Muye 35 years.

During World War II.

Dark battlefield camp.

Big snake pill, zilaiye and gangshou, who are emerging in the world of tolerance, gather here.

Gangshou came in a hurry. His clothes were wet and he was gasping for breath. He seemed to want to enter a room, but he was stopped by Zilai.

The big snake pill has a calm face and even a sneer at the corner of its mouth.

It's raining cats and dogs outside.

"Gangshou, you'd better not go in to see the body." It's also in a low voice.

Big snake pill but sneer way: "this have what, anyway saw also don't recognize is own younger brother."

"Big snake pill! Just say a few words, it's all done! " Come from also low to drink a way.

"The corpse has long been beyond recognition. What we see now is just the appearance of being reorganized. There are no doctors on the battlefield. Even if they are injured, it is difficult to treat them. What's more, it's still that kind of injury. Even if you're there, you can't be cured, master. "

Big snake pill looked at gangshou coldly, and his voice seemed a little cold.

Gangshou stepped back and couldn't speak.

Big snake pill put his right hand into his arms, took out a green pendant, and whispered: "it's just too cruel for a child, especially a guy who just received a birthday gift and is full of blood."

Big snake pill handed the pendant to gangshou and left immediately.

It was still raining heavily outside, but dasheban didn't care.

He raised his head slightly, and the rain drenched his face.

It seems that water drops are falling from the corner of the eye.

I just don't know if it's tears or rain.

Rope tree, he is not only the younger brother of gangshou, but also the first disciple of dashuewan.

For this gifted disciple, big snake pill is very popular.

But now, such a person, even such a death, it is a bit of a grievance.

"Big snake pill."

In the rain, there was a cry of people, and the big snake pill looked sideways.

Rain, is another familiar figure.

Shuo Mao

"What happened to the rope tree?" Shuo Mao worried.

"Oh, die. I can't live even if I fall into such a trap. What's more, he is only twelve years old." Big snake pill sneers.

Accustomed to disguise, he did not show the slightest sadness at this time.

The rain had wet his face, and there was no trace.

Shuo Mao was shocked in his heart, and sure enough, it was the same result.

On the battlefield, even they can not always protect a person's integrity.

Just seeing the strong appearance of the snake pill, Shuo Mao sighed.

"Big snake pill, please show your sadness. Don't look like this."

After more than ten years of getting along, Shuo Mao naturally knew dasheban very well.

This appearance, really want to pretend to have more pretend.

The rain drenched the long hair of big snake pill. He lowered his head, and the rain kept falling.

"Shuo Mao... What is the purpose of Ninja's life? Is such sacrifice really necessary? Is life really so fragile? "

The big snake pill keeps asking questions. I don't know whether it's asking Shuo Mao or myself.

"Big snake pill, we are in the world of tolerance, we can't help it."

"Can't help it? Ha ha, it's really sad. " Big snake pill sneers.

"Big snake pill, are you ok?" Shuo Mao said with some worry.

Big snake pill shook his head and said in a low voice: "Shuo Mao, the Ninja that can revive the dead, I will definitely create it, definitely!"

The tone was full of firmness.

Shuo Mao was stunned and recalled the scene when they met as children.

At that time, I thought that the big snake pill was just childlike talk, but now it's time to retreat.

But now it seems that is not the case.

"Big snake pill, it's full of risks, and the sacrifice is too great." Shuo Maoquan said.

Big snake pill laughed and said, "don't worry, Shuo Mao. There are many experimental materials in this era of war. I've collected a lot of bodies of ninjas from enemy countries. There will be no problem

"Involving the soul, even if there are experimental materials, there is no small harm to themselves."

"Shuo Mao, some things are impossible without sacrifice. I think you should know that better than me. "

Big snake pill finish saying, head also didn't return ground to leave.

The rain is still falling.

Seeing the big snake pill leave, Shuo Mao knows that he has changed.

It's not the same as before.

"Big snake pill..."

Shuo Mao murmured softly, with an unidentified emotion in his heart.

This friend seems to be on a different road.

World War II is not over, and Muye has not won.

But everything seems to have changed.

Big snake pill become more indifferent, nothing to stay in their own laboratory.

Shuo Mao hasn't seen him for a long time.

In the days of temporary stability in the war, Shuo Mao went to find Da she wan as before, but he could not be seen.

Shuo Mao knew that big snake pill was hiding from him.

Because I am the only one who knows what he really thinks.

It was a road full of human distortion.

Looking at dasheban's home from a distance, Shuo Mao finally sighed.

Turn to leave, perhaps, between the two people can no longer return to the past.

Inside, dasheban silently watched Shuo Mao leave, and the light in his eyes was dim.

"Shuo Mao, wait. I will succeed. I have got the second generation's skill of reincarnation. As long as I know more about it, I can create a real skill of longevity!"

Dasheban didn't want to see Shuo Mao, and didn't dare to.

He was afraid that his friend would persuade him again.

He was afraid to see his disappointed eyes.

"Shuo Mao, I'm sorry."

Muye is 37 years old.

Shuo Mao disappeared for a year and finally returned.

He went to the rescue of Ayako did not come back, and back, is a same silver hair baby boy.

His name is Kakashi. It's him and her son.

"Is Ayako dead?"

Big snake pill muttered to himself, he was a little worried.

Big snake pill knows how much the man like steel likes Ayako.

But now, the woman is dead.

That day, dasheban went to Shuo Mao.

See Shuo Mao that moment, big snake pill a little surprised.

The man who used to be as sharp as a knife is now like an ordinary man.

He has narrowed his edge.

He was taking care of the baby with a smile and tears on his face.

In a trance, dasheban thought of what Shuo Mao had said to him.

A man cannot shed tears.

I've never seen Shuo Mao crying big snake pill. I'm stunned.

"Shuo Mao, do you believe that people can be raised from the dead?" Big snake pill asked quietly.

"Big snake pill, Ayako is still alive, living in my heart. She will never die. "

When Shuo Mao said this, he quietly looked at the big snake pill, and the smile on his face became more brilliant.

It's just that big snake pill doesn't understand what that smile means.