These slave soldiers have people from all ethnic groups, and their composition is somewhat complex.

The so-called JianNu, if you rely solely on him to build the state, Aisin Jue Roche, not to mention 200000 people, that is, 10000 people can't get together.

So they merged in the continuous war. They attacked and destroyed so many tribes and incorporated them into their eight banners. If they were the original female immortal and people from Northeast China, they would be incorporated into the eight banners of Jianzhou. If they were the Han army who surrendered, they would form the eight banners of the Han army. Now they even conquered many Mongolian tribes, It is also interesting to establish the eight Mongolian banners, which is an embodiment of their great expansion of power.

There is no doubt that these people took refuge in JianNu. Naturally, they were greedy for life and fear of death for a stuttering or a better life. But now they directly let Amin order the execution, which made them very angry.

Many soldiers said loudly, "if you run away, you should be executed. Then Amin ran away in luanzhou. Why not execute."

It's good not to mention it. Ah min was even more angry and angry when he mentioned it. He ordered to kill these deserters one by one on the spot.

Amin is happy to kill, but his men can't see it anymore. Victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. If they lose, they have to be executed. Half of the soldiers in the world have to be executed. More importantly, at present, there seem to be a lot of deserters, which is beyond their acceptable range. If it's thirty or fifty people, killing them can correct military discipline, but now they have so many people, Equivalent to thousands of people deployed in Gaizhou have collapsed and fled. Is it difficult for Chengdu to kill them?

Therefore, under the persuasion of several assistant leaders under Amin, Amin agreed. He just beheaded some leaders, and then formed a trap cattle record of all these deserters, asking them to counter attack Gaizhou and let them be the forward force of counter attack Gaizhou.

Liu Jiajun dispatched his elite troops in the area. Liu Zhongyong, the first general of Liu Jiajun, was in charge of the front-line command. Liu Zhongyong was the first wave of landing troops. He personally led the most elite troops of Liu Jiajun to land first and launch an attack. Then he set up a former enemy headquarters on land, which was responsible for receiving and unloading the troops behind him, Liu Bu, as the general manager of the March, was responsible for commanding the overall situation.

Of course, the distance between the two places is very short. After the first wave of troops landed, Liu bu also arrived at the open sea. When he arrived at the open sea, Liu Jiajun had successfully captured the city gate. After Liu Jiajun successfully captured the city gate, Liu Bu was very happy and immediately ordered all his subsequent troops to press up and prepare to take Gaizhou city in one fell swoop to complete his established battle plan.

This is an amphibious landing. We should know that amphibious landing is a very difficult problem even in future generations, not to mention that it is even more difficult when communication and management technology are so backward.

Sure enough, in the process of amphibious landing, they had all kinds of problems and all kinds of confusion. Even if they had done exercises and prepared in advance, they had all kinds of problems when they played on the spot.

Fortunately, Zheng zining, an old hand, commands here. Liu Jiajun is not good at attacking from the sea to the land, but this is the specialty of Zheng zining's fleet. What they pirates are good at is wandering on the sea, then targeting the target and launching a fatal attack on the target. This is their specialty.

Of course, such a formal organization and such a large-scale operation also put a lot of pressure on Zheng zining, so she also led her confidant staff team to conduct on-the-spot command together. This is the first time that their husband and wife have joined hands to command the landing operation.

Under the guidance of Zheng zining, they finally overcame some difficulties, unloaded the troops and heavy equipment one by one, and boarded the territory of Gaizhou city. When they got on the territory of Gaizhou City, they had captured both gates, and Liu Jiajun had begun to siege the people hiding in the general's house.

As long as they have successfully captured the beachhead and foothold in a large-scale amphibious landing war like theirs, it is equivalent to half the success. Now they have not only gained a foothold, but also captured the city gate and besieged the general's house. Liu Bu was very happy and immediately ordered to move his headquarters forward.

When Liu Bu boarded the territory of southern Liaoning under the protection of his own soldiers, there were a large number of troops unloaded continuously, as well as officers and soldiers who had unloaded and captured the position. They saw Liu Bu's handsome flag and expressed great respect. When they saw Liu Bu, they cheered one after another and shouted, "Wansheng!"

Liu Jiajun's military ceremony is similar to that of Daming, that is, clenching his fist with one hand, beating his chest for a while, and then shouting Wan Sheng.

At the moment, Liu bu also has a feeling of high spirits. He now leads thousands of troops and horses, crosses the sea from Shandong, enters the land in southern Liaoning, steps into the land controlled by JianNu, and officially starts his career of fighting with JianNu.

You should know that Liu Bu came from across. All his plans were to prepare for fighting JianNu, defeat the army of roving bandits and capture Zhang Xianzhong alive. He didn't think it was great. On the contrary, he also thought that some of them were inconsistent with the identity of his interlopers and were meaningless to fight with these peasant uprising soldiers. If he wanted to fight, he would fight with JianNu, which is known as an invincible hand in East Asia, A strong army fighting all over the world.

Moreover, Liu Bu understood that since he came, it would be impossible for the Han nation to fall into the rule of other nationalities. Therefore, the war between him and JianNu will begin sooner or later. The sooner it starts today, the better.

He once thought about a problem before, that is, he Liu Jiajun was not developed and fledgling. At this time, he fought with JianNu. His strength was insufficient, which was not a good policy.

But Liu Jiajun is not facing the problem of building slaves. Is he strong enough to build slaves? He is facing the most powerful empire in the world, the Daming Empire, the Mongolian Empire, and a North Korea in the northeast. Even the shengnvzhen behind them is not easy to deal with, but JianNu can kill a blood path from such a bad environment. Why can't they? Difficulties are bilateral.

But now Liu Jiajun has one thing that JianNu doesn't have.

JianNu may have an Elite Eight Banners army that has been developed for decades and trained in decades of East and West Crusades, and can dominate the world with this army.

Liu Bu's Liu family army may not have such ability. Their tactics and weapons are the most sophisticated in the contemporary era, but they have little practical experience and lack the baptism of actual combat. Under this situation, it's hard to say whether they can compete with the most powerful JianNu in the world. However, Liu Bu is very confident, that is, they are too rich now, Since the soldiers of the Liu family army are not enough to compete with JianNu, they should expand the scale of their troops so that they can compete with JianNu.

Perhaps there is such a problem, that is, today's Liu Jiajun expedition to southern Liaoning, the whole army was destroyed. He can re-establish a Liu Jiajun in two or three years, because he has money and equipment and can arm a large number of troops at any time.

JianNu, on the other hand, has a small profit, a small family and a small business, and is competing with the strongest Empire today. The population is their hard injury, one less is one less. It takes decades to supplement a strong man, so they forcibly integrate other tribes and races into their ranks, but they also have a problem, That is, in the process of integration, there is a phenomenon that people of different races will have different hearts. If his eight flag army is invincible and goes with the wind and water, all people will take refuge, kneel at their feet and swing to please them, but if they lose the war, it will be different.

This is one of the reasons why later generations of Liu Bu always felt that they had been wronged, because Daming could lose hundreds of times, but JianNu could only lose once.

Liu Bu set foot on the land of southern Liaoning in high spirits and saw the soldiers salute him with great respect. He also returned to the military salute with dignity.

In Liu Jiajun's military discipline, the etiquette of soldiers is very important. Even if an ordinary soldier salutes the officer, the officer must return the etiquette. Even Liu Bu is no exception, which greatly strengthens their sense of honor. Another point is that their Liu Jiajun can salute even when facing Governor Liu Yuanqiao, There is no need to kneel down. This is what really makes Liu Jiajun different. That is, when they were in Fengyang, even facing the dignitaries in the world, his soldiers stood upright and gave a military salute. They didn't kneel down and kowtow like other armies.

Liu Buhe organized Liu Jiajun and deeply participated in every link and step of construction, so his prestige in the army was also quite high. In the past, his prestige lay in internal governance, but after several wars, now he personally led the army into the land of southern Liaoning, which made his prestige reach its peak, so brave, So that when every soldier saw him, he couldn't help but admire him and said loudly, "the general is brave! The general wins!"

Liu Bu was glad to see that his troops' morale was so high. He knew that in terms of the current war, the morale of the troops was the key to the war. As long as the soldiers had a spirit of not admitting defeat and the morale of daring to die and fight, they could persist to the end and defeat and drag down the enemy.

The Ming army in this era generally makes people feel terrible about weak chickens, but there are also some powerful troops in the Ming army. For example, the Qi family army, who fought in the Hunhe battle under Shenyang City, played the prestige of the Ming army, and it is like guanning iron cavalry in western Liaoning. They did not lose the wind when they fought with JianNu in some places, It also shows the authority of a big man.