Muye 62 years, in the vast desert, there is a dragon.

A burst of white light suddenly appeared on the platform in the dragon vein cave, and then a lonely and proud figure slowly appeared.

Silver hair, white short sleeve windbreaker, handsome face, it is Kakashi.

"Well, I've come back at last. It should have been nearly two years, more than a year earlier than expected."

Kakashi whispered.

I thought the trip might take three years, but it only took two years.

"All is well."

Kakashi walked out of the dragon vein and saw the familiar sky.

All of a sudden, Kakashi felt for the cave behind him. He saw that the cave just came out was cut off by an unknown energy. Kakashi couldn't reach in at all.

"This is..."

Kakashi is surprised, this dragon vein seems to be rejecting himself.

"It seems that this crossing made the dragon vein remember my breath and repel me. It's estimated that I won't be able to enter the dragon vein in the future. If you want to force your way in, I'm afraid the dragon will collapse. " Kakashi whispered to himself.

Any world is orderly, and Kakashi's behavior is to destroy this order.

You can't do it again.

"All right, so that I don't think about crossing time all the time." Kakashi chuckled and relaxed a lot.

Kakashi took a look around, did not stay long, directly launched the flying Thor's art, disappeared in place.

The next moment, in a room of Jinjin village, Kakashi's figure appears quietly.

Looking around the room, Kakashi whispered, "there's no change here."

Kakashi did not choose to return to Muye at the first time, but came to jinnyu village.

Out of the room, Kakashi saw everything in front of her, slightly surprised.

It's incredible that jinnincun has become the present scene.

The buildings that stand up all over the place look like a bit of wood.

"I really don't know what waterstop has done in the past two years. This change is too big." Kakashi whispered.

When Kakashi sighs, a shadow falls in front of Kakashi.

It's no one else. It's waterstop.

"Kakashi? You're back? Is it settled? " He said in surprise.

"Well, it's done, earlier than expected." Kakashi laughs.

"That's good." He said with a smile.

"What's the situation in these two years?" Kakashi asked.

"Xiao has been very low-key in the past two years. According to the intelligence from weasel, Xiao is raising a lot of money and is probably ready to take action." He said.

Kakashi nodded, according to the development of history, it should be a year before the official start of action.

"How is Muye?" Kakashi asked.

"Naruto followed adult zilaiye to travel and practice, and Sasuke followed the Fuyue patriarch to practice. Master gangshou gradually grasped the power of Muye, but there was nothing else." He said.

"It seems that everything is going in a good direction." Kakashi laughs.

"Well, there's one problem I'm worried about." Stop frowning road.

"What's the matter?"

"The weasel's body."

"The weasel's body? Before, after the big snake pill invaded Muye, I once saw a weasel. There was a very serious hidden injury to his body. Is it more serious now? " Kakashi frowned.

Shuitou nodded and said, "yes, weasel is always in trouble. Haven't we been to the forbidden area of ten fists and swords before? At that time, the weasel got the clue of bazhijing there, and later went to find it by himself. The result is found, but also seriously injured, coupled with improper care, now the body has some unbearable burden. If it goes on like this, it won't take two years for the weasel to survive. "

"Eight near mirror? No wonder it's so bad. "

Last time in the seal of ten fists and swords, Kakashi could feel the difficulty.

When weasel goes to the sealed place of bazhijing alone, it is inevitable that he will get hurt.

"Kakashi, do you have a way to treat weasel's injury?" He asked.

"I've only seen weasel's injury once, so I don't know exactly what it is. Weasel always likes to carry it by himself. But if master gangshou does it, it should not be a big problem. " Kakashi said.

"Master gangshou? I have also thought about this problem, but now the identity of weasel is obviously not suitable for the treatment of master gangshou. But if the organization is solved, I'm afraid the weasel won't be able to hold on. " I'm worried.

Kakashi thought about it, and then said, "there's another way."


"Besides being injured in the forbidden area of eight close mirror, weasel's body should have some side effects of kaleidoscope eye. If weasel can be transplanted with intercostal cells, it may not be able to recover." Kakashi said.

Water stop smell speech looked at his left hand, that is he later transplanted intercostal cells.

The arm composed of intercostal cells makes Shuishui feel the surging vitality. It not only enhances his chakra, but also minimizes the side effects of kaleidoscope writing eye. If it is transplanted to weasel, it may really relieve weasel's disease.

"It makes sense!" I'm happy.

"However, we don't have a suitable candidate for intercolumn cell transplantation. It's impossible to find the big snake pill now, and master gangshou may not agree to do this kind of thing." Kakashi said.

"It's OK, jinnyaku has medical ninjas now, and I also have intercostal cells. As long as I study them a little, it shouldn't be difficult." He said.

"In that case, it's up to you."

"Well." He nodded in response.

"Well, I'll leave first." Kakashi said.

"Back to Muye?"

"No, there's someone else to see. I think she's worried." Kakashi laughs.

Shuitou was stunned and said with a smile: "ah, I should go to see her. She has built Wuyin very well. The mess left by the four generations of Shuiying has been cleaned up."

"Yes? It's amazing. Then I'll go first. " Kakashi laughs.


Kakashi's figure disappeared in an instant. Seeing this, he just laughed and turned to leave.

The country of water, Wuyin village.

Zhaomeiming was standing on a high mountain at this time, where she saw Kakashi for the last time in Wuyin village.

Zhao Meiming held a red gouyu in her hand, looked into the distance, and murmured: "two years, are you... OK?"

"Not bad."

The abrupt voice rings in Zhao Meiming's ear, making her body tight.

The lazy voice, the familiar taste, and the familiar feeling behind it

"Ming, I'm back..." Kakashi said with a smile.

Zhao Meiming suddenly turns around and hugs Kakashi tightly. Her eyes become a little red.