Zhang Fengyi is a veteran and a veteran. He is very good at all kinds of activities in officialdom. He knows that once he is defeated, he will be executed by the imperial court. He will also leave an eternal reputation and become a person and thing with a long history like Qin Hui.

It would be different if he performed meritorious service for the country and died on the battlefield at this time. If he could perform meritorious service for the country, he would be able to return to the imperial court, become the Minister of the Ministry of war, and enjoy glory and wealth again. Even if he could not perform meritorious service for the country, he would be able to leave a good reputation on the battlefield, but it was not easy to die on the battlefield.

Because these officers and soldiers under him were not willing to go out with him to die, and they were not willing to go out to war with him. He was a little afraid. So far, he would die at his own expense, so he thought of a good idea, that is, taking jute.

This is Zhang Fengyi's idea. Seeing that the current situation is about to collapse, it is extremely unfavorable to him. He will soon be driven out by the emperor as a scapegoat and cut, leaving a bad legacy for thousands of years.

If he died in office, it would be different. Even if the court is more mean, it can no longer blame an official who died in office.

You know, the imperial court always pays attention to the importance of the dead. If he died in office, the imperial court will not investigate him again.

Just like when Liaodong was lost, it was mainly yuan Yingtai's responsibility, but yuan Yingtai committed suicide and died in the city. Since Yuan Yingtai committed suicide and Xiong Tingbi, another big man, did not commit suicide, the imperial court put all the responsibility on Xiong Tingbi.

Zhang Fengyi knew that this time JianNu invaded beizhili and manipulated here. As a minister of the Ministry of war, he had an unshirkable responsibility. Once JianNu withdrew, it was estimated that the court would settle with him. He was either beheaded or cut with thousands of knives. Thinking of yuan Chonghuan's tragic end of being cut with thousands of knives, he had no choice.

So Zhang Fengyi, in despair, simply took jute day and night. Jute will make people have diarrhea. Do you know this diarrhea? A hero can't stand three thin bubbles. If he gets thin in a few days, he will become a soft legged crab. Pulling day and night may endanger his life. In his worry, he came up with this way to get away.

If emperor Chongzhen knew that his ministry of war was the same, he might be angry to death. He put such an important person in charge of the army and horses of the whole country. When the enemy came to the city, he didn't want to kill the enemy and serve the country, but wanted to escape with this crooked idea. No one else.

When the Qing army first entered the frontier fortress, the whole city of Beijing was under martial law. Chongzhen urgently ordered eunuch Li Guofu to guard Zijing pass, Xu Jinzhong to guard daoma pass, Zhang Yuanheng to guard Longquan pass and Cui Liangyong to guard Gu pass. These four passes were all in the southwest of the capital and at the border with Shanxi.

However, to the surprise of the imperial court, JianNu did not go to Shanxi, but entered Juyong Pass through Yanqing, took Changping and approached the capital.

At that time, Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of the Ministry of military, asked the governor's soldiers from all towns to attack Shandong. Chongzhen immediately approved it. He gave the Shang Fang sword, Wan Jin and 500 merit reward cards. He also served as the eunuch Gao Qiqian as the supervisor, and Zu dashou, the general soldier of Liaodong forward, as the supervisor. Unexpectedly, JianNu came first before Liu thief, so he fought JianNu first.

Chongzhen and his ministers adopted the operational policy of sticking to the city and waiting for the opportunity to attack. The capital and the places affected by the war basically stood still. Even if they got the opportunity to attack, they dared not fight.

Chongzhen put eunuchs in important positions. All border guards let these officials who did not understand military affairs serve as eunuchs, so that their powers were different, and it was difficult for civil and military generals to play a role.

Jin Guangchen, the governor of Henan Province, impeached Qiu Weizhen, the bodyguard of the Tongzhou military department, for his ulterior motive of giving eunuchs a performance. He asked for the removal of his internal minister and supervisor.

Chongzhen was so angry that he summoned the court officials and scolded Jin Guangchen: "when Qiu Weizhen came to Tongzhou, he sold his name and ordered the royal guards to go to prison." it happened that there was a strong wind outside, thunder roared, and lightning flashed over the throne, which frightened Chongzhen. He thought he was angry with Tianwei, so Jin Guangchen would be released soon. I'm waiting for another discussion.

The upper ruling group was so corrupt and incompetent that it was no wonder that the officers and men were afraid of the enemy. When they met the slave army, they were frightened and retreated.

In fact, the Qing army was simply unable to attack the capital. Azig was flexible according to the operational policy stipulated by Huang Taiji. Whenever he could attack the castle, he would attack and leave if he could not. Instead of taking the city as the main purpose, he attacked the castle around the capital, constantly consuming the strength of the Ming army and frustrating its spirit.

Therefore, the Qing army soon left Shahe and Qinghe, conquered Baodi and killed Zhao Guoding, the magistrate of the county, on July 15. On the 21st, he entered Dingxing, went down Fangshan, fought Zhuozhou, attacked Gu'an, kewen'an and Yongqing, divided his troops to attack Shexian County, Zhuan County, Xiongxian County, Anzhou and Dingzhou, and went to the mouth of Shezhou. However, he turned to attack Xianghe River and destroyed Shunyi. The magistrate of the County killed himself, and the other generals were killed. Then he turned to the northeast, to Huairou, sank into Xihe, and occupied Hexiwu (this is Xianghe River, the West Bank of the Grand Canal, and the important place for the Ming army to store grain). By August 19, the Qing troops were divided into Miyun and Pinggu. For more than a month, the JianNu army closely surrounded the capital and ravaged the capital, invincible.

The Qing army did not always win wars. Just entering Juyong Pass, Pu Chiyuan, the general military king of Datong, was killed 1104 people and 143 people were captured; During the fierce battle in Zhuozhou, the Qing army lost more than 200 people and so on.

Although the ruling group of the Ming Dynasty was extremely corrupt, there were also many loyal officials and righteous men. When JianNu attacked Dingxing, Lu Shanji, the Shaoqing of qianguanglu Temple who resigned his office and stayed in the city with Xue yie, the governor of the state, and the city broke down after six days. At this time, he was guarding the south gate. JianNu forced him to surrender with a knife. He refused sternly. The angry JianNu slashed him three times, shot an arrow and died immediately, He was sixty-two years old.

This spirit of rather dying than yielding can be called the great feat of national heroes, but it is still holding a fall to plug the river and pour a cup of water to pour flames. The heroic feat of individuals can not save the decline of Daming's rapid collapse.

And no one expected that Zhang Fengyi's pit goods were produced.

When all his people were fighting JianNu with all their strength, the Minister of the Ministry of war unexpectedly escaped with such a crooked idea, which really surprised him.

Zhang Fengyi got what he wanted. After taking jute for ten consecutive days, he was lax day and night. Finally, he collapsed and died in the military camp.

Zhang Fengyi, an old Youzi in officialdom, didn't want to work hard with the enemy and serve the country with his death when the enemy attacked the vicinity of the capital on a large scale. Instead, he used the way of suicide to get rid of himself. There were no such people.

Zhang Fengyi was originally in charge of the military affairs of Baoding, but after Zhang Fengyi died, the governor of Baoding came out to take over the military power and was ready to lead troops to attack JianNu no matter how ill he was.

When he saw Zhang Fengyi dead, he had to write to the imperial court and ask for a pension.

At the beginning, Emperor Chongzhen heard that Zhang Fengyi was here in Baoding and worked hard day and night before he died of fatigue. He was still moved. You said that Zhang Fengyi was incompetent and had poor ability, but his loyalty and attitude were still right. He was preparing to give Zhang Fengyi some rewards.

Who knows that at this time, the censor impeached Zhang Fengyi. In fact, he was afraid of the enemy and did not dare to go to war. He took jute to die in order to get away. This made him furious and directly ordered to deprive Zhang Fengyi of all his achievements and fame. All his children and women were confiscated.

Zhang Fengyi's death caused a great blow to the imperial court. Although he was not killed on the battlefield, his helpless and humiliating way of death also made the morale of the Ming army unprecedentedly low. The dignified ministers of the Ministry of war are all such goods, and it's even harder for the people below to say.

At this time, Liu Jiajun's representative began to ask for an audience outside the general administration department. Wu Xiuwen, Liu Jiajun's post ambassador in Beijing, has been responsible for the communication between Liu Jiajun and the imperial court.

When Liu Jiajun started the army, he disappeared without a trace. People from royal guards and East Hall couldn't find him everywhere. However, when others didn't find him, he showed up again and took the initiative to appear outside the general administration department and ask for several leaders of the cabinet.

At this time, Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the plague, was also in a mess. He heard that Liu Jiajun's representative came to ask for an audience. Although he was too busy to touch the ground, he knew that Liu Jiajun's representative could not come to ask for an audience for no reason, so he met them immediately.

Of course, Wu Xiuwen didn't come here for no reason. He was ordered by Liu Yuanqiao to communicate with the imperial court. Frankly, he discussed peace with the imperial court.

When Wu Xiuwen proposed to make peace with Chao Ting, Wen Tiren was surprised and uncertain. He couldn't see which move Liu Yuanqiao was playing with his eight sided Buddha?

It is reasonable to say that what Liu Yuanqiao has done now is equivalent to rebellion. If he is the second person, he will simply do nothing and continue to preach directly to the world and claim rebellion.

But he didn't do that. He was doing the work of rebellion, but he didn't claim rebellion, and he didn't know what medicine was sold in his gourd.

Although Liu Jiajun did not declare rebellion, their actions have violated countless bottom lines of the imperial court. As long as the imperial court frees up its hands, it will send troops to destroy him. As long as Liu Yuanqiao falls into the hands of the imperial court, no matter who he is or whether he is the son-in-law of Yan Shenggong, it will be cut.

But now the imperial court is overwhelmed by the construction of slaves. It is unable to March south. It can only let him go temporarily.

Wen Tiren thought that when Chao tingteng came, he would clean up the octahedral Buddha. Who knows, at this critical moment, Liu Yuanqiao ordered him to block the canal, and all the grain of the imperial court could not be transported from the south. This is equivalent to cutting off the grain of the whole North, which plunged the imperial court into greater chaos. At this critical moment, He actually sent his personal representative to see Wen Tiren. I don't know what he really wants to think.