The land's eyes become a little erratic, seems to be recalling something.

"Thirty years ago, something happened. I don't know if Mr. Kakashi knew it or not."

"What's the matter?" Kakashi asked.

"A boy named rope tree died on the battlefield."

"Rope tree? The younger brother of Lord gangshou? "

"Yes, it's him. He is known as a genius of a thousand hand family in 50 years, and is the most promising successor of huoyingmu dun. But it was such a young talent who died on the battlefield

"A little bit."

"At that time, the rope tree fell into the enemy's trap and was injured by the detonator. When it was found, all the internal organs disappeared."

Kakashi was slightly stunned: "the internal organs have disappeared? How could that be? If it is a large number of detonators, it can indeed crush the human body, but it is obviously unrealistic that the internal organs are hollowed out. Someone did it after he died? "

Dilu shook his head and said, "I don't know that. Because at that time, I was just a kid. However, it is precisely because of this incident that the direct line of the thousand hand clan, which still existed in Muye at that time, realized that someone might want to fight against the thousand hand clan. "

"So... The thousand handed group decided to break up into parts?" Kakashi guessed.

Di Lu nodded slightly and said: "the years of fighting have made the powerful thousand handed people fade away. In every battle, the people of the thousand handed race are at the forefront. Therefore, even if the thousand handed race is strong in constitution, it will die the fastest. "

After a pause, Dilu continued: "the death of the rope tree sounded the last alarm of the thousand hand clan. So the head of the thousand hand clan decided that apart from the people who had married into other families, the remaining few people would be scattered. Some left Muye village, while others turned into civilians and lived an ordinary life. In this way, we can ensure the inheritance of the thousand hand clan. "

"The chunye people are the people who turned into civilians in those years. At that time, Chihiro, the father of Sakura chunye, was also a famous genius of Chihiro. At that time, his momentum was very high. If he continued to develop, he might not be able to become a fire shadow of the fourth generation. But for the sake of his family, he gave up his original position and pretended to die in a battle. Later, master gangshou himself changed his face and became today's omen of chunye. "

Kakashi was shocked. She didn't expect that Sakura's father was also a genius in the world of earthquake tolerance.

With a sigh, Dilu continued: "our thousand handed orphan is the one who moved out of Muye. Although it is said that leaves have been moved out, our relationship with leaves has not been interrupted. The twelve guardians of forbearance were founded by our group. They not only protect Daming, but also protect Muye. I just didn't expect that I'm the only one left. "

Kakashi kept digesting the information, feeling that he didn't expect that the thousand hand clan, which was in full swing for a while, didn't lose to Yu Zhibo. On the contrary, it came to this end. It's really a pity.

"So it is. No wonder the thousand handed people have disappeared in a short period of time. Few people know their whereabouts." Kakashi said.

"This matter, in addition to our thousand hands people know, only one three generations of Huoying knows. Because his wife, ape flying Pipa Lake, was originally a member of my thousand handed family. "

As the successor of the second generation of Huoying, the third generation of Huoying is not only because of his outstanding ability, but also because he is the son-in-law of a thousand handed family.

With this layer of relationship, the three generations of Huoying will become more successful.

Kakashi felt a little speechless. Well, after talking for a long time, it turned out that Muye was still the shadow of a thousand hands from beginning to end.

The influence of the thousand hand clan is really great.

"Mr. Kakashi, to tell you this, one is that you have already guessed the identity of Sakura chunye, and this secret can't be hidden from you. The other is that as the future six generations of eyes, you should know this sooner or later."

Kakashi nodded. He knew what the secret meant.

I also know that knowing this secret represents how much trust gangshou and Qianshou people have in themselves.

This trust can't be exchanged for anything.

"As for what you said just now, it's really a secret skill of the thousand handed clan. Mudun, the ancestor of Zhujian in those years, was very powerful in the world of tolerance, but there was no Mudun ninja in my thousand hands family. Zhu Jian's ancestors were helpless and could not bear the loss of Mudun's Ninjutsu, so they recorded it. One is left in Muye, and the other is taken away by our thousand hands. "

"Then there was a genius of the thousand hand clan. Through the Mudun Ninjutsu, he realized the similar Ninjutsu and came to meet the thousand hand killing. And the elder finally chose to become a monk in the temple of fire. Since then, there has been a rumor that the monks in the fire temple will be the talents of the fairy family. In fact, that's the ability to meet a thousand hands. "

"When I was a child, I grew up in the temple of fire, learned this move, and with this move, I took a place in the twelve guardians of Ren. Later, I knew ASMA and learned that he was the son of three generations of Huoying, so I passed on this move to him. After all, there is no one else in my vein. If this move is lost, it will be a pity. "

"That's it. Do you have any questions?"

Earth and land told Kakashi the whole story in a word.

It also includes the so-called fairy talent who has been praised by the outside world for a long time.

In Kakashi's opinion, the so-called talent of the fairy family is really a little bit of immortal power.

The so-called "to meet a thousand hands" is an offensive launched by natural energy driven by its own chakra.

However, because it did not transform the natural energy into immortal chakra, its power was much worse than that of magic.

But even so, compared with other Ninjutsu, it is strong enough.

No wonder it was able to burst out so terrible power before.

Kakashi shook and chuckled, slightly helpless.

"The secret really caught me off guard. It's not necessarily a good thing to know. "

Di Lu said with a smile: "Mr. Kakashi, the so-called secret has always come with a price."

Kakashi heard the words and nodded.

"The rest, please, Mr. Kakashi."

Kakashi is a little heavy, and seems to be entrusted with strange things for no reason.

As her apprentice, Sakura naturally has the responsibility and obligation to protect her.

But now it's a little strange.