Black clouds gathered and the sky was covered with a thick curtain.

Rain, regardless of scruples, pouring down, bean big rain, swept in the wind, slanting into the window, patter patter patter patter.

Strands of thin trickle confluence, glass instantly became an artificial water curtain hole curtain.

The thunder is more and more loud, the rain is more and more heavy, and the water on the ground is more and more.

For a while, the water on the road overflowed the feet of pedestrians. They gathered together and flowed into the surface like streams.

Pedestrians walking on the road are mercilessly patted by the pouring rain. Through the colorful umbrellas, they drip on the inch wisps of tulle and slowly faint.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, dropping on the ground, splashing ripples, fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, more and more people in every corner.

Leaning against the window, feeling the vibration of the rain beating on the window, like an arrow, rushing to the ground, with Josh's thoughts, flowing into the river together.

At the crossroads, the coffee shop is a good place to take shelter from the rain. When the rain comes, all kinds of people are crowded here. Sitting quietly in the empty seats, they are attracted by the drifting rain outside the window.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

Looking at the heavy rain outside the window, a little dazed, until listening to the sound, slowly back to God.

"No, rice can sit."

Do not want to move, continue to look at the rain outside the window.

"Why is this voice so familiar?"

Zhao Xiaoke, who was wet all over, felt a sense of familiarity when listening to the voice. He leaned forward and stretched his neck, trying to see the man clearly.

The water drops on his body, dripping on the ground, splashing ripples, beating on Josh's feet, a trace of cool penetration of the skin.

"Hello, your..."

"Josh, it's really you!"

There was a feeling of bumping into the muzzle of the gun. Just as he was about to vent all his anger, he was interrupted by the scream. As soon as he reached his mouth, he immediately swallowed it back.

Through the profile, still some uncertain is Josh, did not expect to turn around to see, if it is her, Zhao Xiaoke was surprised.

"Xiaoke, it's you. Sit down."

Seeing his best friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Josh was very excited and couldn't speak smoothly.

Holding Zhao Xiaoke tightly, he refused to let go.

"Josh, I finally met you. We haven't seen each other since last goodbye. Do you know how much I miss you?"

There is a kind of joy and cry, heartless two people, but because of the chance to meet, tears.

Words can no longer be used to express the joy in the heart, the smile on the face is the best witness.

"Xiaoke, what's the matter with you? You're all wet. You'll catch a cold."

Touch Zhao Xiaoke, touch her clothes, the whole person is cold, Josh quickly took off his coat, her brother is wearing.

Two people are like sisters, leaning on the sofa of the coffee shop, nestling together, talking about everyone's status quo.

"Josh, what I do every day now is to pay attention to the headlines. I won't let go of all the news about you. I'm very happy until you have a good life. Every time I take your photos and show them to my colleagues, so that they can know that I have a great friend."

While talking, Zhao Xiaoke sat up, took out his mobile phone, opened the album and saved every picture of Josh.

Even the screen of the mobile phone is a picture of Josh.

Although it's not his own photo or his fame, Zhao Xiaoke's face is full of pride when he sees the photo.

"Xiaoke, I'm so moved!"

Seeing the photos in the mobile phone, Josh's eyes were a little wet. She was happy to have such a friend.

In the most difficult things, she helped herself with no regrets. When she was homeless, she accepted herself. When her meals were not fixed, she still didn't abandon her

All the memories have sprung up. Zhao Xiaoke has contributed a lot to becoming a designer.

"Oh, can you make it normal for me? Are you still the one I know, Josh, who is so rude when he doesn't say a word? Are you fake? "

The careless character makes the two girls get closer, and their attitude towards life is the same.

Born with the character, how can not change, even if the occasional affectation, it will be short-lived affectation.

It's easy to change, but it's hard to change the nature.

"I'll go, Zhao Xiaoke. You haven't seen me for a long time. How can you know that I haven't changed? The ancients have to leave for three days, so you should be treated with new respect. How can you be so pedantic, although I really haven't changed."

Listening to Zhao Xiaoke's words, Josh is not calm. He is ready to educate her seriously. He always knows her too well and is defeated by Zhao Xiaoke's eyes.

I couldn't help laughing and clapping my hands on the table. I succeeded in attracting everyone's attention in the coffee shop."Three days later, I'll treat you with new eyes. Look at you. You're a complete shrew in a mask."

friends, you have no advantages at all, but a lot of disadvantages. When you pretend to be a lady, you will not hesitate to pierce your face and not give you any steps

it's only here that Josh doesn't need any disguise or mask when he is with Zhao Xiaoke

people who have gone through adversity together, what else do they not know each other

"well, I have something on you now. When you get bigger, I will send these photos on purpose."

put away the mobile phone, Zhao Xiaoke has a bad smile on his mouth, and his eyes are full of ghosts

quickly cover your bag

"well, I'll give you those photos for free. If it's not enough, I'll give you some."

maybe they were moved by the true feelings of the two girls. Just now, the wandering heavy rain stopped. After the rain, the air became fresh and refined, and the fragrance of soil permeated in the air

people who took shelter from the rain also returned to their original positions and continued to move on

the sky is especially blue after the rain, and the rainbow appears, adding a touch of light to the blue sky

the smile of the two girls is more brilliant

"by the way, tell me your story as it is. I've read it in the newspaper. I've heard something about it. You may not hide it from me."

after ordering a cup of coffee, I sit here quietly and listen to Josh tell her story

just like in the past, anyone who has something unhappy should say it and share it

sure enough, she knew Zhao Xiaoke very well. After Josh said that, she became more curious. She broke her head with her hand and made her eyes look at each other artificially

looking at Zhao Xiaoke, Josh couldn't help laughing and spitting on her face

in disgust, he released his hand, closed his eyes tightly, and searched for papers all over the table

wipe your face hard, and your face is full of disgusting expression

the coffee that I haven't had a few mouthfuls is flowing down the white skirt and dropping to the ground

seeing this, Josh laughed even more heartily, and his whole body couldn't laugh. He leaned on the sofa and blushed

"you vicious old woman are still gloating here. I also want you to taste the feeling of being covered with coffee."<

grab the paper covered with coffee around you and daub it on Josh's face. The two girls happily push it, once again successfully attracting the eyes of all people in the coffee shop<

if they didn't see the sincere smile on their faces, the waiters would have called the police and asked the police uncle to fight<

after a toss, Josh's face and clothes were covered with coffee stains. Both of them were in a mess. Before they were serious for a second, they were amused by each other like this<

"Xiaoke, I haven't been so happy for a long time. It's nice to have you here."Don't dislike Zhao Xiaoke at all. Josh hugs her tightly. This person doesn't dislike her either.

"Come on, Josh, just do me a favor and let me go. I'm not going to be around you as a bad guy."

make complaints about Josh on his lips, but his expression is very dislike, but his body is very honest, his arms stretched out, and Josh is holding tightly.

This friendship is comparable to family affection, even more intimate than family affection.

Looking at the rainbow outside the window, two people seem to return to the original time, together at home, looking at the scenery outside the window, saying their dreams.

Every day of life, are so carefree, now even memories are so good.