Muye Weiling stele.

The silver figure stands quietly in front of the monument.

"Mr. Watergate, Mrs. jiuxinnai, four years have passed in the blink of an eye. Naruto is four years old. He's very strong, but he's also very naughty. He's a copy of his mother

"I'm sorry, I can't take care of him all the time. The future gives me too much pressure. I need to do a lot of things. But I've told Naruto what you expect, and he's trying to do it. "

"Mr. Watergate, there's one thing I haven't told you. I didn't die with earth, but I just fell into the dark. One day, I'll bring him back and apologize in front of you. "

"Mr. Watergate, Mrs. jiuxinnai, I will take care of everything in the village, but not now. I will help you fulfill your last wish. "

"Mr. Watergate, I've learned the first stage of your thunderbolt skill, but I can't use it as skillfully as you. A few days ago, I had four generations of thunder shadow. I'm very glad that I didn't lose your reputation of flying Thunder God. "

"Mr. Watergate, I'm practicing your unskilled Magic now. I hope I can fight with you one day."

"Today is Naruto's birthday, I know you have a lot of regrets, I will help you make up for it."

"Lin, he took the wrong road with me. I will bring him back. This is my promise to you."

"Father, I haven't put down your Sabre skill. Although it's not as good as you, I won't let Qi Mu's Sabre skill be removed from the forbearance world. Besides, I will find out about my mother one day. "

Kakashi looked at the tablet, and her mood was constantly fluctuating.

Although the reborn Kakashi has never met these people, the emotion belonging to Kakashi is deeply engraved on his body.

Gently touch the name on the tablet.

Bofengshuimen, vortex jiuxinnai, yuzhibo daitu, yeyuanlin and Qimu Shuo Mao.

One familiar name after another, these were the most important people in Kakashi, but they were all gone.

In the dark with the soil, has not been before him.

Kakashi stood in silence, but her heart was turbulent.

This world is really cruel.

The world is cruel to itself.

Just as Kakashi was thinking about her life, a young man came to the tablet with white flowers.

There is a scar on the bridge of the nose, which connects both sides of the cheek. But it doesn't look vicious, on the contrary, it feels kind.

Seeing someone in front of the tablet, iluka was stunned for a moment. Then he went forward and asked, "Hello, are you here to worship, too?"

Kakashi turned her head and looked at the boy with the white flowers in his hand.

This is... HaiYe iluka?

"Ah, yes, are you here to worship?"

Iluka nodded and said, "yes, my parents are here, too."

Iluka said and put the white flower in his hand under the tablet.

Kakashi did not speak, just stood quietly.

At this time, iluka was 14 years old, still a patient.

As a ninja, iluka's talent is obviously insufficient, but his kind temper is really a natural good teacher.

Unfortunately, at this time, iluka did not have the strength to be a teacher.

If you remember correctly, iluka should become a teacher of Naruto school in two years. Under his guidance, there will be nine of the 12 best juniors in Muye.

What a great teacher! The backbone of Muye's future is basically in his hands.

After putting down the white flowers, iluka looks at Kakashi. Why does this man look familiar?

Silver hair, one eye forehead protection

All of a sudden, iruka remembered that some time ago, wasn't he the famous Muye hero in the village?


"Are you master Kakashi?" Iruka asked.

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect that iluka would recognize himself.

But Kakashi was soon relieved that her dress was too recognizable.

Coupled with his fame in Muye, it's a bit difficult to recognize him.

"Ah, it's me."

Iruka bowed deeply to Kakashi and said, "senior Kakashi, thank you very much for bringing peace to Muye."

"Muye is also my home. It doesn't have to be so."

Iluka looks at Kakashi with a trace of worship in his eyes. The people who protect the village can always be loved by everyone.

"Master Kakashi, are there some important people you have here?"

"Well, they are very important people."

Kakashi said, looking at the gloomy sky.

Today's weather is not so good.

"Master Kakashi, why can people gamble on their own lives for others?"

Iruka asked suddenly.

It was in order to protect iluka and the villagers that iluka's parents died in the nine tail rebellion.

Kakashi also left his life and death to fight against the four generations of Lei Ying for the sake of the village.

At least in the eyes of iruka.

The difference is that iluka's parents died, and Kakashi survived.

For those who make the same choice, iruka thinks that they may be able to get the answer they want from Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at iluka. At this time, iluka was still young and didn't think about many things clearly. No wonder there was such a problem.

The original iluka didn't accept Naruto's existence immediately after he became Naruto's teacher. After three generations of fire shadow enlightenment, he really recognized Naruto's existence and became the most important person in Naruto's life.

"When a man dies alone, everything will disappear, his past, present life and future will disappear together.

Many people will die in war or on duty, and they will really die in a very easy way. "

"Among the dead, some have dreams. Everyone has something they cherish most. Parents, brothers and sisters, friends, lovers, and partners in the village are very important people to themselves. "

"They trust and help each other, and from the moment they are born, they have fetters with people they think are very important to them, and these fetters will become more and more firm as time goes on."

"It doesn't need a big reason, but people who have this kind of fetters will do it, because that is what they cherish most. In this world, there are far more frightening things than death, so people will choose to guard. "

"Your life has just begun, and one day you will understand why your parents made such a choice."

Kakashi said, turned and left, leaving iluka alone in front of the relief monument.

A moment later, iluka looked at the tablet.

"Mom and Dad, do you think so, too?"