But there is one thing that Shi Kefa could not have expected in any case. This is that he kept calling on these soldiers to tell them that the country is at a critical juncture of life and death. Everyone should give up their personal honor and disgrace and go to Nanjing to support the fight against Liu thieves.

As a scholar, he cherishes the world. Naturally, he thinks all this is worth it. Even if he died in battle, he should be. However, he didn't expect that the ordinary soldiers under him were supposed to eat a meal. Where is the national righteousness and the world?

The soldiers said angrily, "in the peaceful and prosperous times, the imperial court did not charge them less than half a cent of their taxes. Now in times of difficulty, it has to increase taxes and apportion. Now it wants us to die. It's not a son of man!"

Suzhou is the territory of Zhang Shicheng, the former great enemy of Taizu, and has long resisted Taizu. Therefore, after Taizu controlled this place, Suzhou collected more than twice as much tax as other places, which made Suzhou bear extremely heavy taxes for more than 200 years in the Daming Dynasty.

This also makes the local people very dissatisfied and unhappy. They usually bear the heaviest taxes. At the critical moment of national life and death, they are asked to work hard.

These soldiers quit. I'm just a subsistence worker. Why do I work hard?

Even if you have to work hard, you officials, nobles and officials go. Why are we people who can't eat enough?

And Daming has reached a critical juncture. They need them to work hard and contribute to the country, but the imperial court can't give them enough money and food. They only know how to deceive them to die. The soldiers scream and complain.

The governor of Yingtian, Shi Kefa, told him to speak the great truth of the country. What he said was clear and correct. He thought that these soldiers also knew that Daming was at a critical juncture. If we work together, we can do things well. Therefore, each of them should understand that it was the time when they died with cold lips and teeth and went to the national disaster together.

If we can go to rescue Nanjing, we can also contribute to the king and the Ming Dynasty. After the event is completed, we will naturally be rewarded, and he has become a generation of famous officials and passed down in history.

Who knows, these soldiers don't understand his so-called righteousness at all.

When Shi Kefa took over the military power and forcibly marched towards Nanjing, all his 2000 soldiers ran away at once.

Shi Kefa personally led the army. When he hurried outside Changzhou and rested in the field at night, he woke up the next morning and found that his more than 2000 army was only left with more than 100 soldiers around him.

Shi Kefa saw such a situation, which made him very angry. He said loudly: "rogue officials and evil sons, shameless Qiu Ba, did such a thing when the country was in trouble and needed them. What's the difference with rogue bandits and Liu thieves? I'm not a son of man, so I'm ashamed to be with them. After I return to Suzhou, I must ask these people to blame for conspiracy!"

Shi Kefa was so angry that he vowed to punish these people in public, but he also knew that there was no way to take these people. If it was a peaceful and prosperous time, he could convince these people and make them obedient with his official authority. Now the prestige of the Ming Court has been lost, and it has reached a very critical juncture, and many people are not optimistic about the court, So I don't care what he thinks.

When Shi Kefa left Suzhou, he was in high spirits and wrote a poem with high fighting spirit, saying that he wanted to rule the country and the world and wipe out the traitors for his majesty. Who knows that his troops collapsed before they set out and met the enemy. It was a great shame. It was a shame for him that it was difficult for his sword to enter the scabbard, There are no soldiers under my command. What should I do? Are you going back to Suzhou or Nanjing?

If you go back to Suzhou, it is estimated that his face, Wu Fu, will also be lost, and his life will become a joke.

When he was in Suzhou, he fought with local officials everywhere, and local officials also clung to him. He was a very exclusive governor. There was no place to cooperate with him, oppose him everywhere and rob him of various resources. In the past, he had soldiers and the prestige of the imperial court. Naturally, everyone had to listen to him.

Now there are no soldiers under him. I believe his prestige will be further weakened, and everyone is more reluctant to listen to him. It is estimated that he will only be more difficult after he returns. How can he face the despised eyes of these local officials and his men?

If he goes to Nanjing, what should he do? He has no soldiers and horses, no soldiers and no courage. How can he fight the enemy?

Shi Kefa knew that he was facing Liu Jiajun, a famous and powerful army in the world. They were well-trained and well-equipped, and also defeated the Tianxiong army he respected very much.

Even the heroic troops like Tianxiong army were defeated by them, and there were no soldiers under him. What should I do?

After serving as governor Ying Tian, Shi Kefa knew that it was difficult to be an official, but he never thought that he would have such a miserable day.

He is the governor in charge of Ying Tian's ten houses. He is in charge of the ten richest houses in Daming. This is the world-famous Wu Fu.

The imperial court transferred him from Anqing governor to hold an important position. Naturally, it is optimistic about his ability and hopes that he can do better in this position.

His majesty even privately gave him a central purpose to encourage him to do well, to pull out an army in the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, and to raise more food to support the world of Daming.

As governor Ying Tian, he is in charge of the army and the people. He is a senior official in this area, no less than those leaders in Nanjing.

Militarily, he is one level lower than the Minister of the Ministry of war in Nanjing, but his power is greater.

Although the Minister of the Ministry of war in Nanjing is at the same level as the Minister of the Ministry of war in Beijing, he is a hollow senior official. Except for the military affairs near nanzhili, he does not take charge of anything else. Even the military affairs in nanzhili overlaps with him, a governor of Yingtian.

Shi Kefa also looked down on Zhu Biguo, the Minister of the Nanjing Military Department. He had a lazy political style of being greedy for life and afraid of death, so the two sides could not pee in a pot, let alone cooperation.

Moreover, he always believed that he did nothing in office and was powerful and difficult to do everywhere, because the big men in Nanjing restrained him everywhere. When he wanted to punish his corrupt officials, someone would always come out to keep them and make him powerful and difficult to do.

Moreover, these people can't do anything good when raising food and training soldiers and horses, but when collecting money and taxes, they are scrambling to be faster than anyone. This makes him a heavenly governor and a different kind of official. Everyone rejects him and makes him do nothing.

This means that even if he entered Nanjing alone, it is estimated that the big men in Nanjing will not pay attention to him or hand over a soldier to him. To put it bluntly, when he has no soldiers in the hands of Yingtian governor, he is nothing.

Shi Kefa was born as a scholar and a member of the Donglin Party. His master was Zuo Guangdou, a famous official in the world.

Zuo Guangdou's integrity and style deeply influenced him, which also made him extremely evil and upright.

He hated all kinds of city flies in officialdom, and didn't want to go along with these corrupt officials. However, he had the arrogance of Qingliu literati. The officials of the Ming Dynasty were basically very lofty and arrogant. They despised generals and soldiers. They thought these people were just rude military men and worthless, Just listen to his orders and encouragement.

Duke Xu of Nanjing, at the critical moment of his life and death, was able to take out an army, which showed that he was also kind to soldiers and had some prestige. As a famous Wu Fu, at the most critical moment, no soldiers were willing to work for him, but fled everywhere. As a governor with tens of thousands of troops in name, he actually became a hollow big man.

When Nanjing, the most important city in the south of the Ming Dynasty, was besieged, there were hundreds of soldiers left around him.

These more than 100 soldiers, his pro guards, brought from his hometown and followed him to fight in the world. They are his pro soldiers. They leave him. They don't know where to go, so they won't leave. Unlike those soldiers, they are local people and can escape home.

Nanjing is being besieged by Liu's army. It is as dangerous as hanging eggs day and night. As a governor, he has no soldiers available and no food to adjust. He can learn from history, but he has never thought of his own Wu Fu. He is so embarrassed that he can't help lamenting: "you know the horsepower from a distance. You see the people's hearts for a long time. How difficult the country is, the world is rigid, and where are loyal ministers and good generals?"

Shi Kefa is not only a loyal and good general, but also a person who is not afraid of death. When he saw that the people around him had fled, he was not afraid. He said loudly to the soldiers around him, "these Qiu Ba are greedy for life and afraid of death. So far, it is useless even if we go to the battlefield. Today we rush to Nanjing to go to the national disaster and let them know what heroes and good generals are."

His personal captain Shi Quan said, "Lord Futai, we have only 100 people. Even if we go to Nanjing, it doesn't work."

Shi Kefa said with awe inspiring righteousness, "why is it useless? Even if one person arrives in Nanjing, it is a great incentive for the surrounded soldiers and people in the city. When I go to Nanjing, I will go to the city to fight with him personally and let him know the power of Daming."