This was the first battle between Liu Jiajun and the roving bandit army, and the result was the end of Liu Jiajun's complete victory.

Liu Jiajun was an army built according to the standards of the most elite family members at that time, and its equipment and training level have been on par with professional soldiers in Europe.

The roving troops brought by Zhang Xianzhong were also the elite troops of the 36th battalion of roving bandits. They swept the whole Fengyang area. Their physical fitness, combat level and equipment were almost the same as those of regular officers and soldiers, and even better. As a result, they were completely defeated.

Liu Bu saw that the army they fought with one hand and the army composed of iron and blood discipline was indeed a powerful fist. They defeated the roving bandits. They could defeat Zhang Xianzhong's elite army, as well as Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng's troops.

This proves that they have always taken the right path. They have trained and built an iron army.

Zhang Xianzhong was shocked. The army in front of him was unknown, but he was so powerful. He dispatched 2000 people to attack the other party's position. Wen Si didn't move. Even the most elite officers and soldiers in Daming couldn't do so.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Xianzhong was born in the border army. He was driven out of the army only after he made a mistake. He was very clear about the combat effectiveness and combat mode of the army, which is also the reason why he can defeat the officers and soldiers repeatedly.

Know yourself and the enemy and win every battle.

Zhang Xianzhong knew that the generals of the frontier army especially liked to train their servants. These servants were usually dressed in iron armor and equipped with fast horses. They fought bravely and came and went like the wind. They were very powerful. They were the most elite force and core force of the main general, and some even mixed the name of adoptive son.

Every general at the general corps level will have thousands of soldiers around him, which is their most elite strike force. Thousands of them can defeat tens of thousands of enemy troops, which is very powerful. In Zhang Xianzhong's impression, all the soldiers should come from the north and come from the border town, Is it difficult that some of the generals in the South have trained their soldiers to raise their troops?

The southerners have always been under the pressure of the northerners in the name of not being good at fighting. In recent decades, they have been forced by the rumored Qi family army. It is said that there can be no strong army and Iron Army in the south. Except for a Qi family army, few people can beat the elite troops in the north.

Zhang Xianzhong's elite troops are almost the same as the elite officers and soldiers. They will never be defeated so miserably when they fight on the front battlefield. Now he is furious: "haven't you found out? Who is the enemy opposite?"

Just now I asked someone to check. He just asked casually, but now I ask someone, that's what I want to know very urgently. If he can't understand this matter and the situation, he won't know who he's fighting with.

The more than 2000 people he rushed up and fled back were only hundreds of people. The battle was so miserable that the more than 2000 people rushed into the array and were completely destroyed, which caught them by surprise. They didn't know what to do. In their imagination, at the moment, they should have won the victory and attacked the enemy array in an all-round way. As a result, they rushed into the enemy array and died.

This result was unexpected to everyone. The whole battlefield suddenly calmed down.

Anqing magistrate Wang Zhiwen has always been very worried. He watched the war on the top of the city. Seeing that the officers and soldiers defeated the roving bandits so easily and neatly, he was boiling with blood. He immediately took the drumstick and beat the drum hard to cheer the officers and soldiers under the city.

Zhang Xianzhong, a commander with extremely rich experience, immediately knew that he despised the enemy, made tactical adjustments immediately, and said, "make a fire and cook immediately, and attack the city after a full meal."

Moreover, Zhang Xianzhong's troops took out some of the luggage they seized, such as shield cars.

Zhang Xianzhong finally understood that they underestimated the enemy too much and paid a heavy price for their underestimate of the enemy.

If they were fighting with regular officers and soldiers on the front battlefield, would they not rush forward with such light waves, or rush forward with shields or shield vehicles, which can effectively resist the enemy's bow, arrow and projectile attacks.

Nurhachi, the leader of JianNu, once issued a strict order, that is, when fighting against the front battlefield of the Ming army, we must use shield vehicles and those who violate the order will be killed.

You know, all cavalry generals or generals have a sense of pleasure, gratitude and hatred. They all ride fast horses to quickly attack the enemy array, but if they push their cars slowly close to the enemy, they won't have such pleasure.

Even the rogue bandits have made the same mistake. This is because they have made brilliant achievements and perfect victories against the officials and army many times recently, which makes them despise the champion and think that the champion is no better than you. As a result, when they met Liu Jiajun today, they kicked on the iron plate.

Liu Bu looked at the enemy array from a distance through his monocular telescope and found that the other party did not start the army in anger, but immediately adjusted their strategy. The other party launched their huge shield car from the baggage camp. He knew that this battle was a little difficult to fight.

The shield car has little effect on the cannon. If it is hit by the cannon, it must be smashed. However, if it is used to resist the shooting of bows, arrows and muskets, the effect is very good. The enemy soldiers hide behind the shield car and resist the arrow rain under the protection of the shield car, just like the soldiers of later generations attacking behind the tank.

Of course, these shield vehicles have absolutely no mobility and impact power of later tanks.

Liu bu also knows that in fact, among the regular officers and soldiers, many troops have archers and Musketeers. They still have a great ability to attack the enemy in the city, but the enemy will also grow. They will use shield vehicles to protect themselves.

However, if Liu Bu had only such a small means, he would not dare to go out to war.

They immediately adjusted their planning, that is, they pushed out their Flemish machine guns to prepare for the impact of the other party's shield car.

Zhang Xianzhong just wanted to curse his mother loudly. Who is the commander of this army? Who brought it? It's surprising that their soldiers are so strong that they can fight. Now he has launched the fleng machine gun. You know, the fleng machine gun is a light field gun, but it is still very powerful in dealing with the impact of shield vehicles and ordinary soldiers.

This time, Zhang Xianzhong asked angrily, "don't accept the captain at night. If you haven't heard from the enemy in a cup of tea Kung Fu, I'll cut off your head."

His nickname is Huang Hu, also known as eight kings. When he is in a good mood, he calls himself Ben Wang, and when he is in a bad mood, he calls himself Lao Tzu.

In fact, his captain had already started working and was investigating who the other party was, but he met an army completely different from his tradition, which made them blind.

The name of the general and the number of his troops are often announced in the battle of the armies of this era. At most, some are just exaggerations.

Even if you don't publish it, you can also get relevant information through your flag, because the troops in this era basically don't recognize people, and fight around and unite near the flag.

Therefore, it is often that the Chinese flag in the army is cut, which may cause morale chaos or collapse.

The army is united through the flag, and then fight together, so they know the market. They can know the other party's establishment and how many people there are through the other party's flag.

However, the Qi army where Liu Jiajun is located completely bypassed these things. They are just a Liu character. The other party only knows that their master's surname is Liu. No matter how many things are there.

Moreover, Liu Jiajun secretly entered Anqing and implemented very strict anti espionage measures. Their anti espionage measures were instructed by Liu bu. They were very clever. The exile bandits sent many spies to approach them and were found out by them one by one. Moreover, they did not take the initiative to disclose their military information, so that they fought for a long time, Zhang Xianzhong doesn't know who he's fighting with or what the other party's background is.

This is embarrassing.

Zhang Xianzhong could not find out the details of the other party, so he had to let the troops withdraw temporarily and prepare to fight again after finding out the situation with the enemy.

On the other hand, he decided to let the soldiers have a full meal, readjust their morale and go to war again.

When the enemy retreated, Liu Jiajun and his men immediately sat down and began to eat. Except for the one standing up and watching the enemy, all the others sat down, drank water and ate fried noodles to replenish their strength.

On the battlefield, the physical strength of soldiers is very important. A full soldier and a hungry soldier are completely two conceptual things.

Even if we fight and kill on the battlefield, we can't fight if we don't have enough to eat.

The troops of the roving bandits do not have such elite equipment as Liu Jiajun. Each of their soldiers will have a dry grain bag. The dry grain bag is usually used for emergency food and water supplement on the way or in the battle rest room.

These dry food bags and water bags can enable Liu Jiajun's soldiers to have sufficient physical strength at any time and to cope with any strain.

This is unmatched by other armies at present. For example, the army of roving bandits can only withdraw temporarily and go back to the barracks for dinner. If the military situation is urgent, the fire army can only send food to the military battlefield and eat directly on the battlefield. It is very inconvenient.