"Poisoning?" Gu youyou murmurs repeatedly in the mouth, besides esophagus cancer, Gu Chongshan unexpectedly also was poisoned?

Moreover, if Gu you guesses well, Qi Junyi must have doubted the person who poisoned him. That person is the one who cares about his family.

Maybe it's because he was driven out of his family and seldom came back, or for some reason, after removing his suspicion, doctor Qi decided to tell her about it.

"Does father know for himself?" Gu you you ponders, and comes over the family members in his mind. In fact, the composition of family members is more than simple. Gu Chongshan, Lin Ruyi, Gu An'an, and another one who is not at home all the year round. Of course, there are three uncles in the stockade. However, up to now, the three uncles and three aunts have no children.

As for those who work at home, we can basically rule out those who have received the favor of my grandfather and the soldiers under my grandfather's hands, needless to say, they will certainly not harm the children entrusted by my grandfather with the important task. How can ordinary people have the courage to poison the head of the army? There is no one who has a deep hatred that can't do it.

According to Gu Chongshan's understanding of Gu Chongshan, he is very kind to everyone except himself.

Then, the scope of the suspects is focused on these family caretakers, which may be the reason why the Qi military doctor did not publicize to the outside world. It is easy to cause a greater counterattack by scaring the snake. It is necessary to find key evidence in order to capture the enemy at one stroke.

No matter who this person is or what his intentions are, Gu youyou will not easily spare him. He does this not only for Gu Chongshan, but also for the interests of the whole family, as she dislikes the analysis. It is very likely that the family will collapse as a result of this.

Well, the country that grandfather worked hard for so many years will be destroyed.

How can Gu youyou not know? In the second half of his life, the most important thing for grandfather is to take care of his family.

For the sake of grandfather, she also wants to find out this person.

Gu youyou thinks about it, but there is a voice in her heart, saying that Gu Chongshan is always her father. They all say that father and daughter have no grudges. When she just heard Gu Chongshan's last "just come back", for a moment, she really wanted to cry. At that time, Gu Chongshan looked at herself like a father, Look at the eyes of children who have not been home for a long time.

Just come back. This will give Gu you the illusion that her father is also looking forward to returning to this home.

Although, it's still just an illusion.

"Not yet." Before the situation is unclear, he can't tell Gu Chongshan about it. He knows Gu Chongshan's character and personality too well. If he knows that he was poisoned, he will turn over the whole Gu family. At that time, he may not find the real culprit, but also stir up Gu Chongshan's family.

In fact, he has been observing Gu youyou for a long time. From the last engagement banquet to the family banquet, today, he has been waiting for an opportunity. Sure enough, this young lady understood her hint.

In this way, it's inevitable to tell Gu you about it. I believe that if the leader knows about it, he will certainly agree with his own practice.

Gu youyou hears the speech and nods. Recently, she doesn't know what happened in her family. However, she already has the object of suspicion. She just waits to find out some clues and come up with the real evidence to borrow the ugly face of the man in the building.

"Uncle Qi, please keep it a secret. We can't act rashly until we find the person who poisoned us. In particular, we can't let people find out. We have found out that our father was poisoned." Gu Chongshan's heart is a double whammy. His body must not be able to withstand other hardships. If the man jumps over the wall in a hurry and gets the chance to take this chronic poison, he will have the chance to take the strong poison directly.

By that time, it will be too late.

Seeing that doctor Qi nodded in agreement, Gu youyou asked again, "father, what poison is in his heart?" It's said that Gu Chongshan's illness is like a mountain fall, but his symptoms are too fast. Even if the poison and the disease come together, how can he make this man like this in less than a month?

Thinking of Gu Chongshan's deeply sunken cheekbones, Gu youyou's heart can't help but be afraid. Who would use such a vicious trick to harm others?

"This kind of poison is actually a common herb in life. It's called man Shen Hui. As the name suggests, it's shaped like a spike, but the spike will turn into ashes and float into the air as soon as it touches, that is, its seeds, like dandelion, continue to spread, because its seeds are light gray, so it's called man Shen Hui."

At this point, a strange color suddenly flashed on doctor Qi's face, and his face sank down. This herb is very rare, because it is too difficult to preserve, and few people can collect its seeds, because once the wind or foreign things happen, it will dissipate with the wind, like a burst of smoke and dust.

This kind of plant is often found in high mountains and cold regions, which makes it very difficult for people to find it. Its seeds contain a small amount of toxin, but it is a very small amount. Even if people take it for a long time, it will not cause any damage to the body. On the contrary, it can activate the liver blood and clear the eyes. But if they meet with another kind of plant, The interaction of the two drugs will produce a highly toxic toxin.

It's a very old-fashioned method of poisoning, that is, it can't be used alone. It can only be used in a specific environment. Unexpectedly, now, there are still people who know this kind of thing, find it, know its characteristics, and even use it in practice.

And its symptoms

"The most terrible thing about this kind of poison is that the symptoms after severe illness are no different from those of ordinary Qi deficiency and weakness. However, after a long time, even if the drug seems to have stopped taking, the body has been completely damaged by this poison for a long time and is unable to recover. Slowly, it will run out of vitality. It looks like a bad foundation after a serious illness. Therefore, few people can detect that they are poisoned. When they finally find out, it will be too late. " There was a trace of happiness in the voice of doctor Qi. Fortunately, Gu Chongshan's serious illness came in time. Otherwise, he would not have remembered to give him a comprehensive examination. If he had not just had the experience of dealing with this heavy ash, he would have

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