The cage was suddenly opened, and the terrible waves were scattered everywhere.

Zhaomeiming was directly blown away by the air waves and fell a hundred meters away.

"This is the feeling of freedom! Twenty years! I feel it again at last

Giant cow's expression is ferocious and incomparable, the appearance of joy not only does not make people feel comfortable, but also some terror.

Zhao Meiming frowned slightly. Why does it look so bad.

"Ju Niu, I have removed the seal as agreed. Should you also fulfill your promise and hand over the seal to me?"

At this time, Ju Niu focused on Zhao Meiming again.

But at this time, there is no previous kind of pledge, but a hint of irony.

"Stupid human, do you really think I will give you the seal? Don't say I don't know where it is. Even if I know, I won't give it to you. Damned seal art, because of this kind of thing, I will be sealed here! "

Zhao Meiming's face was angry and growled, "you lied to me?"

"Hahaha, what if I cheat you! Aren't you human beings the best at deceiving? Ha ha ha! human beings! Since you let me out, I'll send you to die. Don't thank me. This is what I should do! "

With that, Ju Niu rushes towards Zhao Meiming.

The huge body, like a mountain, collided directly.

Zhao Meiming's pupil shrinks. If this kind of movement is hit, I'm afraid the whole body's skeleton will be broken.

What a terrible attack!

"Trample on the hooves!"

Zhao Meiming retreats, and wants to get out of here first.

There is not much space in this place. If you fight with this giant cow, it is likely to collapse.

The giant cow is huge, and its skin is rough and its meat is thick. Naturally, it doesn't matter, but if zhaomeiming is buried in it, he will die.

Therefore, the first priority now is to find a suitable venue, which is obviously not.

"Human! You can't run away

Seeing that Zhao Meiming was retreating, Ju Niu had no intention to give up. He opened his four hooves and ran away!

"Damn it! Doesn't it mean that all animals will keep their promise? What's the situation with this giant cow! "

Zhao Meiming ran and scolded.

The reason why Zhao Meiming believes in giant ox is that there is a consensus in the world of tolerance, that is, the psychic beasts are very committed.

But I didn't expect that this giant cow was not included in the list.

"Savage collision!"

The giant bull ran into zhaomeiming again.

Zhao Meiming's feet moved, and he quickly dodged, and the giant cow directly hit the stone wall.

With a bang, the stone wall was directly knocked out of a deep pit.

The huge movement makes Zhao Meiming look slightly sideways. This kind of power is still on the imagination.

"After being sealed for such a long time, how can you still have this kind of physical strength? He's not a tailed beast

Zhao Meiming muttered in her heart, but she didn't think much about it.

Soon, Zhao Meiming came to the place where she came in before.

"Damn, where is the exit? Why is it still like this?"

Three bare walls, the same stone wall above, there is no exit at all!

"Human, can't you find an exit? This is your grave

Ju Niu came from the rear. Seeing that Zhao Meiming was looking for the exit, he couldn't help sneering.

Zhao Meiming's eyes are dignified. Since he can't get out, he can only get rid of the giant cow here.

"Oh? You don't seem to be very afraid of me. "

Seeing that Zhao Meiming was calm, Ju Niu was quite surprised.

Zhao Meiming said with a smile: "although you are really strong, you are not in my eyes."

"Well! Arrogance

The giant bull was furious at his words and stopped talking nonsense.

"Savage shock!"

The speed of the giant ox suddenly accelerated, and it ran into zhaomeiming again!

The blue chakra visible to the naked eye is twined around the giant cow, and the whole cave is shaking.

"No, this kind of attack will certainly collapse the cave!"

Zhao Meiming was anxious in her heart and quickly made a seal in her hand.

"Shuidun! The art of water dragon bullet

Zhao Meiming has a high attainments in Shuidun. Even in this place where there is no water, he can still send out very powerful Shuidun Ninjutsu.

The water dragon roared and ran towards the giant ox!

"Hum, my body can't be stopped by the current! Break it for me

The two horns of the giant bull rushed to meet the water dragon bullet, and directly defeated the water dragon bullet!

"What a terrible defense! That horn is so hard. "

Zhao Meiming didn't have too much time to sigh. Soon, the horn of the giant ox came towards him.

Without much hesitation, zhaomeiming is hiding again.


Giant cattle rushed into the stone wall, at this time, had been shaking the cave began to collapse.

Boulders kept falling from above.


According to Meiming's secret way, a huge stone fell directly from above.

At this time, the loud and clear birdsong suddenly sounded!

Thousands of birds sing together!

Zhaomeiming was happy. The next second, the silver figure appeared above zhaomeiming.

"Thousand birds!"

The blue thunder light scattered everywhere. The huge stone with a radius of three meters was directly smashed and turned into countless small stones.

Kakashi holds zhaomeiming in her arms and dodges.

"Stupid woman, dare to open any seal."

Kakashi said rather angrily.

Zhao Meiming didn't mind Kakashi's tone at all. Instead, she said with a smile, "what's wrong? It's just a giant cow."

"You have enough confidence." Kakashi said with a bitter smile.

"If you don't have this confidence, how dare you say you want to bring new life to Wu Yin?"

"Well, you're right. Let's go out first. This place won't last long."

Kakashi doesn't want to argue with zhaomeimindo. It's more important to leave here now.

Zhao Meiming nodded and said, "how did you get in?"

"Nature comes down directly. The cave was magically cast. It's not big. It's there. "

Kakashi pointed to a small hole not far above, just wide enough for one person.

"I see."

According to the beauty, suddenly.

The reason why I didn't find it just now is that the light here is too dim and the hole is too small.

Zhao Meiming couldn't find it without looking carefully.

Kakashi is different. The magic of the cave has no effect on it at all.

"Damned human! There's another one

With a low roar, the bull rushed directly.

Kakashi does not talk nonsense when he sees this. The thunder light of his right hand reappears and directly smashes the moving hole open!


A flash of thunder, two figures mixed with some gravel, directly emerged from the ground.

Two people just fell not far away, the ground suddenly arched, then quickly split!

Kakashi saw this, quickly holding Zhao Meiming back.


Giant ox's huge body came out of the ground!