"Son, change the channel quickly. This TV station is poisoned." Josh got up from the sofa to grab the TV remote control

isn't the wedding booking forbidden to the media? What's so special about this? Which bastard on the scene gave the news to the media when he was full

aren't all the rich people attending the wedding? Are you waiting for the cost to buy the coffin

what she has worked so hard for is that she wants Qiao Yu to grow up safely, and she doesn't want children to know so much about it. It's good that not only Qiao Yu knows, but also the whole city knows

this is the most unfavorable for a child's growth

"Mom, is that true in the news?" Qiao Yu immediately dodged Josh, holding the remote control and refusing to give it to her

the TV is still broadcasting, even with pictures

I don't know which immoral ghost on the scene recorded it

the sound lasts for a long time

"Mom, I'm asking you something, you answer me." Qiao Yu clenched his fist and stared at Josh

"Mom, put away your story. I saw that you were pretending to be here in the shopping mall. I thought you couldn't tell me your troubles, so I pretended to be dizzy. Now the media have reported that I'm uncle fan's own son, and the whole world knows it. Do you want to hide it from me? Are you my mom? Do you love me or not? " Qiao Yu a series of questions

but I feel sorry for Qiao Yu

"you're lying!" Qiao Yu didn't cry in the shopping mall, but now he is crying because of Josh's dishonesty and concealment, "you are not my mother, I hate you."

as soon as the voice dropped, he left the TV remote control in his hand, opened the door and rushed into the corridor

"son, listen to me." Josh immediately got up from the sofa and wanted to catch up with him. One of them accidentally stepped on the TV remote control and fell down. His head happened to hit the coffee table and his eyes turned black

you can't let Qiao Yu run out alone. It's dusk. There are so many vehicles on the road that Qiao Yu is angry. If he doesn't look at the road, he will be hit by a car

moreover, the person behind Qiao Yu's harm in the amusement park has not been found, so he may be spying secretly. If it's bad for Qiao Yu, it's a big trouble

"Qiao Yu! Son, my mother knows you are angry. My mother is wrong. I'll give you an apology. Can you come out quickly? Don't let mom worry. " Josh cried out in a hurry

as a result, several children were scared to cry

"woo, mom, help, there's a crazy woman here."

cars, cars, buses and private cars are everywhere on the road. Qiao Yu may or may not be in every car

"Qiao Yu, as long as you are willing to come out, no matter what you want to know, my mother will tell you!" Fearing that Qiao Yu would not hear him, Qiao Xisheng put his hands to his mouth to make a loudspeaker to enlarge his volume.But one after another, the car horn still drowned her voice

she can't even hear what she says, let alone Qiao Yu

suddenly, Josh sees a child in black clothes on the sidewalk across the road. He thinks it's Qiao Yu. For fear that Qiao Yu will slip in again, he will rush through regardless of anything

"son!" Josh grabbed the child by the shoulder and turned him around

"who are you? I don't know you. Mom said that strangers are human traffickers. Arrest human traffickers

it turns out that it's not Qiao Yu, just a little boy of the same age and wearing the same clothes

however, the child is just like Qiao Yu. He shouts when he sees strangers, which attracts many passers-by and his parents. No matter how skilled the peddler is, he can't abduct the child in public

because the wound on her forehead was not treated, the blood was flowing all the time, and dripping clothes were everywhere

children are more likely to have accidents at night if they can't be found after dark

however, the mobile phone only rings once, and the other party is connected

"where are you now?" Fan Zhe's calm voice came

"I don't know." Josh didn't lie

she has never been here and has no idea where it is

"stay there, don't turn off your mobile phone, I'll locate your GPS." With that, he hung up

but now she only has the hope of fan Zhe. She is willing to believe and wait

but ten minutes have passed, not to mention fan Zhe, there is no personal shadow

"woman, are you stupid?"

"ah!" Josh screamed and turned quickly

black shirt and trousers, firm face, deep eyes

not far behind him, in the mid air, is a helicopter. There is a ladder at the door of the cabin, and the bottom of the ladder is several meters away from the ground

it is obvious that fan zhe came by helicopter. When the ground traffic is heavy, there is nothing more convenient than aerial tools

and it seems that fan Zhe, after arriving here, could not wait for the plane to land, so he jumped down the ladder

his hand ran across her forehead, and her wound was scabby

he caressed the wound carefully, and the pain spread in the deepest part of his heart

"please help me find Qiao Yu." Josh raised his head from fan Zhe's arms and looked at him with red eyes

the propeller of the plane rotates and slowly lifts off."I can't lose Qiao Yu. You must help me find him." Josh sobbed for a long time and choked when he spoke

"I know where Qiao Yu is." Fan zhe took the small medicine box on the plane, "if you want to see Qiao Yu, deal with yourself first."

he was going to take care of her wound himself

"you stupid woman."