"Is there any reason for resigning? Quit if you don't want to. " Josh doesn't understand.

"Is there any reason for disapproval? Don't approve if you don't want to resign. " Fan zhe looked at Josh with great interest, as if he was really in love with her.

"Well, I'll give you my reasons. I'm lazy and lazy. I'm late and leave early. I take advantage of the company. I eat a lot of meat and vegetables in the company canteen. " Among these accusations, only being able to eat is basically a fact. The rest is Josh's denigration. The whole company knows that she works most diligently, never comes late or leaves early, and never takes advantage of others.

I'm afraid no company wants such a bad employee, right?

The answer is yes.

Fan Zhe.

"Then you can't quit." Fan zhe flicked the ash in the ashtray in a graceful gesture.

It's the first time that Josh has ever seen a man smoking to feel noble.

"Why?" Josh asked foolishly.

"All the employees of fan's international are elites. If people know that I am the one who is lazy like you, isn't it the one who lost me?" When fan zhe looks at Josh, he finds more and more that this little woman is very interesting. He has read the files of Josh. He knows what kind of employee she is.

"However, I am not competent for the Secretary's work, my work efficiency is very low, not as good as the new graduates." Josh continued to discredit himself.

Just then MENA made her coffee and was carrying it in a tray.

"Give the coffee to Josh." The order of Versace.

Meina is stunned. It's the Secretary's job to make coffee for the president. Why give it to Josh?

Josh is also full of wonder.

But under fan Zhe's gaze, the two women dare not disobey. Meina obediently puts the tray into Josh's hand.

"You go out. I have something important to talk about with Josh." Fan Zhe's message is, don't disturb us.

Meina quit unhappily.

Josh was carrying the tray and didn't know what to do.

"Bring me the coffee and put it on my desk." Fan zhe has pressed out his cigarette in the ashtray, as if waiting for coffee.

As he said, Josh put the coffee in front of him, and fan zhe said, "put two pieces of sugar instead of milk."

In addition to coffee, there were flavored sugar and milk in the tray. Meina didn't know fan Zhe's taste, so she had to bring all the flavoring. If she knew, she would put it in the tea room.

Looking at fan Zhe's bossy manner, Josh tried to throw the sugar into his face several times. When fan Zhe's eyes turned, Josh was so scared that he forgot himself and put the sugar into the coffee.

"It's not bad." Fan took a sip of coffee.

"I didn't make the coffee. You praised the wrong person." Josh hung his head. The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. How could he do what this guy asked? What about backbone?

"What I'm saying is that your sugar is good." Fan Zhe's face is expressionless.

Just as Josh wanted to satirize that it also needed technology, fan zhe ordered her to "look up."

"Ah?" Josh subconsciously raised his head to meet fan Zhe's deep eyes.

"The dust on the shelf over there needs to be wiped, the folder needs to be sorted out, and the fish in the goldfish tank needs to be fed." After fan Zhe's orders, he continued to drink coffee leisurely.

Josh smelled the aroma of coffee and became even more hungry. He thought that maybe fan zhe was still angry about the elevator, so he would give her permission to resign when she was angry, so he did it according to fan Zhe's request.

"You are not fit to be a secretary." When Josh is finished, fan zhe comes to make such a comment.

"So let me resign." Josh's big eyes were full of hope.

"You can leave the secretarial position." When fan zhe gave the order, Josh was just about to be happy. Fan Zhe's words continued, "from today on, you will be transferred to my office to do chores."

"What are you talking about?" Josh exploded immediately.