When Xiaowen is ready to open the door, more than a dozen people in the living room are ready to stand in a long line. Aguali and Xiaowen stand in the front to welcome Gu youyou.

No, it should be the queen who welcomed them home.

Originally, you could use the remote control to open the door. The spare one was under the TV cabinet in the living room. However, Xiaowen didn't use it. Instead, he went forward and opened the door for Gu youyou.

"Elder sister youyou..." I didn't call the eldest brother with everyone. This title was also discussed by everyone. Except for the three of them, others, including others who will join them in the future, inherited this title.

This "sister youyou" is different for Xiaowen, and Gu youyou is different for him.

When he was confused about his life, Gu youyou appeared in front of him like that. From which plane posters and magazines, she came to him. She was beautiful and dazzling, and was the focus of the whole audience. She was embarrassed and thin, and was the joke of the whole audience.

It's true that when he met Gu Youyou, it was Gu youyou's most embarrassed time. He was betrayed by his boyfriend and his family. However, a series of things later proved that those people, though also surnamed Gu, were far from worthy of being her family.

Like herself, she is a person who has a home, but has no one.

Compared with her worship and fanatical love before, Gu youyou now has no sense of distance, more like his family and his sister.

No one knows how sincere the elder sister behind him is.

Gu Youyou, almost at the moment when he stepped into the door, discovered the change of the old boy. What was missing and what was more in his eyes? Subconsciously, Gu youyou didn't like this change, but he had to admit that this change, for Xiaowen, is really growing.

I just don't know if Xiaowen likes this change.

During the period when he asked for leave, a lot of things should have happened, which made the sunny boy look like he is today.

"I'm back." Gu youyou chuckles, opens her arms and gives Xiaowen a warm hug. Her little brother seems to have grown up.

However, the process of growing up is always bumpy and uneven. Maybe it's beautiful, worthy of aftertaste, or bitter, unwilling to look back. She loves him.

All of a sudden, Xiaowen's eyes were moist. Gu you would not know that her own words, like an announcement, were filled with bitterness and joy in the ears of the three old men. At the heart, there was a swelling feeling of bitterness and bitterness, filled with a warm current.

Although the time together is short, Gu you's position in their hearts is special.

"Miss." Although the expression on his face didn't change much, his eyes were full of grievances, as if he were accusing her of her crime, and he was like a little suckling dog abandoned by his master.

AGU is as calm as ever, but that pair of eyes seems to be cut water light is also a lot of soft.

Gu youyou didn't come back unprepared this time. As early as when Xiaowen called, she guessed something in her heart, but she didn't expect that what was going on at home was such a battle.

In the past two years, she has participated in many large and small cocktail parties and banquets, but no matter how grand and luxurious it is, there is no such scene in front of her, which makes her feel warm.

She always felt that she was a person cursed by bad luck. Otherwise, how could the people around her leave her one by one?

She is a child abandoned by her family and her own father.

In front of you, the whole living room looks brand new. The stairs of every floor have not been let go. It has been changed into the same style as the entrance outside. It is the color of the sea, which is as bright as the sky.

Gu you you guessed that the whole apartment would not be renovated, right?

When Miley discussed with Xiaowen before, she didn't say hello to Gu Youyou, so she didn't know the plan that Miley had made when she was alive, which should have been put on the agenda long ago.

From the living room to the dining room, there used to be a simple bar. Now it has been completely renovated into a bar style. The former dining table has also been replaced with a crystal panel, surrounded by card seats, hard seats and hanging baskets.

Now, it can be seen that this layout is a model of a welcome party or a very down-to-earth welcome party. Ribbon, balloons and places close to the restaurant have their own meals and drinks, but most of them are simple cold food.

It's not going to be overnight, is it?

Gu youyou swallowed his saliva secretly. He was puzzled, but on his face, in his beautiful eyes, there were tears.

"Welcome home, boss." As Gu youyou stepped into his apartment, the voice of nearly 20 people who wanted to shake the sky poured into Gu youyou's ears.

Welcome home, boss.

How can Gu you not be familiar with this name? The play is now on TV, and the title has been spread by her fans for a long time.

These people

Gu youyou's eyes swept over the young men and women one by one. Except for aguali, there were 16 people, but there were only six girls. Among them, only two of them were familiar to her.

The two are a man and a woman. They are her former makeup artist and stylist. After the termination of her contract with Huangcheng entertainment, she never saw the two talented people given to her by Zhao Yuzhu. Unexpectedly, she met her old friends here.

"Hello." As for the identity of other people, Gu youyou doesn't know yet, but he has some speculation in his heart, "Julie, darling, meet again." Julie is an enchanting woman in her thirties. She is her stylist, and this darling is her makeup artist. However, his age has been a secret since he was in the company.

Most people in the circle have their own stage names, but he, darling

It is said that age is a taboo for women, but here in darling, it has become his painful foot. A big man, pinching orchid fingers, wearing delicate make-up, meticulously repaired hairstyle, coupled with the slightly neutral clothing, Gu you really does not want to give his people an androgynous sissy, but Remy's character is still very pleasing.

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