After the Chinese Army announced its mobilization, the whole city of Nanjing moved. First, the soldiers of the imperial forest army stationed all over the city began to assemble in the barracks outside the city.

A large number of materials and armour also began to gather around the wharf.

Despite such a disastrous defeat, the whole city was shrouded in panic, but it was the people who panicked, and the soldiers did not show any panic.

If Daming's army asked him to fight JianNu outside the pass or deal with Liu Jiajun, these soldiers would be pale and terrified all day.

Moreover, these young, strong, tall and tough Liu Jiajun soldiers are heavily equipped, solemn and singing war songs.

The news that the officers and soldiers slaughtered their fellow soldiers also spread to them. Instead of making them yield and fear, they aroused their common hatred. They vowed to show each other a good look and let them know that the Chinese army is not easy to provoke. Any disrespect to the Chinese army will pay a heavy price.

After announcing the appointment of six ministers, Liu Yuanqiao officially announced that he would kill Nanding of the nine nationalities of King Lu, King de and King Xiang, and that all his women's dependents would be distributed as slaves.

The massacre of the royal family is revenge for the massacre of Chinese soldiers by the officers and soldiers.

In the past, Liu Jiajun always maintained the style of being a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. He imprisoned the royal family and did not kill them. Now, since the officers and soldiers are so impolite and cruel to them, they still take color.

When the news of Zhu Xieyuan's massive massacre of Liu Jiajun came, Liu Jiajun was very angry. All the generals unanimously demanded revenge. They controlled several provinces.

There are countless hostages of the imperial court, officials and royal people. It is easy for them to retaliate.

But many of them have insight. They also point out that Zhu Xieyuan slaughtered their soldiers on a large scale and built the Beijing Temple as evidence to annoy them.

Now the Chinese army is at the height of the sun. Everywhere it goes, it is basically determined by the call of arms and returns at the lookout, which makes the imperial court lose a lot.

If the Chinese Army loses its reason and massacres these surrendered officers, soldiers and officials on a large scale, it will alienate them and lose the support of the people.

This is Zhu Xieyuan's real intention. Zhu Xieyuan is an honest official and loves the people like a son. His official voice has always been very good. Since he took charge of the war, there has always been the wind of benevolence. There are few large-scale massacres. I'm afraid he is also a conspiracy.

Realizing this, Liu Yuanqiao did not hesitate to execute the three vassal kings held in their hands.

The three vassal kings are the king of Germany in Jinan, Shandong and the king of Lu in Jining. These differences have been detained by them. The people's officers and soldiers cannot be killed. Killing them will lose the support of the people.

However, if they kill these vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty, they can not only retaliate, but also make the people's hearts not damaged, and everyone applauds.

In all parts of the Ming Dynasty, among the numerous vassal kings, none of them has a good reputation. If they kill these people, it is estimated that the local people will only applaud.

Moreover, the Chinese army will accept the surrender of all people, that is, it will not accept the surrender of the royal family. Even if the opposite party surrenders to you, they can not be willing to rest.

Because these vassal kings occupied the important parts of the world and prosperous places, they often passed on for several generations and accumulated extremely rich property. These properties must fall into the hands of the Chinese army and become their property, so they resolutely used this move.

The vassal kings hated the people. The imperial court had a heavy burden, but its status was very high. It was a great sin for anyone to lose the prince.

Therefore, no one of the royal family will be left and all will be killed.

As for the king of Germany and the king of Lu, they had already been held in their hands for a long time. When they gave an order, they immediately pulled out the name and standard punishment and killed them in public.

However, it will take some time for Xiangyang king, who is far away in Xiangyang. Although they have controlled Xiangyang, Xiangyang is now under the enemy's front. I'm afraid it will take some time to kill the Xiangwang family.

But doing so has been a great inspiration to the people.

Liu Yuanqiao also publicly announced that he would assemble 100000 troops to worship generals, appoint Liu Bu as marshal of the western expedition, lead 100000 troops, advance by land and water, and annihilate Zhu Xieyuan's headquarters.

After the Chinese army authorities took such strong and powerful measures, they made the people feel at ease. The Chinese army was calm and decisive, and showed great control ability and confidence, which made the people feel at ease.

In particular, Liu Qingzhi, known as the God of war, was sent to lead the army to advance both land and water.

Liu Bu himself said that he could lead his troops to set out in three days at most, but the official data showed that he would lead 100000 troops to set out in ten days.

Why? This is the ability in the art of war, but it can't be shown. If it is near, it can be shown to be far away, so as to achieve the role of surprise and surprise.

When it was officially announced that a large army would be sent to conquer the enemy, the army would be called in ten days to gather all the generals and worship the generals. In fact, Liu Bu had led his troops to set out at this time.

Twenty thousand troops boarded the ship and set off West.

After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang paid great attention to the employment of his sons.

Because there are indeed 25 sons, we must handle this matter carefully, otherwise there will be chaos in the world.

First of all, with regard to the border defense in the north, he didn't trust others to lead troops for defense. Therefore, he divided his nine sons into nine important towns along the Great Wall. These nine sons are also known as the king of the bustling Yi fortress.

Nine are arranged here. What about the others? Others chose some important transportation places and central cities to be vassals for the imperial office of Pingfan.

These princes, aged Lu Wanshi, built a large palace and set up officials in the fief, which was second only to the emperor. When princes and ministers saw the vassal king, they should bow down and worship the tune, ride in a sedan chair, pass by the palace and get off the sedan chair. However, for the vassal kings, "no land is given to the frontier, and no barons are near the people", they have no administrative power, personnel power and financial power. They can accept the appointment of the imperial court, unify the troops and fight, and have escort troops. There are one guard with fewer soldiers and three guards with more soldiers.

Changsha is an important city in Huguang, which has always been valued by strategists. Therefore, the emperor also attached great importance to this place and successively granted four vassal kings in Changsha.

But the first two did not come to a good end until the third Xiang King Zhu Zhanyi.

Zhu Zhanyi was the fifth son of Zhu gaochi of Renzong. He was born in the fourth year of Yongle and was granted king of Xiang in the 22nd year of Yongle. In the fourth year of Xuande, that is, one year after the death of Valley King Zhu Yi, Zhu Zhanyi became a vassal of Changsha, 12 years after the abolition of Valley King Zhu Yi (the second prince of Changsha).

But people's title is the king of Xiang, not the king of Chu or the king of Xiang. Why should they vassal Changsha? Moreover, the first two vassal kings of Changsha ended up very miserable. Thinking about this, Zhu Zhanyi felt very inappropriate. The more he thought about it, the more guilty he became.

To this end, after the death of his eldest brother Xuande Emperor Zhu Zhanji, he specially asked Yingzong Zhuqi Town, his nephew who had just succeeded to the throne, to change to Henan and other places.

Zhu Qizhen was young at that time. He thought what Uncle Wu said was very reasonable. He agreed to leave Changsha, but not to Henan, but to Xiangyang, Hubei. This is worthy of the name.

Xiangyang is also a good place, which is really good. Therefore, in the first year of orthodoxy, the Zhu Zhanyi family officially moved to Xiangyang from Changsha. Since then, the Xiang king family has settled here. Until now, Zhu Zhanyi is very rich, dignified and prominent. Zhu Zhanyi is upright and rigorous. He has high prestige among the vassal kings and lived 72 years.

Six came to Zhu Yiming. He succeeded to the throne of Xiang in the 23rd year of Wanli. He also enjoyed all his glory and wealth under the protection of his ancestors, but he never expected that his old age would be so desolate.

He was enfeoffed in Xiangyang, an important military town. As a result, he was captured so easily.

As long as you ignore state affairs and are wise, the court will turn a blind eye to you. Therefore, the king of the Ming Dynasty, like other people, focuses on making money, eating, drinking and playing with women, and is not happy. He hopes to live like this forever. When he dies, he will pass it on to his son and grandchildren, and continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

When Li Dingguo's cavalry entered Xiangyang City, he was also eating, drinking and enjoying large-scale songs and dances in his main hall Fengtian hall. He was living and dreaming of death. He was very happy. He only hated his old age and health. He saw beauty in his eyes, but he could do nothing.

The poor only hate a big belly. Why can't they eat so much? The rich hate a small belly. Why can't they eat so little? Why can't they eat more.

When he heard that the Chinese army had captured Xiangyang City, he was very shocked and immediately ordered the royal palace to impose martial law.

In those days, Zhu Yuanzhang's enfeoffment of his son in various places also made it possible for the vassal king to guard the place and screen his Zhu family in the world. However, when there was a real local accident, they didn't know what to do. Almost all the vassal kings enfeoffed in various places didn't play a role. Almost all the vassal kings enfeoffed in various places were dead goods such as eating and drinking.

However, in the past 200 years, the Ming Dynasty has been very powerful. No big city with the guard of the king has been captured, so they have enjoyed all the glory and wealth and rest with the country.

With the rise of the Chinese army, these vassal kings lived a life worse than death.

After a night's struggle, King Xiang remembered that he was also the descendant of Chengzu, the sixth grandson of Taizu. He should summon up the courage to calm down the chaos of the party when it was difficult to be in charge of the country.

That's why they gathered the servants and caretakers in their palace to attack the magistrate's Yamen and regain control of Xiangyang City.

Because they also heard the news that made them quite angry, that is, there were 18 Chinese soldiers who invaded the city, and only 18 of them took the important town of Xiangyang. Zhu Yiming was so angry that he burst into tears. He said, "Taizu! Emperor Chengzu! You know under the spring. Open your eyes and see how corrupt and incompetent the current imperial court is, which makes my descendants and I suffer."

Knowing that there were so few people on the other side, King Xiang ordered his son Zhu Youxuan to lead the guard of the Royal Palace and prepare to attack the magistrate's Yamen.