The Ming Dynasty pursued the policy of banning the sea. In fact, the policy of banning the sea was mainly to deal with the old ministries of Zhang Shicheng, Fang Guozhen and others defeated by Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although their Lord had been defeated, they still refused to accept the rule of the Ming army, continued to occupy the coastal area, burned, killed and plundered, and continued to resist the Ming army.

Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to kill all such stubborn people.

However, naval warfare is not his specialty, and the sea is not what a farmer can understand. He simply implemented the policy of closing the customs and locking the country, and ordered the state to ban the sea and not go to the sea.

I hope I can wipe out all these forces. There is an old saying, it is called relying on the mountain to eat the mountain and relying on the sea to eat the sea. In this way, he forced more people against him and made these people become Japanese pirates.

When Daming was strong, these Japanese pirates and pirates did not dare to fight against Daming and could only sneak. However, when Daming's power declined, there was a Japanese rebellion and became a huge opposition force that could threaten their national economy and people's livelihood.

In fact, how did these Japanese pirates come from? Many people understand that the real Japanese pirates only account for a very small part. Most of them are these desperate maritime merchants, as well as these adventurers and some poor fishermen who can't get along.

This Japanese enemy rebellion has brought chaos to the southeast coast of the Ming Dynasty for decades. Even the army of Shandong Dusi was formed at the beginning. Its original intention was to prepare the Japanese company in Shandong. To put it bluntly, it was to prepare to deal with these Japanese pirates.

Daming took a lot of effort and finally calmed down the Japanese pirates, but he also came to the sunset.

Liu Yuanqiao, a man of great vision and insight, has another view. He should think that the ocean is a huge treasure house. He will definitely get more from the ocean than from the fields.

Of course, he has this view, which is also related to his growing up on the beach after he was a fisherman on the beach.

The Liu family is also one of several large families engaged in maritime smuggling. They smuggled these goods from the sea and transported them to Japan or Nanyang, earning several times the profits.

This is far more fragrant than digging in the land. Therefore, the Liu family has a huge fleet and one of the four fleets in the canal. They both transport goods for themselves and engage in smuggling activities, which makes them earn a lot of money every day.

Isn't it more fragrant than digging in the earth?

Liu Yuanqiao arranged for his son to marry the Zheng family, saying that he did not covet the Zheng family's huge fleet. This was a lie, and the result was as he wished. After they joined forces with the Zheng family, their strength went up to a higher level. How important this matter is to the Liu family is not understood by those who can only mix on land.

Liu Yuanqiao knew that the alliance with the Zheng family would more than double their power.

And they all succeeded in taking Zheng's fleet under their banner.

For the huge fleet of the Zheng family, Liu Yuanqiao is greedy and jealous. The Zheng family can be so arrogant and arrogant. Even the Portuguese and Dutch East India Company have to pay protection fees to them. This is because they are the most powerful force in this sea area. You can't pass safely without paying him.

Liu Yuanqiao knew his weakness best. He thought that if the imperial court could have a little decision and vision and ordered the Zheng family to send troops to deal with them early, it is estimated that the Liu family may have retreated to Dengzhou or Laizhou, facing attacks and encirclement and suppression from all directions.

But the court just couldn't show such courage and courage. Of course, this is also related to the fact that they have been sending people to alienate the relationship between the court and the Zheng family.

Liu Yuanqiao was even more delighted that they successfully annexed the Zheng family's fleet, took this huge fleet under their banner and became a part of them.

If this matter is of any significance to the Liu family, one is equivalent to their military strength, which has more than doubled.

The slowest thing to say is that the imperial court has nothing to do with the Zheng family on the sea.

Liu Yuanqiao appreciated Wang Pang, who helped to make this happen. He said to the people around him, "although he doesn't learn, he has skills and is a capable person. Isn't the governor of Dongchang vacant? Let him be the governor."

Wang pangzi is not white. He also has the title of right counsellor of Shandong chief envoy department. However, this is only an empty title. He has a level but no real power. He is not as good as a county magistrate. The reason why he has an empty title is that he looks more dignified when he goes to the Zheng family to negotiate.

Zheng Zhilong boasted that he was a man who talked and laughed with great scholars and had no contacts with white men.

Now he has completed this task perfectly. Liu Yuanqiao appreciates it very much. Liu Yuanqiao always means that he must be rewarded for meritorious deeds and punished for mistakes.

Wang pangzi played a very important role in this matter and did something that thousands of troops could not do, so Liu Junqiao decided to make an exception for this person's promotion and use it more seriously.

Although Liu Yuanqiao is already a senior official, he doesn't pay attention to his origin like ordinary senior officials. If his origin is not good, you can't get a good position.

Liu Yuanqiao himself is not a Jinshi. If he follows such standards, he can't get ahead of himself, so he deeply understands that Jinshi may not have ability, and civilians have heroes.

After saying goodbye to the local gentry, Liu Yuanqiao boarded the warship, because they were accompanied by a large number of people and a large number of incidental luggage. They had been loaded for a full day before they began to set out.

The advantage of taking a boat is that it can move forward day and night. If the wind and water are smooth, it will get half the result with half the effort. Their fleet, full of hope, sails south along the coastline.

At present, the most fearful thing for navigation is the unpredictable weather. At present, there is no effective preventive measures for the weather. It can only be based on inherent experience, but the weather is also unpredictable on the sea.

For sailors, the most fear is the changeable weather. If the storm comes, you have no place to hide.

They go south along the coastline. The biggest advantage is that they can find a storm and get ashore immediately.

It is said that it is for this reason that southeast sailors found that Southeast Asia was earlier than Taiwan.

However, their journey was very smooth. Four days later, they arrived at the sea off Yangzhou. There were no storms along the way. At the mouth of the Yangtze River, they met Guo Peng's fleet waiting here. Guo Peng's fleet was responsible for receiving them.

They had a huge force, with 20 main warships and 50 or 60 auxiliary ships, which was equivalent to a main fleet. When they went south on a large scale, they were very powerful.

At this time, with the addition of Guo Peng's fleet, its momentum is even greater. It can be described as Zhouji Lianyun. These huge warships like a hill guard the master of the Liu family into the Yangtze River and finally arrived at the Yangzhou wharf.

When they arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River, a leading force had already arrived. Liu Bu quickly told Liu bu that Liu Bu did not dare to neglect it. He immediately ordered the army and people of the whole city to pave the road, bathe and change clothes, and put on a incense table to prepare for the arrival of Liu Yuanqiao and his party.

The standard for them to greet the arrival of Liu Yuanqiao and his party is the standard for them to greet the emperor.

The people of the whole city put down all their work, put on the latest clothes, decorate the house, and trim the road to meet the arrival of this real master.

Liu Bu knew that his father would arrive in the near future. At the same time, he also arrived with his loving grandmother and two dear ladies, which made him very excited and excited. For the arrival of his relatives, he also showed twelve points of enthusiasm and was ready to show them the best side.

On the second day after he entered Nanjing, he ordered the establishment of the gendarmerie command, which was also held by him. The main task was to rectify the public security in the city and appease the local people. After the war, Nanjing was waiting for everything to flourish. It was impossible to stay indoors at night, but we should also vigorously crack down on all kinds of criminal acts of robbery and murder.

Liu Bu said to Qian Qianyi, "my father will come. Your future height depends on his impression of you."

Qian Qianyi had to say, "my subordinates will never disappoint the marshal and the Lord."

Since he took refuge in the Liu family and became a member of the Liu family army, Qian Qianyi didn't want to lose his identity, but he still had to call Liu Yuanqiao the Lord and gave a big gift to Liu bu.

When he saw the emperor in Daming, he was deeply impressed, but when he saw Liu Bu, he bent down, otherwise he would be considered rude by Liu bu.

Liu Bu never asked for these vulgar rites for the generals and followers around him, but he had very strict requirements for the surrender ministers like Qian Qianyi. He knew that these people were only subject to his strong strength, not to Liu Bu's behavior.

After receiving the order, Qian Qianyi also sent all the officers and men of his five City Army and horse division to patrol the streets to crack down on all kinds of criminal acts and rectify the place.

Qian Qianyi, a Nanjing pacification ambassador, is a bit like a former magistrate, responsible for all kinds of administrative affairs in the city.

However, as Qian Qianyi, he certainly can't be a small magistrate. It's estimated that he won't be satisfied. Moreover, Nanjing may be the capital of the Chinese Empire. The magistrates in the capital are all three grade officials. They can basically be on an equal footing with most of the Shangshu. He also knows that joining the Liu family has become a thing of the past. We should show our real skills, Will get the reuse of the Liu family.

For Qian Qianyi, since he is Liu Jiachen, he must go all out. So far, he has no way back.