be a princess.

The Ming Dynasty must show such boldness, because the Chinese thieves dared to do so. In order to win over Zheng Zhibao, his most important ally, the Chinese thieves actually made him prince. Moreover, they still have the actual territory of Prince min, which means that they will grant the whole Fujian to him. Even an anti thief has such a decision. He is the emperor of heaven and the son of the Ming Dynasty, Why not?

Originally, he thought that after he put forward such a proposal, he would be denounced by the officials and unanimously opposed by them. However, the ministers did not object to the emperor's violation of the emperor's ancestral instructions and his generous reward for meritorious officials, so the emperor decided to do so.

Of course, the emperor, on the one hand, issued an imperial edict and made public promises. Privately, he also wrote personal letters to the three generals, sent his confidants, and personally took his letters to persuade these generals to give up their preconceptions, no longer confined to their immediate limitations, and must focus on the overall situation and the height of Quan Daming.

To put it bluntly, let them be desperate to encircle Jinan. In the eyes of emperor Chongzhen, if he can send hundreds of thousands of troops to encircle Jinan, even if he can't kill Liu Yuanqiao and let the goods escape, the worst of them can take Jinan and Jinan, and the overall situation of Shandong has been set.

They believe that Jinan is the core of Shandong and the sea god needle of the Chinese thieves here. Now the Chinese thieves are still fighting hard because they still have spirit and hope. If they take away their spirit and spirit and extinguish their hope, it is estimated that they will surrender to the officers and soldiers.

It is because the emperor Chongzhen and the imperial court think so well that they have a feeling that Jinan is like a stem in their throat, which makes them feel speechless. Therefore, they will do everything they can to drive several generals to besiege Jinan.

In order to achieve this goal, Emperor Chongzhen not only made promises, but also put down his figure. In short, it was coercion and inducement.

Under such circumstances, Hong Chengchou received the imperial edict and summoned envoys. The envoys were sincere in words and tears to persuade him to put aside his prejudices and focus on the overall situation.

Hong Chengchou was shocked. The emperor actually promised such a generous reward, saying that he was not interested in the position of princess. That was false. In fact, in his mind, his greatest expectation was to be a duke, and then pass it on from generation to generation and rest with the country. If the county king was sealed, it would be no difficulty to cover the contemporary era, catch up with the sages, and enjoy the Confucius Temple after his death, But is it easy to take the position of princess?

This is a matter of life and death. Hong Chengchou himself didn't dare to be expert, so while stabilizing the messenger, he immediately flew a pigeon to deliver a letter, contacted Yang Sichang and Zhu Xieyuan, and asked them for their opinions. He believed that since the emperor had sent messengers to him, he would also send them to other people. Let's see what they think?