Chen YingYuan certainly dared not compare with Yuan Keli.

This comparison is in all aspects. Apart from others, Yuan Keli's year of Jinshi in high school is not comparable to him. In the 17th year of Wanli, even his teacher Zhou yanru (the 21st year of Wanli) had not been selected at that time?

The other party is the one who enters the Dengzhou Minghuan temple to accept offerings, and Chen YingYuan, the local people have spoken, and he is absolutely not allowed to enter.

In the eyes of local officials, the gap between the two sides is between heaven and earth. One is the best governor Denglai and the other is the worst.

As for yuan Keli, he is a hundred times more powerful than him.

When Yuan Keli was in charge of Denglai Town, there was no Wu Bing change here, which was the most elite and powerful time.

In addition, it was the Apocalypse Dynasty at that time. The imperial court attached great importance to Denglai town. They allocated a large number of elite soldiers and generals here and transferred a large amount of money and food, which made Denglai town powerful, because at that time, they really built Denglai town into one of the important towns against slave building. Their troops set out from here to various islands in southern Liaoning, Indeed, it is a real constraint on the construction of slaves.

However, with the loss of Guangning and the whole area outside the pass, Daming was almost pressed by JianNu outside the pass, and the whole area outside the pass was lost. JianNu's troops reached Jinzhou and Ningyuan.

There is only one Liaoxi corridor left in the territory outside the pass of the Ming Dynasty, and Denglai town has lost its significance.

In the confrontation with JianNu, Daming let JianNu fight under pressure. He didn't dare to mention the word "active attack", so the status of dengzhen decreased sharply.

After Denglai town lost its strategic position, the imperial court sent less money and food to him, which led to his decline. After the Wuqiao mutiny, the imperial court paid less attention to it. Instead, it felt that it was like a burden and a burden, and there were fewer resources transferred here. In this case, Chen YingYuan, what can he do?

The court doesn't support him. Even if he is as rich as the Liu family, he can't do anything.

As a result, he seemed to be baking on the fire. The people above looked at him and thought he had done nothing. The people below also looked at her and thought she had no foundation, mediocrity and incompetence.

But now it seems that with Liu Yuanqiao and Zheng Zhibao, they have both financial resources and energy. If they can make good use of them, they may be able to make a career in this position.

Chen YingYuan saw Zheng Zhibao. After he brought a powerful fleet and looked at Xiao Ning's 1000 servants, he thought that Dengzhou's strength was gradually recovering. If they used it well, they might take the initiative to attack at sea, disturb southern Liaoning and let Liao town play a role again.

As long as Denglai town has the ability to attack southern Liaoning and contain JianNu, governor Denglai will make a difference, and the imperial court will not discuss removing it.

When Chen YingYuan thought of this, he was very happy. He asked Zheng Zhibao to make a war report for him, so that he could write a memorial and ask for merit for the place.

Zheng Zhibao said: "the war report will be available soon, but many of our casualty data are under statistics. It is estimated that it will not be handed over until the day after tomorrow. The main reason is that we used artillery attacks and killed many JianNu, but there are no bodies and heads. It is hard to speak. It is estimated that the imperial court will not admit it, so it is difficult to judge this piece."

Daming also calculates his military merit by beheading. If you want to say how many enemies you have killed, no one believes it. It's very simple. That's to bring your head. It's persuasive. Otherwise, everyone will boast that I have killed many enemies. But the more enemies kill, the more millions are killed, but the enemy is JianNu, Now they are gradually outside the Great Wall.

Chen YingYuan said to him, "the sooner the better. I beg for your help."

Zheng Zhibao said, "I will obey."

Chen YingYuan looked very happy. He said, "I've arranged a banquet for all the generals. Let's go and drink happily?"

Zheng Zhibao said to him, "only generals? Soldiers?"

Chen YingYuan said to him, "the reward of soldiers is not a small number. The reward of soldiers can only be expressed after the reward of the imperial court comes down. However, you can rest assured that as long as you have made contributions, I will list them one by one and strive for contributions for you."

Zheng Zhibao looked down upon him when the other party said this. The other party said Mandarin and clich é s, but he understood that the governor had nothing in his hand and could only rely on the reward from the above. He couldn't even invite the soldiers to a meal and celebrate a battle.

You don't have a full meal to win the war. Such a governor, ha ha!

Zheng Zhibao was unhappy in his heart, but he had nothing to do. That was the case. He could not ask the governor for money. He knew that the government of Daming was like this now. If anyone wanted to have a strong army, he had to pay out of his own pocket.

Thousands of miles as an official, only for money, not corruption and bribery. I've laughed secretly. I have to pay money for the army. How can this be possible unless the army is its own.

That is, in the current political corruption, civil servants are keen on party struggle and military officials are keen on corruption, which will form today's situation.

Zheng Zhibao thought that there was peace in the South and there was no problem. Who knew that it was the same when he came to the north and the most dangerous front. He didn't know whether it was a disaster or a blessing to come here? He saw that the governor didn't like him, but he really wanted to use him, but it couldn't.

Zheng Zhibao didn't mind taking his soldiers out to fight for the imperial court, but what Chen YingYuan did made him feel relieved. He wanted me to work for you, but he didn't even have basic respect. How can he work for you? And put on the stinky airs of civil servants.

Not only does Zheng Zhibao think so, but even Liu Yuanqiao thinks so. It's no problem to let his Liu family's army go out to fight. It's no problem to let his Liu family pay money and food for disaster relief.

However, what the governor has made clear is to play smart. He just wants to use you. He will not give basic rights or basic respect. This kind of use actually wants to play you and treat you as a fool.

Therefore, when Chen YingYuan asked to provide the war report immediately, he wanted to go to the court. They pushed it out and dragged it out for two days. Privately, they had written the war report and sent it to the capital. It is estimated that when they submitted the war report to Chen YingYuan, the princes in the court should also receive it.

Liu buqiao is not Deng Bingwen or Fang. Without these people, he also has his own way in the court. He can directly report his war without going through Chen YingYuan.

Of course, he actually made a big taboo in officialdom, and others would be very unhappy. But one thing is that there was no one in Chen YingYuan's court, and the first auxiliary Wen Ti Ren also targeted him. Even the Emperor didn't have a good impression of him. In this case, he directly contacted the court and directly listened to heaven, making it clear that he was bullying him. Why not?

In Liu Yuanqiao's eyes, as a governor, he can't be promoted to his official post and can't avoid his post. What can he do? It's not nice to say. If he is unhappy and stays in Laizhou mansion, adults can't do anything to him.

A dignified governor, he has been here for almost a year, and he doesn't have any soldiers? He has been a governor for so long, but his men have trained their own Fubiao or personal troops? No, he has always thought that he depends on heaven and earth, the allocation of money and food by the imperial court and the support of the local government, but now the imperial court has not allocated money and food, and the local government has not supported him, so what this governor has done is a coward.

Chen YingYuan is also an old oilseed in officialdom, but Liu Yuanqiao's Taoism is not under him, so when the two sides fight each other, it is a tie.

Chen YingYuan is still jubilant and thinking about how to make use of this victory to reverse the adverse impression on him. I really don't know. When he was still waiting for the war report, Liu Yuanqiao and they had already uploaded the last war report, which can be regarded as leaving him.

Zheng Zhibao came back from the great victory. Originally, he was excited to hold a celebration. As a leader of the army, what he knew most was that he must be rewarded for meritorious deeds and punished for mistakes. Now, when he returned from the great victory, he didn't even have money for a meal of wine. Such officers and soldiers were too stingy, so he discussed with Liu Yuanqiao.

Liu Yuanqiao said, "brother Yue Wen, why do you worry about this? I have made arrangements for you."

Governor Chen YingYuan, he can't give money and food. He can't entertain the officers and soldiers for a meal. Liu Yuanqiao can do it. He has ordered his master to make arrangements. A large number of drinks and fish have been sent to the Navy stronghold for the water supply troops to eat and drink.

Even according to Liu Jiajun's ordinary standards, it is also very passable. Moreover, they are arranged as a celebration banquet this time, so they are very generous. The fish and meat of the whole vehicle and the wine of the whole vehicle are pulled here.

This is the advantage of having money and power. If someone else leads the army to fight like this, it may not be long. Sooner or later, the soldiers will not work hard for you. When they come back after fighting, they have to wait for the imperial court to enjoy a full meal. How can they fight?

This is also one reason why Liu Yuanqiao didn't look at Chen YingYuan. That is, he was a governor without power and money. They were not afraid of it. That's why he dared to leave him and directly reported it to the court.

Zheng Zhibao saw Liu Yuanqiao. After they had made arrangements and saw that his soldiers had eaten and drunk, he went to the governor's banquet at ease.