"Oh?" Ye Yang was very interested and asked people to connect the relevant videos.

The distance between the earth and the moon is not too far. The rocket has to fly for a long time, but the light propagation is only a second or two.

Therefore, the signals transmitted from the moon can be obtained synchronously.

However, signal translation and relay transmission also take time.

Therefore, Ye Yang saw the situation two or three seconds ago, even a little later. But no later than five seconds.

He saw on the mobile phone screen that one of the robots was shooting at the lunar giant ship, and the wheels under the feet of the other robot were rotating around the lunar giant ship to observe the lunar soil outside the giant ship at a close distance.

"You must find the entrance, and you may need to send some large instruments to the moon..." Ye Yangxin flashed.

Suddenly something was wrong.

Just a few crawler walking robots, how can you dig the lunar soil so quickly and see the shell of the lunar giant ship?

Although the commander and controller behind the moon were very careful not to let the robot touch the shell of the lunar giant ship. But... For countless years, people on earth have not found the existence of the lunar giant ship. There are often all kinds of waves launched towards the moon on the earth. We can understand the situation of the lunar surface through feedback. But I didn't find the lunar giant ship, but now it's so easy to find it? It's unreasonable.

What's more unreasonable is that after accumulating lunar soil for so many years, why can the robot dig up the surrounding lunar soil and directly see the shell of the lunar giant ship?

Ye Yang couldn't help asking, "did you control the robot to dig the lunar soil?"

"Er... Just about to report to you, Mr. Ye, the robot we control didn't make any rash moves and didn't dare to dig the lunar soil first. Originally, we planned to observe it first, but... We found a corridor that seemed to be formed naturally. It seemed to be formed by the collapse of the lunar soil..." the voice of the person opposite came from the mobile phone.

Ye Yang sneered.

Turn on the computer and connect the signal with the opposite side. Ye Yang said, "do you think it will be such a coincidence? Investigate it for me!!"

He was a little angry.

As a high-level person in a country, how can I have such a low IQ?

It's clear that he is eager for work. He wants to do well on Ye Yang's side. He will report early. The more important situation hasn't been solved yet, let's report the good news first.

It has to be said that Ye Yang's deterrent to the top of the world's first superpower is still very strong.

But ye Yang doesn't want these guys to be as stupid as they are in the "aura of retarded intelligence" because they are afraid of themselves.

Soon, Ye Yang's computer connected the signal there, and the think tank there is also discussing it now.

"It can't be such a coincidence. This corridor is likely to be formed by purposeful external forces. Otherwise, how could it collapse into a corridor? It's so straight and so coincident..."

"However, according to the pictures we got, there are no car footprints on the opposite lunar soil. There are no traces of different energy residues between the corridor and the outside world. There is no way to prove that it is the power of aliens..."

"Haven't you heard of magnetic levitation technology? Maybe aliens have such aircraft and can shield or absorb the spilled energy residues, so they avoid the detection of our lunar landing robots..."

"I think you've seen too many science fiction movies!!"

The official think tank of a country is arguing over there. There are also some scientists involved.

Others are nervously staring at the situation on the moon. The robot didn't dare to touch the giant ship, but kept recording the surrounding images, shooting and sending them back.

Then, it began to release strong radio waves there for detection.

"Do you want to try to touch the shell of the lunar giant ship?" the leader of the superpower also felt great pressure.

In case the aliens in the giant ship wake up... In case the command is issued here to let the lunar landing robot touch the shell of the giant ship and cause alien hostility... He can't afford to bear the responsibility.

In the past, the president of the most powerful country on earth, even under great pressure, could come up with an idea through public discussion, but now he dare not.

Because once he makes a wrong decision, he has no doubt that Ye Yang may kill him because he is angry.

So I asked Ye Yang for instructions directly.

Ye Yang was silent and then smiled.

The situation on the other side of the moon may not be on his side. If you act rashly, it may lead to a big crisis. But if we don't act rashly, will aliens wake up and let the earth go?

May coexist peacefully, but the earth people are fighting among the same kind. The same kind and different races believe that "if we are not our race, our hearts will be different", not to mention different races? Aliens are also unlikely to be a special race that ignores interests.

At least, the alien race in the end of the world doesn't seem to be a real peace loving race. Even a peace loving race can be cruel to other races.

For example, a kind-hearted human who can't bear to kill a chicken and eat a different kind of corpse is very happy. Ordinary people may think they are used to it, but what if they want to eat the bodies of the same kind or the bodies of primates that look similar to the same kind? Many people can't help vomiting. Even if you don't say anything about morality, most normal people can't accept it.

If it's different, many people don't care.

Any alien without high IQ is just an excuse. Essentially because it's alien.

In the same way, even if aliens are a kind race, they are likely to be enemies when they meet people on earth.

If it were a few days ago, Ye Yang would hesitate in the face of such a situation. Now, even if the earth here explodes, he can escape with his close relatives. What is he afraid of?

"Contact the lunar giant ship, and then test whether it can open the door of the lunar giant ship according to the information I provide!!"

Ye Yang can provide relevant information about the lunar giant ship, and senior leaders of all countries are directly suspicious... As long as the IQ exceeds 80, there is no reason not to doubt it.

But what if you doubt? Who dares to talk?

"Yes!!" the president of the superpower responded very doggedly.

Then ye Yang saw that the robots on the moon began to contact the giant ship.

However, the sonar was not released to detect the situation inside. It just touched the portal according to the method provided by Ye Yang to release special power fluctuations.

There are several ways to open the door of an alien giant ship. First, the adaptive brain wave can be turned on after amplification, but the opening device of the ship door must be in the "standby state".

The second is to introduce current, avoid stimulating special line points inside the shell, and form a multi-dimensional electrical frequency signal through the changes of high and low voltage current and strong and weak current. The signal gap with digital circuits on the earth is quite large, but it is difficult for all countries in this regard. However, the incoming current must use "short-range wireless transmission".

Wireless power supply has long been studied in various countries. Large scale investment is practical and impossible. But in the laboratory, it was successfully realized a few years ago.

Third, the secret door is opened.

Aliens prevent the giant ship from locking. They will be equipped with a twisted hole. After extending in, they can start a backup device inside. They can open it by successfully entering and saying the password within a limited time.

Unfortunately, Ye Yang doesn't understand this.

The fourth method is brute force cracking.

Now there is no need for the third and fourth methods. The first method is not suitable. Just use the second method.

The robot has long been prepared for short-range wireless transmission technology. However, sonar positioning is still needed to ensure the successful focusing of wireless current into a wire inside.

It is not convenient for the robot to scan the whole giant ship with strong sonar. Sonar positioning for a small area should still be possible, and the movement and static caused should be controllable.


When the robot began to release the sonar, the door of the alien ship opened.

"This is..."

On earth, leaders of many countries watched the situation on the moon at the same time. At this moment, including Ye Yang, they were startled.

There was a strong light in the door of the ship, vaguely visible, a luminous figure with metallic luster.

Then the light blooms and the picture disappears.

"What's going on?"

"No, the signal is interrupted!! the robot we sent to the moon was broken."


Then another robot was destroyed, and soon the electric land vehicle that landed on the moon was also destroyed.

Only a miniature signal repeater placed not far from the lunar giant ship is still sending meaningless signals.

Before long, news came that there was a problem with the repeater.

"Find the whereabouts of aliens!!"

Observatories in various countries have been observing the situation on the moon with astronomical telescopes, recording the diffuse light over there at any time, forming countless pictures.

From the picture, there is a luminous shadow passing through the lunar giant ship.

"The speed is about 300 meters per second, close to the speed of sound on earth. According to the analysis of the picture, it is likely to be an advanced robot... Or an alien wearing metal shell clothes, can move at high speed with his legs, and the shape is similar to that of human beings. But the strange thing is... It destroyed the surrounding signal transmitter and returned to the lunar giant ship."

That is, no attempt was made to connect with the earth.

Moreover, after waiting for some time, I didn't find any flying saucers flying out of the moon.

However, any country that knows about it dare not take it lightly and has been paying attention to it all the time. Moreover, the senior political leaders of various countries have been secretly transferred to nuclear defense facilities.

If aliens attack, they can at least save their lives first.

Others called with "concern" to make Ye Yang ready for asylum. But ye Yang refused. However, he did not object to allowing his close relatives to go to Nuclear Defense military facilities under protection.

Anyway, with Ye Yang's strength, there is no way on earth to threaten him with his relatives, but he is not afraid of anything. What's more, Ye Yang is not completely ignorant of the way of power. Those big people and their families are not protected by soldiers without undead creatures. The dignitaries of various countries controlled by Ye Yang are not all harmonious. There are contradictions within them. Even under special military facilities, the management of some of the main military facilities are under Ye Yang's control, and they are not harmonious with each other. There are contradictions, which is easy to control.

"Mr. Ye, next..."

"Continue to land. The astronauts will not go to the moon first. Let the robot go."

There are not many qualified astronauts on earth, which is very precious. At least these astronauts can't waste it until ye Yang gets the last flying saucer.

Before we can develop the means to enable ordinary people's physique to fly between earth and moon, we can't waste astronauts at will. In the future, Ye Yang can't develop the lunar giant ship alone.

Not long

The first robots launched by the earth to the moon successfully landed and approached the lunar giant ship. After a period of follow-up, it was normal, but close to a certain extent, there were luminous figures rushed out and destroyed them. Similarly, there is still no connection with the earth. Even if this side actively sends electromagnetic signals, there is no response from the opposite side.

"Trouble... The situation is somewhat different from that of the lunar giant ship in the eschatological side. In the eschatological side, there have been studies on the earth for a long time, and no aliens wake up directly."

Even if you "wake up", you just wake up in the virtual world. At least no alien living body comes out, and no alien robot takes the initiative to attack. But in this world, there are so many variables?

Ye Yang pondered for a moment and asked the earth people not to continue launching rockets for a few days.

"We can only rely on the flying saucers at the end of the world."

Ye Yang felt that unless he went out in person, he could ensure the successful invasion of the lunar giant ship.

But it's too dangerous to go to the moon by rocket. Not to mention the alien attack, it means that someone on this side of the earth will launch a nuclear bomb at him madly.

Although he can guarantee that he will not be blown up, where can he escape in space? Can you fly back by yourself?

So, just let the high-level countries wait.

"As long as we get the flying saucer and mini spaceship back from the end of the world, the problem will be solved. Let the undead land on the moon first. After success, I'll go up again."

With Ye Yang's life-saving ability, he is not afraid of mere aliens.

In the apocalyptic side, we can't capture the lunar giant ship, but in the present world, aliens didn't send flying saucers and spaceships. Relying on Ye Yang's "time stop" and "shadow shuttle", the cooperation of the two is enough to let him enter the lunar giant ship, such as entering a no man's land.

"If you can successfully go in, bring out a large number of UFO warships, and even control the whole giant ship..." I feel excited when I think about it.

It not only resolves a major crisis, but also brings a great help to the earth. Even... I can constantly move these alien weapons to the end of the world.

With this plan, Ye Yang is not in a hurry. He continues to "brush monsters", absorb the vitality of the people, or directly kill wantonly in various slaughterhouses.

Upgrade energy increases slowly.

"Well, I can almost go straight to level 19. I'm sure I can go straight to level 19 before I go back to the end of the world. When I accumulate some more energy, it's enough to make me go straight from level 17 to level 20. However, if I run out of upgrade energy and have no reserves, there's no sense of security, so I have to brush more."

He brushed his experience with ease, but senior leaders of various countries were worried and kept calling to harass Ye Yang.

"This won't work. If they are too flustered, if aliens suddenly threaten them when I go to the end of the world, will they surrender immediately? We must give them some confidence... Give them a spiritual pillar."

Ye Yang does not dare to look up to the leaders of various countries. Even the most senior leaders are people. Some have good psychological qualities, but some are really hard to say.

"Well, you prepare for a nuclear bomb test." Ye Yang called.

"Nuclear test? Are you going to attack the lunar giant ship?"

"No... it's an attack on me. I'll show you the means to block the nuclear bomb alone. So that you can know that we have a chance to win in the face of aliens, even if we are attacked by a lunar giant ship."

At least, it's an accident. These guys won't change sides immediately.

But ye Yang's proposal almost scared the people across the street.

"Nuclear... Nuclear, yes, attack you?"

I can't believe it.