Sasai deviated from the root of the faith, chose to help Sasuke and others.

Everything seems to come naturally.

Although the root has been brainwashing, but not everyone has succeeded in brainwashing.

At least tianzang and sasai are failed brainwashing works.

They still have human feelings in their hearts.

As long as they find the point in their heart, they can release their feelings again.

Tianzang is like this, so is Sakai.

"Sasai, what you're doing now is betraying the root early?"

Sasuke quickly got to the point and asked.

Sakai nodded with a smile and said, "no, I didn't betray him. I've done all the things that Tuan Zang asked me to do. I didn't tell Kakashi what I knew. I was just a bystander. I am not qualified to intervene in the struggle between Tuan Zang and kakasi. Now that they have won and lost, the fate of their roots has to be redefined. "

All of a sudden, at this time, the day tiger and Dahe also rushed over.

When he saw that there was nothing wrong with everyone, he was relieved.

Daiwa looked at Sakai and said, "Sakai, please come back with us."

Before the Sanwei incident, Daiwa's impression of Sakai was pretty good, so he didn't want to do it.

Sasai once again showed that smile, said: "OK, Daiwa master."

Sakai's cooperation surprised Daiwa, while rihu didn't talk so much nonsense. He pointed to Sakai and blocked his chakra.

"What are you going to do to Sakai?" Seeing this, Naruto asked.

"Naruto, don't get involved in this matter. If you have any questions, ask Master Kakashi."

Dahe said a word, and then he and rihu want to leave with Sakai.

Naruto wants to chase, but he is held by Sasuke again.

"Well, Naruto, there won't be anything wrong with Sakai. Those who are in the dark are now subdued. The rest should be dealt with by Kakashi. Mr. Kakashi won't start with Sakai. Don't worry. "

Naruto hears the speech and quiets down, saying nothing.

At this time, Sakai stopped and said softly, "thank you, Naruto."

With that, sasai left with a sincere smile on his face.


Time rewind back to the end of the three tail event.

Night on the way back.

Muye team rest in Mudun hut.

At this time, it's Sakai's turn to watch the night.

On a dark night, Sakai was alone by the campfire.

Looking at the burning flame, sasai's eyes were full of holes.

I don't know how long later, Sakai took out the picture album in his bag.

The front cover is a man with half long gray hair, named Xin, while the back cover is Sakai.

Sasai opened the album, each page depicting a different content.

Every page down the cover is a picture of the letter defeating the enemy.

Every page on the back cover is a picture of Sakai defeating the enemy.

All the way to the middle page, there was only a expressionless Sakai.

Sasai looked at the middle page, dazed.

Before and the seventh class task process, let sasai still remember, that kind of companion between the fetters let him recall once with letter together time.

Sasai called him brother.

They kept beating their opponents.

But in the end, they met.

No one knows how the process is. In a word, I believe it in the end.

The death of Xin has created today's Sakai.

And the blank on the last page was never filled in.

Sakai some Lengshen, recall a few days ago to see the battle of hatada and others.

The feeling of mutual support between companions stimulated Sakai again.

Sasai felt as if he could draw the last page.

It's just that when I pick up the brush, I feel like I'm writing.

Today, too.

"Did you draw it?"

The abrupt voice sounded in sasai's ear, which surprised him.

"Master Kakashi."

Sakai quickly stood up and cried softly.

Kakashi smiles and waves her hand.

"Don't be so formal. Since you are my teammate now, we are friends. You don't have to take the one at the root. "

Sasai smell speech Leng for a while, but soon reacted.

"Yes, master Kakashi."

Kakashi pointed to the album and said again, "did you draw it?"

Sakai nodded and closed the album.

"Who is this man?"

Kakashi asked, pointing to the man on the cover.

"That's my brother." Sasai did not hide, said directly.

"What about people today?"


Sasai's voice did not have any ups and downs, as if telling a common thing.

Kakashi sighed and said, "Sakai, do you know the difference between the root ninja and the ordinary ninja?"

"Root ninja, no past, no future, no name, no proof of existence."

"Yes, there is no past, no future, even the name is fake. It's really sad. " Kakashi sighed, as if with infinite emotion.

Sakai looked at the man with the mask in front of him.

There is always something in him that he can't understand.

"I know a little about the training method of root. Cultivate fetters, and then destroy them, so that they understand that they do not deserve fetters. More precisely, it makes them afraid of having fetters. Because once they lost it, the pain made them dare not touch it again. "

As soon as the corner of Sakai's eye was drawn out, the things hidden in his heart seemed to be planed out.

"If you can live till now, you must have given up your so-called feelings. Let me guess, is it because of the talent on the cover? He used to be a very important person to you, right

Sakai bowed his head and said nothing.

Kakashi didn't ask for it, but said to himself, "man is a strange creature. If you don't accept it, you can't get new things. Sakai, the past doesn't tell the future. Take off that mask, you can live a real life

"True?" Sakai murmured to himself.

"Yes, if you want to take off the mask at the root, maybe that's the only way. When you get back what you have lost, I think you will draw the last page of this album. "

Kakashi finished, stood up and stretched.

"No, go to bed. Sasai, you go ahead and refuel yourself. "

Kakashi smiles and walks back to the cabin, leaving Sakai alone to keep watch.

Sasai's eyes were fixed on the burning flame again.

The brush in my hand seems to have a sudden inspiration.

The focus of Sakai's eyes gradually condenses. He opens the picture book and tries to draw his unfinished paintings on the middle page