Ye Yang had a bad hunch.

Then he received a report: "there is a strange virus and bacteria in the sea area where fanson left, and some sea creatures nearby have begun to mutate."

Ye Yang's face changed slightly.

Then I see some pictures taken.

There are some huge fish in the deep sea. Their bodies have rotted, but they can swim. They are like "zombie fish" in the end of the world, and they look a little more terrible.

Because the activities of zombie fish at the end of the world are still affected by some physical rules. If the fish bubble rots, it can't be suspended.

But some of these fish can float in the sea even though their bubbles are broken.

In addition, there are some jellyfish and squid, which are too large.

"How could this happen?" Ye Yang's face was ugly.

"When he didn't leave before, we noticed that the sea area was strange, but we couldn't get the real hammer evidence, or even prove that the creatures in the sea area were strange, so we didn't report to you. But just now, two huge octopus fish with sharp horns and a large number of inverted hooks on their tentacles were attacking each other, which seemed to destroy the sea inadvertently Some instruments in the domain, so they show the intelligence inside. Our submarine can go deep inside and collect some data. "

Ye Yang asked them to send the documents.

Amazing pictures.

Some strange fish even have human arms or legs, and some have strange faces.

"We have detected some special bacteria and viruses, but we haven't found any harm before. But just now, we finally determined that... They must be affected by certain waves and the content of several trace elements to a certain extent before these bacteria and viruses can cause some biological variation.

"But more detailed things are still being tested in the laboratory, and there is no more detailed report..."

Ye Yang was livid when he saw the additional text prompt on the file.

"Fanson, what does that bastard want?!"

After thinking about it, Ye Yang suddenly found that he didn't get fanson's remote communication number. However, such a huge ship in space should be able to communicate by directly launching cluster electromagnetic waves.

Therefore, a country on earth was quickly required to launch a cluster electromagnetic signal into space.

I soon got in touch with fanson.

However, Ye Yang asked about these strange creatures, but Fansen could not explain clearly.

"It's possible that my ship's body flies too fast in space and produces some radiation during contact with sea water, which leads to their variation? But it's reasonable that even if the variation should not occur in such a short time. Therefore, I don't know the specific situation."

Fansen's reply was very polite, but ye Yang had a strong intuition. This matter has something to do with Fansen.

Cut off the call.

Fanson's face showed a strange color: "unexpectedly, he was discovered so soon? It was a mistake. There was a deviation in the plan... However, the arrow was on the line and had to be launched. Anyway, the layout has been completed. I'll wait for the result on Mars. Hehe, this planet and this refuge will be mine!!"

In other words, he stretched out his hand and tore off the wig and the mask on his face, revealing a face with skin and bones like a skeleton. In his empty eyes, there was a green fire. He looked more like the so-called "necromancer" than Ye Yang.

As like as two peas, he had a figure that was translucent, which was exactly the same as that of van son.

The other side

Ye Yang cut off the call and frowned: "Fansen has an evil heart, but what's the purpose?"

to be puzzled.

It is also a dispute to send this problem out and study it together by multinational think tanks.

Some people think that fanson wants to seize control of the earth, others think that Fansen wants to destroy the earth. But all kinds of statements have flaws and have been attacked.

With van Seng's ability, it's easy to destroy the earth. If you want to attack the earth, it's much better to launch an attack directly in outer space than a warship landing on the earth. Moreover, this can't explain why he needed a large number of living people and why he had to make a good deal with Ye Yang.

Some people estimate that van Seng really needed the resources on the earth before, so he came to trade. Some people estimate that van Seng came to the earth to put this virus and bacteria.

But it is unclear why the virus and bacteria should be put in.

What good does it do for fanson to transform creatures on earth into this strange form?

The people argued endlessly, but soon they received another bad news.

"On the other side of the world, a strange spiritual life has been found. They are not afraid of the impact of the soul killing wave. On the contrary, after being washed by the soul killing wave, they will continue to become stronger and even accelerate the division!!"


Ye Yang was stunned by the news.

Quickly received the specific message sent over there and checked it briefly.

The "soul killing wave generator" preached by Van Seng can release something called "soul killing wave", which will have a certain impact on the consciousness of living people, such as dizziness and nausea. It also has a certain impact on the undead soldiers sent by Ye Yang.

As for those hostile spiritual beings, they are extremely afraid of the soul killing wave. Many of them are directly swept away by the soul killing wave and then fly into oblivion. I can't detect it with a detector.

However, there are a few... About 5% of spiritual beings will mutate under the influence of soul killing wave!!

The first few groups of spiritual life bodies did not mutate, but a few of the later groups of spiritual life bodies had mutated after being impacted.

"Unexpectedly, it was overcast..."

Just think about it. It's about fanson.

Ye Yang contacted Fansen again.

Van Seng Road: "I don't know. Maybe your spiritual life is special? Just like antibiotics, they can inhibit the regeneration of viruses and bacteria, but some of them will mutate into superviruses and supergerms when encountering antibiotics. That's also possible. This kind of soul killing wave has never had a problem in other refuge worlds. I'm the second in your case Once. "

Ye Yang snorted.

But now, fanson is far from the earth.

Even if ye Yang wants to sneak in and assassinate Fansen, he can't.

The space is vast and empty. No matter what the earth sends to space, it will be found. The space war ability stored with the ball is probably not van Seng's opponent.

On the earth side, there are some flying saucers that can be used to fight in outer space. Ye Yang has strong doubts about how those flying saucers can get van Sen.

Cut off the call, Ye Yang took a few deep breaths before calming his anger.

Do you want to go up into space and kill fanson?

Take his warship. There must be corresponding information in that warship.

It's just, it's too dangerous.

The son of a thousand gold does not sit in the hall.

Fansen has the terrible power of nuclear explosion without a thick crust. Ye Yang is close to him within a few hundred meters. Once he is found, he may be lost.

Unless ye Yang's reaction reaches the extreme quickly, he shuttles into the half plane at the moment of discovery and closes the space entrance.

"There is a half plane space. In fact, there is still hope to kill van Seng. As long as I get close and successfully release 'time stop', I will have a chance to kill him!! just..."

Ye Yang also has an end world and another parallel world, which has not crossed the past at all. There are cards and a way back. There is no need to take risks at all.

For a long time.

"I have to fight, I have to fight!! if the world outlook van Seng said is true, no matter how many parallel worlds there are, no matter how many refuges there are, the general earth and solar system are not safe. One can count as one.

"But I can't risk myself easily."

Ye Yang thought for a while and felt that he should upgrade, and then choose a "invisibility".

However, "invisibility" can't guarantee to hide from fanson. Moreover, in the environment of the high-tech world, invisibility is not easy to use. All kinds of trained mice, pigs and dogs can easily smell hidden drugs. It's easy to smell an invisible person.

Invisible, activities will also cause changes in the dust in the air. There are various infrared detectors, life spectrum detectors, etc. many scientific and technological products have failed to use this skill.

Can you sneak next to Fansen through stealth? Ye Yang is skeptical.

"For the first time, I can't go there. I have to send some men to test van Sen's detection ability."

Ye Yang first asked Ji Yan to come over and let Ji Yan show her "invisibility".

Ji Yan learned this skill recently from a guard around her. The guard was a cleric of the "white lotus cult".

There are two systems for the skills of invisibility. One is the "illusion system", which makes people hallucinate through mental power, thinking they can't see something, or the brain automatically filters out something. The other is the "light illusion system", which is a false image forged by the energy of the light system.

For example, making things that don't exist look like they exist. Projectors, movies and televisions on earth, even similar light illusion techniques. For example, making things that exist look like they don't exist, the "optical invisibility cloak" being studied on earth is a similar effect, but the current product quality of this "optical invisibility cloak" is still questionable.

However, the effect of "invisibility" caused by divine or optical powers is much better.

Ji Yan is a genius in power cultivation. She doesn't have any so-called "skill" or the like. She can imitate the corresponding skills after contacting the corresponding energy crystal core and absorbing the corresponding energy. Before, she could use the light and healing skills of the light system. Before entering the holy city of white lotus, she could make her body shine. Now she has mastered the invisibility skills.

After learning and mastering, it is more convenient and easy for her to sort out the details of skills than to learn from other clergy.

Ye Yang's talent in this regard was not strong. But he has the skill of "Yin God out of the body".

In the case of "Yin God out of the body", the use of "external release of mind" can never forget.

After his half plane space is fused with the brain core, he can modify part of his memory by himself. Explicit memory is just that. The subconscious can correct some parts.

For example, when a warrior fights with people, some moves are performed automatically in case of danger without brain. This conditioned reflex of physical instinct is actually a subconscious memory.

The real meat ~ ~ fighting experts, whether they are the legendary Wulin experts in the ectopic side, the real top Sanda fighting experts in the world, or the power fighters in the end world, or strong people like Ji Yan, all have such abilities.

Through long-term practice, you can integrate some moves or some physical reaction into instinct.

Ye Yang can completely modify his subconscious through "Yin God out of the body" and make himself a master of fighting in a short time.

Of course, it needs physical fitness to keep up, but now... Ye Yang's physical attribute has reached 23.6 as early as Lv16. Later, it has been improved many times, especially drinking various genetic drugs to strengthen physique and soaking holy water. Now it has reached 28.3, close to 30 points, which is much stronger than the physical quality of any martial artist without variation on the earth.

Even the martial arts champion, the champion of various sports, has not heard of more than 18 points in physical attributes. 18 points is not so simple as saying that it is 80% stronger than ordinary people's physical quality, but all-round. All kinds of cell activity, official strength, muscle, skin and bone phase have been improved accordingly.

28.3 physique, and then 15.3 strength. The strength is much worse, but it is only lack of explosive power. If you practice carefully and have a strong physique as the support, the strength is also easy to explode.

The reason why the strength is so low is that some old people say they "don't know how to use force".

Ye Yang is not difficult to become a martial arts expert now.

Similarly, it is not difficult to master invisibility.

Ji Yan came over and explained in detail.

Ye Yang remembered them all, and in the state of "primary meditation", he activated his thinking, and then "Yin God out of the body". In this way, his understanding ability increased greatly. By absorbing a small piece of "light energy crystal core", Yin God can even see something suspected of "light law fluctuation", which is easier to understand.

"Invisibility... Mastered. However, the system doesn't seem to admit it. Is it because the undead mage class and the light energy repel each other? It doesn't feel very similar."

Ye Yang, the necromancer, is also a wonderful work. The abilities of space, time, magic, light and darkness are mixed.

Of course, if it is placed in a system similar to DND, it is normal for necromancers to have these different abilities. Except that the optical system is a little strange, the abilities of other systems are normal. It's not too strange.

"This stealth ability, if it covers the whole flying saucer..."

Ye Yang tried and could do it, but unfortunately, after the UFO left a certain distance, the effect of invisibility became ineffective.

In some games, when you cast invisibility on a creature, no matter how far he goes, as long as it is not cracked, invisibility can last for a long time.

But ye Yang can't do it here.


He tried to use "ghost fog" for a flying saucer and put some energy nuclei on it. As a result, the "ghost fog" can exist for a long time. Because he has upgraded this skill and improved it.

"If you can integrate the invisibility skill and the ghost fog into the same skill, then with the power of the ghost fog, even if the flying saucer is far away, you can maintain invisibility, and then you can test Fansen."

Ye Yang hesitated and looked at his character attributes. It is now a lv22 character. It needs 300000 upgrade energy to rise to lv23. Upgrading from lv23 to lv24 is expected to require 400000 upgrade energy. In addition, there are other requirements for fusion skill.

"The upgrade energy is not enough. Forget it. First try to absorb the upgrade energy. At the same time... Use these flying saucers to test van Seng. See if there is a chance to assassinate. If you can... I'll do it myself!!"

Soon, two flying saucers went to the direction of the moon, and then, from the back of the moon, they flew one after another in the direction of Vatican's warships. The first flying saucer is aboveboard, and the second one is shrouded in a thick dark ghost fog at a distance, and it is just backlight. The flying saucer and van Seng's warship have the back of the moon in a straight line. It is dark when viewed from there. Under normal circumstances, it can't be seen with the optical system.

The ghost fog can absorb all kinds of waves and energy and will not be detected.

The two flying saucers, one before and one after, gradually approached Mars.