So, in the past few days.

Ye Yang did not refine the Taichu ancient hall much, and it was more and more difficult to refine it later. The control rate of the ancient temple of Taichu increased slowly.

He tried to release an incarnation to go out. As a result, as soon as he came out of the ancient temple, he was bombarded and exploded by invisible forces in the void.

For many times in a row, the Avatar was quietly released and went out, all of which were blasted.

Only the man God in the distance seemed to be undetected. Or have been perceived and the gods pretended not to know and did not lay hands on him.

"Noumenon and incarnation are not suitable to leave the Taichu ancient temple for the time being. Just refine slowly and sit and watch the wind and cloud. Although I think the refining speed is slow, the slowest is no more than 80% in 300 years, and more than 80% in less than 100 years. For mortals, a hundred years is very long, but for gods, a hundred years is just a snap In a flash.

"Over the past hundred years, even if we do not absorb external forces, the power provided by believers in our kingdom is enough to strengthen our kingdom again.

"What's more, I can also be familiar with the power of the divine level. I've been busy with all kinds of things since I was promoted and broke through, and I dare not disclose my power characteristics when I came to this galaxy. Now... It's time to be completely familiar with my own power. By the way... Absorb the knowledge of the ancient temple and refine it more."

In this way, Ye Yang stayed in the ancient temple, and the gods outside didn't know what he did inside.

But the outside world was not calm, and the battle between the gods became more and more chaotic.

Ye Yang occasionally observed the outside world from the Taichu ancient temple, but he really couldn't figure out the difference between which God system and which God system.

There are eight God systems in the whole galaxy, but there are ten guys who call themselves God kings.

It is not clear whether there is a breakthrough to the so-called "God King" in the dark. The specific number of gods is not clear. The number of generals of each god system is very large.

Although the gods in the divine system are known as "loyal", in fact, many of them will betray at any time. They are bound by gods' vows and can not get rid of them easily, but if higher-level gods help and pay a high price, they can not be bound by vows.

Ye Yang has read some novels and games before. Some gods in the fantasy world have Styx vows. They can't break them and swear to abide by them. But this is not the case here. Vows are useful, but they can be broken. It's just more expensive.

Therefore, some gods belong to this group today and another group tomorrow. Let alone the betrayal of low-level gods. The two major gods cooperate with each other today and oppose each other tomorrow. All kinds of vertical and horizontal cooperation and frequent changes are dazzling.

What is even more wonderful is that many gods have married male gods and female gods, but still, today they cooperate because the two major gods are united, tomorrow they break up because the two major gods are hostile, and then they unite again after a period of time. But there are also some who secretly couple and break their ties.

The same God system and the other seven God systems are bound to varying degrees, and all have gods combined with each other. Therefore, today, when we cooperate with this God system, some gods in the God system will be valued, and some gods should be on guard to prevent that God from communicating with their hostile gods. However, if we turn over with this God system and cooperate with another god system another day, the gods that were valued before will be punished When a cold reception is given, the gods who were previously on guard for a cold reception should be paid attention to in order to show their sincerity. However, in a few days, they may change again and reverse all of them.

It can be said that the whole galaxy and the eight major divine systems are in a mess. In the next step, the avatars of gods who fought side by side can directly turn their faces and sneak attack each other. In the previous step, the avatars of gods of both sides were beaten to death, and in the next step, they will fight side by side.

Fortunately, these gods are incarnations. No one dares to go out easily, otherwise, they would have fallen.

All this is because things have fallen out several times over the vast world channel. Some are real immortal things, some are fake things, and the treasures hidden in the void are gradually exposed.

There were even several hidden gods of the outer galaxy who were accidentally discovered. They were hidden in a secret place of emptiness, but there happened to be an ancient treasure nearby. It was a sword handle. There was no sword edge and handle. The pure sword handle burst through the secret place of emptiness and attracted the attention of the gods of the galaxy.

One of several external galactic gods was caught, pressed and revealed some information.

"This was once a battlefield during the cosmic war of the ancient gods. There was a battle of thousands of gods!! thousands of powerful ancient gods destroyed and rebuilt this galaxy, strengthened it and fought again!!

"Many of the gods in this galaxy died that year, but then they were resurrected and reshaped, and their memories were erased.

"Why do the external gods not know that this galaxy has been destroyed and rebuilt? Because from the outside, this galaxy has always been destroyed and has not been rebuilt at all. From the outside, it seems that this galaxy is a large chaotic nebula, and the mystery inside is not clear to the gods outside.

"Why don't you know that you've fallen and been rebuilt? Because the 'Holy Grail of time' once appeared, which reversed the time of the whole Galaxy!! but half of the reverse flow was destroyed by many powerful people. It is said that it is related to the legendary 'Holy Grail of destiny'. The specific situation is not clear. But after the reversal and recovery of time, you fell into a deep sleep and many ancient gods It is powerful and has not been completely repaired by the countercurrent of time. Many powerful treasures are not affected by the power of the Holy Grail of time, so they are still damaged and silent in this galaxy... "

This secret frightened many gods.

Because of his divine intuition, Ye Yang used the power to distort his fate. He overheard a little content and was stunned.

Is there such a big secret in this galaxy?

Well, here's the problem.

When thousands of ancient gods fought, each one was stronger than the so-called God King of the galaxy, enough to destroy the galaxy countless times. Where are the strong ones? Will there also be sleeping here? Even if it is not the sleeping of the living ancient god, but the sleeping of the body after falling, it is enough to make people crazy.

Also, how many things that can be called "treasure" slept here?

Even the power of the Holy Grail of time can not affect the treasure, at least it is a treasure at the same level as the Holy Grail of time. How many fragments are hidden in this galaxy?

"There are a lot of treasures in this galaxy. Even if these things are only fragments, they are also precious. If they can be absorbed... Even if they can't be absorbed, they can only study the secret of the power above. For example, in the current Taichu ancient temple, I have gained a lot of knowledge, which makes me have a great and deep understanding of the defense secret spread by the divine turtle Yuanhao in a short time, and I have mastered it The first floor and the second floor are almost finished. Where can I find such benefits?

"I can't leave this galaxy, at least not now!"

Therefore, Ye Yang peeks at the situation outside from time to time. But he is not interested in the complex relationship between the major gods. Recently, the eight major god systems will become nine or seven, because a certain God system will be split, destroyed or changed from one to two. Ye Yang doesn't care too much. He only cares about the ancient secrets and the most important ones Bao.

"If only I could understand the secrets of those things from a distance. But now I don't even understand the secrets of the Taichu ancient temple, there's no need to be greedy. But what if I completely control the Taichu ancient temple hundreds of years later and all these treasures haven't appeared? Don't I have a chance?

"Not to mention that there is a channel connecting with the vast world. In case the vast world recovers, it is still necessary to go back and have a look in the future. Of course, the premise is that the galaxy is not broken, but even if the galaxy is broken, I am not afraid. Although it is not strong enough to exaggerate like the immortal place, it can also block the power of Galaxy breaking."

Ye Yang is relieved to refine the Taichu ancient hall and continues to peek.

A few days later, a few months have passed since the Taichu ancient temple appeared.

On this day, a god ran away in the void and flew rapidly towards the Taichu ancient hall, followed by a God. The power fluctuation of the latter was much stronger than that of the former.

This kind of situation can often be seen in this interstellar void. It is not uncommon to see a similar situation now.

However, what is strange is that the God who fled in front is the noumenon!!

The gods are generally the noumenon hidden in the kingdom of God, and only the incarnation acts outside. Now it is surprising that the noumenon is chased and fled.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment and stared at the void to see what had happened in the past.

There is no need to rely on divine intuition and the power of the law of time. Sometimes we can directly see what happened in the past.

For example, in the void thousands of light-years away, it takes thousands of years for things to happen and light to spread. Ordinary people directly look at the light in the distance from here. In fact, it happened thousands of years ago. They can't see what happened thousands of light-years away now, except that it is not so powerful as a God.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, wants to know what is happening in the distance. He either stares directly across the space, or stares closer than his destination.

For example, what happened ten hours ago in a place 1200 light-years away? Then, Bao needs to look at the area 1200 light-years away and extend the distance of ten light hours to see what happened ten hours ago in a place 1200 light-years away.

For example, a thing happened more than a minute ago when you were 60 million kilometers away, but you just missed it and couldn't see it directly. Therefore, just look at the light 30 million kilometers away and you can see what happened more than a minute ago when you are 60 million kilometers away.

However, the light must be diffused before it can be reflected. If it is an ordinary human, it may not be able to lock the light in a certain void, but it is not difficult for the gods to do so.

But there is a precondition... When something big happens over there, the light emitted is not broken by people. If there is a powerful divine power, the power of rules, and all relevant lights disappear, you can't see it.

Fortunately, the light over there was not destroyed. Ye Yang could see the truth clearly.

"How could it be that the kingdom of a God was destroyed? Then the body escaped and was chased all the way? What hatred was it? Even the kingdom of God was broken? And... His God system did not protect him? Well, the gods in that God system were pinned down by others and had no time to help him, and the strong man who attacked his God country was of God's level, just a little A general God can't stop it.

"Fortunately, the strength of this God General's body is not much weaker than that of a God's Avatar, so he can escape here..."

Ye Yang showed an interested smile on his face: "a dog bites a dog. If the God will be destroyed, will the God be retaliated by the God behind the God?"

Just waiting to see a good play.

However, what he did not expect was that this matter had something to do with him!

"Help!! Your Majesty in the Taichu ancient temple, please, save the little god!!" the God who fled rushed around the Taichu ancient temple and gritted his teeth, but he didn't escape.

Ye Yang was stunned.

The God who fled was a God who looked like a young man. He was very strange.

"Do I know him very well?" Ye Yang muttered in his heart, but ignored him.

"Ha ha ha, you're so desperate that you begged the invaders in the ancient temple of Taichu to save you? Hum, it's useless. Although the stars are big, no one can protect you if I want to kill you!! how dare you make me lose the great opportunity that day! Forgive you“

The God who came after him roared and burned his red flame, and his big fist went at the God who was strange to the image of a young man.

The God quickly resisted.

"I have explained it many times, but I didn't mean it at all..." the young man parried hurriedly. After all, he was the essence of a God, and reluctantly blocked several moves.

Then he flew around the Taichu ancient hall, and the god statue was relentless in pursuit and killing. He kept bombarding with big fists, and sometimes had the power to sweep the Taichu ancient hall.

"God, your majesty, the elder in the Taichu ancient temple, please, save the little God, save the younger generation..." the God shouted loudly. The God thought and sounded sad. He was hit by bombardment from time to time. God's blood was spilled and his injury was very serious, but he was still around and refused to escape.

Ye Yang's voice finally came out: "why did I save you?"

The God shouted: "the little God has some treasures, heavy treasures... Hidden in a secret place. There are Tao patterns on an ancient treasure. By the way, there are some residual divine power crystals on him. If the elder rescues him, the younger generation will be very grateful and would like to offer them!!"

Ye Yang smiled: "if you want to find someone to save you, wouldn't it be better to find the gods in your God system? Just run away in the interstellar void for a period of time, and naturally someone will come to save you. Why do you need to ask me for help?"

"No way!! there was a split in the divine department where the younger generation lived before. The younger generation was neutral before, and now neither side is sheltered. It happens that the foreign enemy invaded, so we can only turn to the elder." the man said anxiously: "I don't know when others will help me. If someone falls into a well on the way, it's more dangerous. It's better to come here and take a chance."

Ye Yangxiang smiled: "how do you know that I will really save you? Instead of taking you in and killing you?"

The God's face changed slightly. He ran away and said loudly, "I'm just here to take a chance. But now there is chaos in the galaxy, and there will be even worse chaos in the future. There will never be only the younger God who has broken the kingdom of God. If the younger generation is sheltered, there will be gods who will come to ask the elder for help when they are desperate. This is a great opportunity for the elder!"

He didn't say what a good opportunity it was, but ye Yang moved in his heart and vaguely understood the meaning of the God's words.

"It's very interesting. I'm a little moved, but how can I be sure that you're not a bitter meat trick?" Ye Yang said.

"Master, please believe me, and even if I enter the Taichu ancient temple, can I turn the sky? Master has refined the Taichu ancient temple for so long, even if there is a bitter meat plan, it won't be at this time." the God hurriedly said.

It was a little logical, but ye Yang could understand it.

Ye Yang has the ability of prophecy, and he also controls the Taichu ancient temple. If the other party wants to get in, it's not difficult for Ye Yang to kill or expel. What's more, looking at the light in the distant void, it doesn't seem like a bitter meat trick.

Since you are not afraid of this person turning the sky, it seems good to help.

"OK, I will help you!" Ye Yang said.

"Stop!!" the pursuer was furious: "if you dare to meddle in your own affairs, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Yang laughed: "the eight strong gods of the whole galaxy come together. I'm not afraid, but I'll be afraid of you? What do you threaten me with? This person, I'll be saved!"