"Changmen, you've become a joker." Zi Lai also said with a smile.

"Teacher, you are still so naive. The world can only grow through suffering. Your childish ideas will not bring peace. "

"Although I don't know if my method can bring peace, the method of peace is definitely not that way! What made you who you are

"It's just war. Only after the war can I understand how stupid I used to be. Now I've gone through the pain, taken off the mortal body, and become a real God. "

"Abandoning the thought of a friend is what you call growth?"

"Look from laiye, the teacher still can't understand my intention. The dialogue with the teacher can only come here."

"Changmen, what's the purpose of collecting tailed animals?" Zilai also asked.

"Oh? Is the teacher interested in this? Anyway, you are also a dying person. It's OK to tell you. The purpose of collecting tailed animals is to develop a forbidden skill with the power of tailed animals. With this forbidden skill, you can destroy a country in a flash. At that time, there will be real peace in the world. "

"How can that thing bring peace?" Zilai retorts.

"Teacher zilaiye, what do you think will happen if we offer this kind of forbidden technique to the five big countries or other countries?"

Since come also a Leng, didn't expect long door will put forward this kind of idea.

He didn't plan to wait for himself to answer, but said to himself, "they will use it, because it's enough to decide the outcome. If tens of thousands of people die, no one will be moved. "

Zilai also gritted his teeth and said, "this kind of thing is what you mean by peace?"

"Only death can bring pain. When we see the power of terror, everyone will realize the fear of death. At that time, no one dares to start a war, and the world will naturally usher in real peace. The world needs to experience pain to grow! And I am the God who guides the growth of the world

"I didn't expect that you were so paranoid." Zilai also looked at the long gate in disbelief.

This way for peace, where there is happiness to speak of.

People just live in fear.

The method of changmen is to put a sword of Damocles on everyone's head.

The desire for war cannot be indulged because of fear.

And live with fear.

"Teacher, you are just a mortal. It's normal that you can't understand God's thoughts. In my opinion, you are just a tiny being that can't grow any more. "

He also heard the speech and laughed.

"I didn't expect to be underestimated by the kid. I'm not human, either

"The art of channeling!"


Smoke dispersed, a big toad appeared at the foot of zilaiye.

The toad had a fork in one hand and a shield in the other.

"I burst into tears of blood because of anger. I was originally Sanren, but now I am immortal, the toad monster of miaomushan! Since then, my lord... "

Before he had finished speaking, the toad under him moved and fell down before he could stand still.


The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

The animal whispered, "you are just like before. You are all thumbs and thumbs."

"Toad health! Don't shake when I'm handsome! "

"I'm sorry, because I'm very clumsy."


Animal road seal again, summoned the chameleon, himself is hiding in the chameleon's mouth.

It disappeared in a flash.

Zilai frowned and said: "it seems that he is a very troublesome opponent. He can only summon two immortals to enter the immortal mode. Although not as good as Kakashi, but it should be able to resist the attack of reincarnation eye. In other words, I didn't expect to be surpassed so much by Kakashi in the aspect of magic. It's really humiliating. "

After laiye whispered, his palms closed, and he began to gather chakra.

"Since you came, do you want to..."

"Yes, the opponent is very terrible. I can only rely on the two immortals to help me enter the immortal mode. Toad Jian, the opponent seems to be very good at channeling, so before I summon the two immortals, please resist for me. "

"Yes, I am useless, but I will try my best."

Just then, bang, a red three headed dog appeared in front of them.

Three heads, six eyes.

There's a lot of black pipes in my head.

It looks ferocious.

If Kakashi's psychic beast seven prison is here, it will be found that this is the seven split that was killed by Penn at the beginning.

Now, it's Penn's psychic beast, completely manipulated by it.

"It looks like a vicious dog, toad. Be careful."

"Yes, though I'm useless."

The battle between toad and dog is imminent!

After a fight, at the cost of Toad's serious injury, two toad immortals were summoned.

After the explanation, the two toad immortals joined the fight.

The animal way calls out the hungry ghost way and the human way.

The war is triggered again!

Toad fairy came to fight Penn three times!

At this time, Kakashi entered Yuren village!

"Where is it?"

Kakashi was a little worried.

He's not sure what's going on.

It's time to fight with Penn.

But kakassi has no way to know where it will go.

"I knew I should have put a flying Thunder God on Zilai."

But it's too late to say that.

The most urgent task is to find the right talents.

Just then, there was a loud bang, coming from a distance.

"There it is Kakashi was startled, then chakra stormed away, quickly opened, and ran away!

"Be sure to hold on!"

Toe move, bang, the underground will be more than a pit.

Muye, Huoying building.

Outside the window, it began to drizzle, and the sky became a little gray.

I came in with a lot of papers.

"Master gangshou, this is the document to be processed today."

Gangshou looked at the rain outside the window and said in a low voice, "silence, it's raining outside again."

"Ah?" I don't know why gangshou suddenly mentioned this, but still said: "yes, my Lord, it's easy to rain in this season. It'll probably stop in a moment. "

"Yes? At that time, the rope tree was broken When I die, it rains like this. " Gangshou whispered, worried.

"Master gangshou, don't you bet that you will die even if you come here? With your luck, you will come back safely. "

Hearing the speech, gangshou showed a trace of smile. He looked back and said with a smile, "yes, it will be like this. I don't know if Kakashi used to have things. After all, his injury has not fully recovered

"Since I came here, my Lord and senior Kakashi, no matter how strong the enemy of that organization is, it should not be an opponent."

"I hope so."

Although gangshou thinks so, there is always an ominous premonition in his heart.

Looking at the light rain outside the window, gangshou thought of the brave figure again.

The wretched old uncle who said that happiness is not a man's pursuit.

"Really, I know how to be cool." Gangshou said with a smile.

"When he comes back this time... It's time for him to stop being cool."

At this time, the rain outside dispersed, revealing the infinite beautiful sunshine.