"You are..." Ye Yang looked at the man with some hesitation.

He knew that the God came from outside the galaxy and did not belong to the galaxy.

He also knew that the previous masks were hung and sold by the God. He even knew that the God had attacked the Cangwu God system not only to test the jade pendant of the pseudo God Emperor, but also to show his good to Ye Yang.

Because, this is a very good advertisement. Don't you see that many gods are going to buy that kind of fake and shoddy emperor jewelry?

Even the gods of this galaxy will be excited. Even if you don't use this kind of thing for the time being, it's good to reserve it.

However, Ye Yang was surprised that the God who showed kindness to Ye Yang was so "self cooked".

Each other's breath is quite strange, but there is a sense of familiarity.

Looking carefully, this is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his eyebrows are gray and his hair is gray.

The beard is clean, square face, hanging bile nose, wide mouth and large earlobes. The muscles are tangled and look very strong. And the whole body is also tall, nearly two meters, and it doesn't deliberately become like this.

A middle-aged man dressed as a warrior.

"You are..." Ye Yang asked again.

The breath on the middle-aged man dissipated a lot, leaving only a power fluctuation that Ye Yang was quite familiar with, and this power fluctuation became much stronger than before.

"Big elder?! big elder of Fengshen association?"

Ye Yang was very surprised and surprised.

The man's figure, appearance, temperament and even voice are different from those of the elder he met before. At first, the elder of the Fengshen Association and the God King of the eastern Ming Dynasty disappeared together in the vast world war.

The reason for the disappearance is that the consciousness of heaven and earth in the vast world really controls the vast world. They are not afraid to be known that the vast consciousness has awakened. The great elder and the God King of Dongming dare not stay in the vast world.

The elder at that time was only a mere incarnation, but his strength was very strong. At that time, Ye Yang was as weak as a mole ant in front of them. Even if it was already promoted to a semi hypocrite, it was as weak as dust at that time.

But now... Ye Yang is still not the opponent of the big elder's noumenon. Even the incarnation of the big elder is more powerful than Ye Yang's noumenon.

Ye Yang can't measure the strength of the other party, unless he has played a big game.

But it's not necessary.

Ye Yang has this ancient temple of Taichu, which is inherently invincible.

"Hehe, your majesty Ye Yang, how are you?" the elder smiled.

Ye Yang said, "your body shape, appearance and temperament have changed. Only the power fluctuation has not changed. That is, in the Taichu ancient hall, you can recognize the real power fluctuation of yourself. It's not disguised. If you're outside, you really don't dare to recognize it. You're all right."

Ye Yang couldn't help feeling.

How could the old elder talk to him so politely?

Now they just have an ancient temple, and the other party becomes so polite. Of course, people must ask for gifts.

"It didn't take long. Unexpectedly, your majesty Ye Yang has jumped over the dragon's gate. It's incredible." said the elder.

Ye Yang said, "I can't believe that the elder will enter this galaxy."

The heart moved slightly and asked, "the elder, but the body enters the galaxy?"

The elder in front of him was just an incarnation. He didn't dare to enter the Taichu ancient temple. So Ye Yang asked. It's also a temptation. I don't think the Presbyterian will tell the truth.

But unexpectedly, the elder revealed: "if it were not for the noumenon, how could we enter this Lost Galaxy almost forgotten by the gods? If the incarnation was here, how could we contact the external noumenon?"

Ye Yang was really shocked: "really enter the noumenon?"

That's bound to cause a lot of noise, isn't it?

Ye Yang doesn't believe that the elder really entered the galaxy.

The Fengshen association is very powerful. Its branches are stationed in different galaxies, but they can communicate with each other. When the Fengshen Association landed in the vast world, it could transmit a large number of demigods and hypocrites to the vast world, and then leave with a large number of demigods and hypocrites.

With such strength, the elder has been in contact with the outside world in this galaxy. The avatar and the noumenon are divided into two boundaries, which should be possible.

Therefore, I don't believe what the elder said.

"Your Majesty Ye Yang doesn't seem to believe it?"

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang smiled and waved, "drink tea."

The tea cultivated by divine power, taken from the kingdom of God, is the supreme holy product for mortals and even demigods. But for a powerful God, it is unusual.

Ye Yang drank tea, counted the time silently, took a few drinks and drove away... If the elder didn't say anything.

"Why did you come here? Your majesty Ye Yang is not curious?" the elder finally couldn't help but make a noise.

If ye Yang doesn't speak, he will lose a lot.

Ye Yang has the advantage. So the elder can only say first.

"Oh, I'm not very curious. If the elder wants to say it, say it. If he doesn't want to say it, don't say it." Ye Yang said.

The elder was speechless.

He took a breath and said, "I'm here to cooperate with your majesty Ye Yang."


"Yes, we have common interests," said the elder.

Ye Yang smiled.

"Common interests? That's not necessarily true. Elder, it's from the outside galaxy." Ye Yang said.

What is Ye Yang's current demand?

The ancient Hall of refining and chemistry? Develop the gods trading platform here?

Yes, neither.

Ye Yang's real demand and real purpose is to crystallize a lot of divine power.

As long as there is enough divine power crystallization, his strength can be rapidly improved and grow at a high speed.

The kingdom of God continues to grow in size and strength. And there is the kind of secret skill provided by Yuan Hao. Moreover, with the knowledge brought by the Taichu ancient hall itself, Ye Yang can be really powerful by integrating the defense mechanism and various defense rules of the Taichu ancient hall with the defense secret technique of the integration of the kingdom of God provided by old GUI Yuanhao.

Now, of course, there is an ancient temple, but it is an external object and an external force.

Who can guarantee that Taichu ancient hall will not have problems one day?

Even if there is no problem with the Taichu ancient hall, Ye Yang's body can only be hidden in the ancient hall. He doesn't dare to go out and don't hold back?

Moreover, the defense of Taichu ancient temple is strong, but what about the attack means? No means of attack. This means that other powerful gods may not hurt him, but it is still possible to seal the whole archaic temple in an area and prohibit any gods from entering and leaving.

With the emergence of various treasures, the Taichu ancient hall can not be said to be absolutely safe.

Ye Yang is also greedy for all kinds of treasures, but the body stays in the Taichu ancient hall, which repels those treasures that still exist in the outside world and cannot be collected.

Therefore, Ye Yang still wants to become stronger.

If the universe is strong enough and he and his kingdom of God are immortal, it doesn't matter what other secrets and interests. But it's not strong enough to feel at ease for a day.

In order to obtain a large number of divine power crystals, it is necessary to develop the Taichu ancient hall.

Now is a critical period. Ye Yang should lay a foundation here and go out! He not only wants many gods in this galaxy to rely on the archaic temple, but also can't get rid of it and give up the benefits it brings. I also want all the gods in the outer universe to gradually accept the Taichu ancient temple.

What about the interests of the elder?

Control this galaxy? Get the secret of this galaxy?

Before he took control of the galaxy, the great elder would never let many gods from the outside come in. The more gods come in, the more gods who share the benefits, and the less benefits they can get.

Now there are some foreign gods, but are they from the canonization association? Even if they have nothing to do with the canon Association, their strength is not as good as that of the great elders, and they are controllable.

Therefore, Ye Yang believes that his own interests are in contradiction with outsiders and the gods of the galaxy.

The gods here want to go out and don't want outsiders to enter.

Outsiders want to control the power here and gain benefits in the galaxy. They don't want the gods here to come out and more outsiders to come in.

Ye Yang wants the gods here to rely on the Taichu ancient temple. He wants to wait until a certain period of time to leave the galaxy, or simply let more outsiders enter here from outside galaxies. Then the ancient temple will earn more and more divine power crystals.

"What common interests do you mean?" Ye Yang asked.

"The Taichu ancient hall can't collect the precious fragments of this galaxy now. I'm very interested in the precious fragments of this galaxy and all kinds of data and information. This is what I need." Da Changlao Dao.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"And the Taichu ancient temple must want to know the information of the outside world, and even want the outside gods to enter the Taichu ancient temple, right? I can set up a channel for the Taichu ancient temple, and the weak gods from the outside can enter the galaxy." old Taoist.

Ye Yang's heart moved: "what good is it for you to let foreign gods enter this galaxy?"

The elder said, "fishing in troubled waters, of course, there are some hidden benefits. It's inconvenient to say more."

Ye Yang said, "tell me more?"

"Their bodies escape and hide in the archaic temple, and their incarnations can move in this galaxy and participate in robbing the precious fragments..."

"The elder won't watch those fragments fall into their hands, will he?"

"The ancient secrets hidden in this galaxy and the things left over from ancient times should be competed for by their abilities," said the elder master.

Ye Yang was silent.

"I have a big plan. Of course, it's still early to say this, or even to say real cooperation. When I came to meet with your majesty Ye Yang, I just made a preliminary contact and expressed my goodwill. It shows that our interests are not completely contradictory. We can have common interests. Some of the contradictions that were settled at the beginning can also be under the common general interests Defuse. "

The elder said, without waiting for Ye Yang to think deeply, he put a card on the table and pushed it towards Ye Yang.

Ye Yang scanned his mind and found that this is a data storage card, but it is only similar to the data card of mortals. It contains functions like memory light group and has divine power, which can read and take out a large amount of information.

"Your Majesty Ye Yang can look at the contents first. It's free intelligence. If you want to know more about the intelligence of the outside world, you can contact me."

Then he suddenly stood up and left.

Ye Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, I picked up the card and my thoughts poured into it.

In an instant, this incarnation sensed a vast universe.

There are trillions of huge galaxies in the vast starry sky. Galaxies, large and small, have hundreds of billions of stars and trillions of stars. Small galaxies also have hundreds of billions of stars.

There are all kinds of unpredictable dark matter and energy and all kinds of strange particles that permeate the void of the universe.

Ye Yang's Lost Galaxy is just one of the trillions of galaxies in the universe.

The vastness of the universe is indescribable and amazing.

However, the sensing is only a cosmic map simulated by light spots.

The picture shows that only a few areas have divine activities. It is not clear whether there are gods in a wider area.

"How can there be so many gods? In the vast universe, there are countless galaxies and countless gods. Powerful galaxies can control several galaxies alone. Weak galaxies contain a large number of gods.

"There are those who follow the way of faith, those who focus on the way of law, and those who focus on the way of origin. The way of faith is also divided into several kinds. The way of law and the way of origin are divided into several kinds, and all kinds of gods are different.

"In today's universe, countless gods and spirits split into different personality ideas, one into many. There is a constant war between the incarnation of gods and between the split personality and personality.

"There are gods who control mortals with the help of mortal beliefs. There is a combination of gods and mortal science and technology, and the divine power is blessed on various high-tech weapons with extraordinary power. The humanoid, fish, beast, bird, insect, several of the largest intelligent races and countless weak intelligent races in the universe are controlled by different gods and constantly killed and felled... Very chaotic."

When ye Yang saw this, the weak magic power in the card was exhausted, and the recorded information was automatically erased.

Ye Yang closed his eyes and meditated for a long time before he took a long breath.

"The great elder is so powerful that he put such a temptation in front of me."

What does Ye Yang's Taichu ancient temple need to develop?

Need chaos.

The more serious and chaotic the struggle among the gods, the more dependent they are on the archaic temple.

Other places are not calm and stable. Only the Taichu ancient hall is safe and stable, it will become prosperous. There are more and more transactions. The transaction volume is larger and larger, and Ye Yang will earn more and more.

War and danger will make the gods and powerful intelligent lives hide in the Taichu ancient temple, and their wealth will gradually transfer to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang and many gods need all kinds of rare substances and materials in the universe, or the crystallization of divine power.

"I need chaos, but in this chaos, I can't let the gods fall too much. To let a large number of gods exist, only a few fall, and let other gods feel the crisis, and the constant struggle among the gods is the greatest benefit for the Taichu ancient temple.

"But now, the interior of this galaxy is chaotic enough, and it will be more chaotic in the future. The presence of the archaic temple can also ensure that they will not fall too much.

"But how can the gods of multiple God systems in just one galaxy satisfy my appetite? With their power, my strength has improved quite rapidly, but it will take thousands of years to grow to the top level in the world?

"That's too slow. And if the resources of the whole universe come together, it will make a lot of money."

This is like how much money can ordinary people make if they develop products that are only famous in a village or small town? If this product can be popularized to the whole county, the whole province, the whole country, the world, and tens of thousands or even more cities and towns, this product will make a lot of money if it is famous.

The famous products in one town and one village can not become the richest man in the world if they have accumulated wealth for a hundred years. However, as long as they are popularized all over the world, they are really popular. In a few years, they will be close to the richest man in the world.

Ye Yang's situation here is also similar. If the Taichu ancient temple can be famous in the world, many gods from outside galaxies can come in admiration, and they like the Taichu ancient temple more and more because of the increasingly chaotic environment outside, the benefits he obtains will be too huge to describe.


The key is that now he can't go out or pull in the gods outside.

But the elder can do it!