“?” Little Gu Zhao still didn't understand what mu Lingtian said, but in Mu Lingtian's opinion, it didn't matter, "as long as you nod, I'll take you to find your mother."

Little Gu Zhao immediately nodded, because little Gu Zhao understood what mu Lingtian was saying? Not at all.

That's because in the few months when Gu youyou went to shoot in Meidi, mu Lingtian would say to little Gu Zhao, "little a Zhao, do you miss your mother? If you want to, just nod and let's go to mom, OK

In fact, Gu Zhao was smaller than he is now, and he couldn't understand what mu Lingtian was saying. But after many times, he knew that when Uncle Mu said something like this, as long as he nodded, he would soon see his mother.

So when he heard mu Lingtian's similar pronunciation, little Gu Zhaocai nodded without hesitation, and didn't find that he was brought into a pit by Uncle mu.

"That's good. Let's go now and find mom." Mu Lingtian didn't feel that he was wrong with little Gu Zhao, who just turned one year old. "Zhou Lang, help me take out little Gu Zhao's car."

"Yes, young master!" Zhou Lang immediately ran to a room and took out the small car that Gu Zhaoping had taken when he went out.

Looking at the little Gu Zhao in his hand, he felt that there was something missing. The housekeeper next to him immediately handed a small coat of Gu Zhao to Mu Lingtian. "Young master, it's cold outside. Please give him one more. After mu Lingtian put his clothes on Gu Zhao, he nodded contentedly.

"Take your time, young master." Watching mu Lingtian bully little Gu Zhao's housekeeper in the whole process, I sighed. I didn't expect to see that big mu Lingtian had such a side when I was young. At the same time, I felt relieved. I decided to tell Lu Mei when she came back in the afternoon. After all, little Gu Zhao grew up watching him, and his love was no less than that of Mu Shaochen and his wife.

Thinking like this, the housekeeper's face also slowly bloomed a smile.

Xiao Ling, standing on one side, saw the smile on the housekeeper's lips and suddenly thought of the word "old fox". Xiao Ling, startled by her own idea, quickly shook her head and threw this strange idea out of her mind. When I look at the housekeeper again, I find that the housekeeper is still in his own impression.

Xiaoling nodded at ease, thinking that it must have been her own illusion. Mr. housekeeper is so kind, how can she be such a cunning creature as a fox? It must be that I am too tired recently, which is why I have such an illusion. Please ask Mr. Butler for leave later. Please come and have a good rest.

Xiaoling thought like this, originally wanted to step forward also stopped, standing in place. When the housekeeper wanted to go back to the garden, she saw Xiaoling, who was comforted by herself, and was startled, "Xiaoling, what's the matter?"

"Mr. housekeeper, I'd like to ask you for leave." Xiaoling was also startled by the housekeeper's reaction. When she came back, some embarrassed people grabbed the tape on her clothes. "Recently something happened at home. My mother asked me to go back and deal with it."

"Of course." The housekeeper asked kindly, "how many days do you want to take off?"

"Five, no, three days, three days." Xiaoling felt that after she went back, she would be dragged by her mother to play the same old tune again. It's better to invite her for a few days less. At that time, she would get away on the ground that she wanted to come back to work. "In three days, I will come back to work."

"Well, let me know if you need any help. If I can help you, I'll help you too. " Xiaoling looked at the housekeeper gratefully, "OK, thank you, Mr. housekeeper."

"What's the matter? The child asked for leave? " After Xiao Ling walked into the kitchen with red eyes, Zhou Bo came out of the kitchen with a brush. "What happened at home again?"

"Well." The housekeeper nodded and shook his head helplessly. "Normally, an old man like her, who has been working in Mu's family for several years, can tell us if you want to completely solve the problems at home. But the child just stuck with it and wanted to solve it by himself. It's really... "

"I've been working in Mu's family for so many years, but I still can't see the nature of her family. It's stupid." Zhou Bo said that he was not born in the first place. He wanted to pick her like a vampire. He really didn't know what to say

Xiaoling was only 16 years old when she entered Mu's house. Because she was taken in by Lu Mei on the street, she brought people home. I've been working in Mu's family for almost seven years. I'm clean and diligent. At least other servants in my family like this girl who is eager to do everything.

Zhou Bo has also observed her for several years, and thinks that Xiaoling is also a young girl. He plans to tell her in a few days that he will give her all his skills. Now that he is so old, he can't work in Mu's family for long. It's better to find a successor for the master's family first, and then he won't bother to do it again.

Xiao Ling doesn't know if she can see Zhou Bo's idea and give him a hand. At that time, her hands and feet will be more neat. This made Zhou Bo more determined to accept the apprentice.

"It's a pity to meet such a group of people." Zhou Bo shook his head regretfully. "I would say that they were not good to Xiaoling. Xiaoling has been keeping them for several years, and what should be paid back has been paid off. It's better to break it. It's a pity that the girl is a sentimental one. She can't be so cruel. "

It turned out that after Xiaoling entered the Mu family, the housekeeper also went to investigate Xiaoling's life experience. I know that she is not the child born by her parents now. She bought it. When she was 16 years old, when she was in high school, she forced Xiaoling to drop out of school and go out to work.

The reason is that Xiaoling's family has been eating and drinking for nothing for so many years. Now it's time to repay them and drive Xiaoling out of her family. However, because Xiaoling did all the work at home by herself, she came out to work in a restaurant.

At that time, the boss thought she was too young and didn't want it. But later, when she saw that Xiaoling was growing well, she had a bad idea. She wanted Xiaoling to follow her silly nephew, and then she kept her salary of 1000 yuan a month.

Later, for various reasons, Lu Mei and her little sister went to a restaurant for dinner. When they met something, they thought the girl was good, so they brought her back, which saved her from being bullied at a young age.

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