Ye Yang is very nervous and worried. He is ready to resist or escape at any time.

However, to Ye Yang's surprise, the monster army was very close to Ye Yang. They could kill it by turning a corner, but they didn't care about Ye Yang and the cosmic crack, so they rushed past from the side, like passing by.

"What's the situation?" Ye Yang was a little confused.

After a while, the mighty monster army had left, and another mighty monster army rushed here.

This time, the monster is an animal shape solidified by thunder.

There are all kinds of forms. Insects, fish, birds and animals have all kinds of forms, but they all seem to be animals, and there is no plant form at all.

What's more strange is that these things flew near Ye Yang. Unexpectedly, they ignored Ye Yang and ran away.

This is not one or two. It is not just described by "hundreds of millions of troops", but more than 100 million troops.

Monsters stretching for hundreds of light-years vary in strength. More than a trillion.

However, he really ignored Ye Yang.

"It's strange. What are they doing here? Sightseeing?"

Under normal circumstances, such a large number of creatures move, something big must happen.

Or there are powerful beings chasing after them. They avoid danger, so they just fly forward regardless of everything along the road. Or there is a strong leader who controls the whole team, so that they have to fly in a certain direction quickly.

But ye Yang couldn't see the pursuer.

When they are not in a hurry, these creatures can't abide by the rules too much on the road. They may turn and fly away at any time.

For example, if there is any natural disaster in the back, as long as it is not too serious, they will also be distracted or scattered on the way.

But if there is a strong leader, with Ye Yang's eyes, it is impossible not to see it.

"It's strange... Is there something implanted in these creatures and manipulated? Or... What great benefits are ahead for them to get? But even if there are great benefits, they won't be indifferent to other things on the way?"

Ye Yang was puzzled.

But he didn't want to cause trouble at this time.

Taichu ancient temple was sealed in an immortal place, and his own body did not dare to come out indiscriminately. The avatar here can't use too strong power, can't use the law of chaos, and the treasure of chaos can't be used.

In this case, keep a low profile.

Therefore, he continued to "low-key" to induce those chaotic masters.

It has to be said that these marks are indeed just marks, not real souls or conscious bodies.

Therefore, there is a brand in front of them. They are successfully lured out, and the latter are fooled again. They won't learn a lesson at all.

It is not clear whether they have seen the external situation, whether they have seen no response, or do not care?

Ye Yang didn't know, so he just continued to induce ~.

He found that these marks are not complete marks, or that the marks left by the chaotic master are only a small part of their figure and a small part of information. These marks are called fragments.

No imprint can represent the information of a chaotic master.

Moreover, Ye Yang cannot judge whether they belong to the same chaotic master through these marks. It is possible that multiple brands belong to the same master, which is very likely.

However, even if they were lured out, successfully suppressed and sealed into the crystallization of divine power, Ye Yang could not judge which brand was homologous with which brand.

In addition, Ye Yang also found that different means should be used for different chaotic master branding fragments.

Different brands will be attracted by different things. So it's a little troublesome to deal with.

But fortunately, Ye Yang gradually became familiar with it. As soon as he got started, it went smoothly.

There are already thirteen marks of chaos master on hand.

With so many things to study, I feel good when I think about it.

However, just about to "guide" the 14th imprint, Ye Yang heard the rumble of thunder.

Turning around, it was not thunder power, but a large group of divine creatures in the distance rushed here.

The previous "army of fierce beasts in the nether rattan domain" and those thunder creatures rushed from the southeast of the universe.

Now this wave is coming from the West.

Some are huge creatures composed of stars and other huge celestial bodies, such as stone man, iron man and gold man. Stone tiger, Iron Tiger, Gold Tiger. Diamond, flying eagle, flame, gem, Phoenix, and other strange creatures.

There are huge creatures made of ice, but they are not created by the power dominated by ice.

They were in peace and had no conflict, so they flew murderously towards Ye Yang.

Where they pass, the void shakes, and the force of space strikes the four directions, resulting in a rumbling sound. Even in a vacuum universe.

However, this army also passed Ye Yang and the crack in the universe. It didn't stop at all, not even slow down. It seems that you can't see the crack between Ye Yang and the universe.

"Are these divine creatures fake? But they seem to be true. Are they the hyperspace projection of the past years? Are they the projection illusions of different dimensions in different space? They just look real? But with the strength of this avatar, there is no reason not to see it.

"This should be a real divine creature. It's not an illusion, no projection..."

After pondering for a while, Ye Yang shook his head and continued to induce the brand of chaos to fly out. Then he suppressed it and sealed it in the crystal of divine power.

However, only one was banned, and something rushed over.

This time, there are a large army of divine evils. Each of them contains the power of various disordered laws. Their power conflicts with each other and overflows with an ominous smell. That must be divine evils.

God's iniquities contain many laws, and they can't control the conflict power on their own, but they don't fall. They are still very good-looking and naturally hate gods. These are God's iniquities.

This strange army of gods and evils with different shapes rushed to Ye Yang, and then... Rushed to the other side.

I didn't do it to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang is a God. Will these gods see and be indifferent?

"It's so strange that people care... However, I now adhere to the principle of low-key."

Even if he found out what it was, Ye Yang felt he couldn't manage it now.

Therefore, continue to do the previous things and honestly lead these chaotic masters to brand them.

But after a while, two gods rushed this way.

One is the God of thunder and the other is the God of life. The power controlled is the power of the law dominated by the two half step laws.

The two gods, a man and a woman, fought in the void. Thunder spewed, and the twisted power of life turned into countless tentacles and roots.

Everywhere they passed, the void exploded. The two guys seemed to have a deep hatred.

But the two gods looked strange, and Ye Yang didn't know each other.

Some of the aftermath of their battle washed away to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang gently avoided, and then saw them flying away from nearby while fighting.

After pondering for a few seconds, Ye Yang shook his head: "sweep the snow in front of your own house and don't mind the frost on others' tiles. If you don't become a master, it's vain after all. What am I doing with so much business? Continue."

Then, continue to make the mark of chaos.

Then he saw a god war approaching.

In the past week and seven days, Ye Yang saw nearly 15 waves of strong people passing by.

Ye Yang didn't say a word to disturb the battle of several strong men, for fear of being introduced into the scuffle. However, a large group of powerful creatures rushed through together. Although some of these creatures are only half god level, there are too many. Even if ye Yang came from the divine emperor, as long as he dared to stay here and don't leave the hard block, he would never block so many divine creatures and be hard Raw and explosive.

Therefore, Ye Yang didn't dare to pay attention.

Then, after another two months, there were all kinds of strange strong people passing by on and off.

Some of them didn't fight, but they were just surprised to see Ye Yang. They didn't recognize the image of Ye Yang after his disguise, but they didn't say anything. They seemed to be taboo about the crack in the universe and didn't dare to approach it at all.

During this period, a little God was curious and tried to approach, but he hadn't come to Ye Yang yet. Ye Yang hadn't done it yet. The little God was scared to death when he saw the mark of chaos in the crack of the universe.

The avatar exploded. But the noumenon went crazy, the power of law was out of control, and the kingdom of God exploded.

Of course, this news was learned by Ye Yang in the Taichu ancient hall.

Because these strange things appear more recently, Ye Yang wants to inquire.

I always think it's not good to ignore it at all.

Therefore, it was found that there were rumors in the Taichu ancient temple that there was a great danger in the crack in the universe. Many strong people at the level of God were crazy and insane when they approached. It was said that strong people at the level of God King were not afraid of the danger there, but they instinctively felt uneasy and did not dare to really approach.

"The mysterious force in the crack of the universe is spiritual, so it can be spread to the noumenon through incarnation. It can directly hurt the noumenon without tracing the cause and effect and the origin. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous and inaccessible."

Such rumors spread widely in the ancient temple of the Taichu Dynasty. At first, they were sold for free, but later they spread widely.

"Since we all know that the cosmic crack is so dangerous, before that, there were not all kinds of strange creatures approaching the cosmic crack. What's the name?" Ye Yang was surprised.

I only know that today's universe is quite disordered when I inquire about the news in the Taichu ancient temple. Information received elsewhere is not accurate.

For example, a God King found that two strong men at the level of God Emperor were fighting. He hurried to avoid, but the two powerful gods rushed towards him while fighting. He was so frightened that he quickly asked for help in the Taichu ancient temple for the news of the two strong men. At the same time, he asked for all kinds of sacred objects to protect his spirit and avoid the spiritual power of the God Emperor from eroding his incarnation and hurting his body.

And also buy artifacts to block causal attacks. Although there are already a few, I'm afraid I can't keep myself.

But unexpectedly, the two emperors killed him, but suddenly dispersed. It's an illusion.

A very powerful illusion.

Almost the power of the road.

Of course, no one has become a Tao, but it is certain that it is the power of a certain law. Some say it's the power of illusion. Some people say that it is just an ordinary master, but when sleeping, the mental power turns into a dream, and the dream becomes a reality. The spiritual body in the dream runs around, so it looks like an illusion.

Therefore, many news in the universe is not true.

There are all kinds of news on the platform of Taichu ancient temple, but unlike before, there is no way to judge the truth of these news with the divine power of the prophecy system. This is difficult.

"The Taichu ancient temple is now just a shelter and a platform for trading with physical objects. The authenticity of various physical objects can be accurately judged in the Taichu ancient temple. However, outside the Taichu ancient temple... The authenticity of various things, including the authenticity of gods, all kinds of creatures and all kinds of information, cannot be guaranteed."

Like some news, it is said that there is a war between the Andromeda galaxy and the Dragon galaxy. Hundreds of demigods and dozens of gods participated.

As a result, it was just false news. There was no such thing at all, but the divine perception was hoodwinked.

It's hard to tell the truth of such news. It's hard for Ye Yang to know why the "fierce beast army" passed through the crack of the universe from the ancient temple of Taichu. It's hard to know whether it's true or not.

Only vaguely guessed that the army, because of its large number, had strong courage, so that it could not be afraid of the glare of the master level brand in the crack of the universe.

Other gods passing by are not distracted during the war or too close to the crack in the universe.

It's not clear why these guys rushed close to the crack in the universe and ran away.

"I have a bad intuition. Something big may have happened in this universe. Now, it seems that someone is deliberately disturbing the situation to cover up the real news. Use all kinds of strange events to cover up the truth behind the scenes."

Ye Yang didn't want to meddle, but he was worried that it would affect him.

"Take a look."

Several avatars, invisible and convergent, deliberately cover up cause and effect and disguise as weak. Moreover, be ready to explode these avatars at all times. Even if you spell these avatars to fall, you will not expose your strength or identity.

In this way, several avatars fly invisibly in several directions to inquire about the news.

However, the avatar here went out and saw that many places in the universe were chaotic. Gods are fighting everywhere.

Some fought miserably, and many gods fell. There are also those who have been deadlocked for a long time. There are trillions of huge galaxies in the universe. Ye Yang only explored thousands of them and found hundreds of thousands of combat events, all above the level of divine creatures.

Most have little impact. But a few are more powerful. The two sides collided with each other for hundreds of light-years. Ye Yang didn't get close to them from a distance.

But what shocked him even more was that more than 99.95% of the two armies in the war were illusions. Only five out of ten thousand are real creatures in chaos.

But even if it is five ten thousandths of the truth, the number is also very huge. But it is completely different from the scale previously imagined.

"The situation in this place is a little confusing."

Just when he was confused and couldn't figure out what had happened, an important news woke Ye Yang up.

Immortal land!

This place holds the noumenon dominated by many laws, and the Taichu ancient temple is also hidden here. The weak projection avatar dominated by the law goes out, but the powerful avatar and noumenon dare not leave the immortal land. Ye Yang's Taichu ancient temple now dare not go out. I was worried that the three strong men who had half a step into the Tao would leave behind, which would lead to the forced removal of the Taichu ancient temple.

However, when a God came to the Taichu ancient hall from a distance, he found a major event on the way, and then he was chased all the way before he fled to the Taichu ancient hall.

"Many gods, millions of gods, gathered together and rushed to the immortal land. There were still some outside, and it seemed that something big was going to happen!!" the news from the God was like this.

Then many gods were stunned.

Millions of gods? Are you kidding.

Is this the myth and legend of a small country of mortals?

There are not so many gods in the universe.

There can be many supernatural creatures and quite a few demigods, but the number of real gods cannot reach millions. Some time ago, before the drastic changes in the universe, it was hard to say whether the number of gods really exceeded 10000.

How could millions of gods come out?

All of a sudden, many brave gods came out of the Taichu ancient temple and flew out of the ruins of the immortal land. Then... One by one.

Then there was an amazing news.