Chapter 436

Different from Wang Wei's idea, Zhang ordinary saw the large troops coming at a gallop, but his mouth showed a knowing smile.

"I was worried that one Wang family would not be able to hold up the field, but I finally waited until you all arrived!"

As for whether they will be besieged or not, Zhang Fan is not worried at all. They are also different people in the field, and their strength is not better than variance. Even if the other party has a group of minions, it's not in vain that there are no different people in the field. Any one of the three of them has the strength to kill the people below.

"Evil animal! Give my life back to Wei'er! "

The enemy is very jealous when they meet.

As soon as Shi Nanqing saw Zhang Pingfan, his eyes were bulging, his manes were exploding, and a roar of a lion shook the forest. Without saying a word, he turned into a man eating beast and stepped into the air towards the cliff.

Zhang Changping said in secret that he was in trouble every time. Fortunately, they came together, or they would fight again.

They told hansu to take care of Wang Huba. After that, the black and white wings spread out again and took the initiative to fly out of the cave to face Shi Nanqing.

As soon as he raised his hand, the whole field of life enveloped the audience. The strange man on Wang's side changed his face. He thought he was going to kill everything. Just as he was about to retreat, he found that his body felt extremely comfortable. Even some minor problems began to improve. He felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

This discovery made Wang Wei swallow his persuasion. He found that the other party didn't hurt his son at all. He was a little grateful. After all, the other party could hold his son against Shi Nanqing and ask himself. He would do the same for himself. After all, it's not a joke to fight against a superior race in defense and attack.

Looking back at his "partner", he clearly saw his son in the hands of the other side, and he also made a big attack. This is for the purpose of killing his son!

"Damn it, you deserve to die, son, hum! Don't blame me for being unkind. You'll know that your son died unjustly. "

Zhang Pingfan didn't think so much about it. He didn't want to kill Wang Huba to avoid him. If he was all enemies, his future plan would be useless. It's a strategic way to pull one by one.

Wang Huba doesn't die. He doesn't have a lot of hatred with the Wang family. It needs someone to run the matter of his return to the camp.

As for Shi Nanqing... Ha ha, how can they willingly admit defeat without showing some muscles!

The green light of life is shining on the earth, and the natural causes cover Shi Nanqing. This guy is surprised at first, and instinctively wants to use the field to bounce away. Who knows, he is very happy when he feels it carefully.

This guy must be a new field, just a product or an auxiliary field. Can such a field be used against the enemy? This kind of field can only be blessed on one's own body. If it is released, it will help the enemy. How Wei'er can die in the hands of such a small person must be a conspiracy.

Although he guessed most of them correctly, Shi Nanqing was already dazzled by hatred. He didn't think that if Zhang ordinary was really so stupid, how could Wang Wei wait until he arrived?

Shi Nanqing couldn't think so much. At this time, he was full of revenge.

Go down with Wei'er!

"The beginning of the day!"

The secret skill of Shi's family appears again. Compared with Shi Xingwei's Kaitian, it's just like a child scratching each other. However, Shi Nanqing's Kaitian secret skill seems to tear the sky apart. The surrounding space fluctuates. The claw wind grabs Zhang's ordinary chest. Once it touches, it's like intestines.

Zhang ordinary reaction is also very fast, wings incite the body suddenly pulled up.

"It's no use!" Shi Nanqing said with a grim smile.

"Oh? Is that right? "

Zhang ordinary smiles like this. Wang Wei, who pays close attention to the war situation, can't help shivering. When this boy smiles, it's no good. Are these all in his plan?

Before he could figure out how the other party would deal with it, he suddenly heard a cry of surprise

"What is it?"

As soon as Wang Wei saw it, the grass that had been illuminated by the green light of life began to grow. It was like a golden crackle. In an instant, he grew taller than others. A son was the most unfortunate. He was stabbed by a vine in the backyard and jumped three feet high with a scream!


Those ordinary grass entangled each other into a rope, tightly wrapped in Shi Nanqing's ankle.

Shi Nanqing suddenly felt that his feet sank and looked down. He was startled! What the hell is this!


Shi Nanqing waves his claw to cut the grass rope, but there is a second one. As the saying goes, there are endless wildfires and spring breeze. Zhang's ordinary life field is the spring breeze, which gives these weeds strong vitality.

Originally, the Kruger lion was not a flying alien, and its ability to fly in the air depended on the support of the field. Now it was pulled by the grass rope and was undoubtedly planted on the ground. The original Kaitian was also wiped from Zhang Fanfan's side and hit the rock behind because of the lost precision.


The debris splashed.

In a fog of dust, Shi Nanqing finally got rid of this entanglement. He cried out angrily: "who! Who dares to attack me“

He thought it was a strange plant man, but he didn't know it was just another application of Zhang Fan in his own field. He is not an ordinary alien. As the omnipotent property of chaos, his field can be attached to anything as long as it does not focus on any species. This is where chaos goes against heaven!

Wang Wei can see clearly from below that this is indeed Zhang's ability. But he can't figure out how Zhang's ability to control plants comes from. Can animals and plants produce offspring?

"Hello! I said loud voice. If you don't fight, I'll go back. "

Zhang ordinary button ears, a very impatient look, with the air advantage, he has been invincible, where the teacher Nanqing in the eyes.

Shi Nanqing gnaws his teeth with indignation. After a preliminary fight, the other side also subverts his cognition. What kind of fat sheep are they? They are schemers who play the role of pig and eat tiger. After a short awakening, Shi Nanqing glances at the black and white wings. Under careful observation, he feels the breath of palpitation from above.

This surprised him. Didn't the boy do his best?

Can't even solve the problem of the beginning of heaven, can it be the beginning of heaven and earth? If he doesn't win with all his efforts, his teachers will really become the laughing stock of the alien world.

"Mulan, this boy is too cunning, and he can fly. Let's attack each other, and you will get the credit for catching him!"

Shi Nanqing thinks that his concession is big enough to move the other party. However, Qian Mulan looks at him with a strange look and says for a long time:

"Do you want to be shameless?"


The above Zhang ordinary is going to laugh, this lady should be the Qian family, right? Didn't expect that they didn't deal with each other? Strange to say? After all, Qian Huanshan died indirectly in her own hands. Why didn't the lady show her hatred for her?

Just now Zhang Pingping was absorbed in dealing with Shi Nanqing. In fact, he put most of his mind under him. Once Wang Wei and Wang Wei joined hands, he could go back to make peace with hansu.

As a result, I found that Mrs. Qian didn't seem to have any intention of making a move, and Wang Wei was all right. After all, Wang Huba was in her own hands, but what was she for? And the other person is the one who looks at himself the longest, won't be

Zhang Pingfan suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, and the next second he quickly shook his head,

"No, I'm not interested in being a cheap father. Qian Huanshan, Qian Huanshan, don't blame the spirit of heaven. "

Qian Mulan doesn't know that he's sorry for Zhang ordinary for a while, so he'll have such an idea. Otherwise, he doesn't know whether he'll kill him directly.

"Shi Nanqing, thanks to you being the head of the family, do you want me to join you for a younger generation? If you don't want to be shameful, I want to. Your teacher's family has a bad reputation. Don't pull on our money family! "

"You..." Shi Nanqing's face was red with anger. He almost wanted to do it, but when he thought about the consequences, he could only resist it,

"Qian Mulan, don't forget that your son also died in the hands of this boy. What's good for you if he runs away?"

"No good."

Shi Nanqing just breathed a sigh of relief and heard her say: "it seems that there is no harm."

What? Are you stupid to practice? Your son's dead, the killer's gone, you say it's no harm?

Qian Mulan said solemnly: "it's not as good as a person when Huanshan died. You and I all know that the real source of the situation at that time is the bone melting bee, not him."

"Bone melting bee is the trap set by this boy!"

"Oh? In that case, the master of the master also uses the bone melting bee to set a trap. I will cooperate with you absolutely. "

In a word, Shi Nanqing has no voice. If they really want to be able to control the Huagu bee, this periphery has long been taken over by the General Administration of foreign people. The problem is that they have no brains to take things, they can only act by instinct, and who can control them. Shi Nanqing keeps saying that if they want people not to make contributions, they may not have no intention to pry out this secret from Zhang ordinary's mouth, as long as their teachers can control this secret, The achievement is far greater than the so-called merit.

Qian Mulan directly saw through his careful thinking, which made him a little annoyed. How can this woman make no sense? What kind of bullshit style is the Qian family!

The above Zhang ordinary is more and more pleasing to the eye, not because of anything else, just because of what she said.

Qian Mulan glanced at Zhang Changping and said to Shi Nanqing, "ten thousand steps back, my family is surrounded by mountains, and the flame lion and the Wang family are here. You and I know exactly what they are doing. At this time, if you want to be a whore and set up a memorial archway, are some people taking people all over the world as fools? You can do this kind of thing, don't pull me."

Those dirty things in private are put on the table. Shi Nanqing's face is blue and white. I've heard that the eldest lady of Qian's family is jealous of evil for a long time. Even his brother and the owner of Qian's family don't sell their face. He can directly scold them in the ancestral hall. Now he's leading the way, and he's also breaking the jar

"Since you don't want to do anything, what are you doing here? You think it's fun!"

"If you want me to take care of it, I'll just come to see some young talents. Can't I?"

Young... Young talent?

Now even Zhang Fan feels a little too much. He feels uncomfortable by tugging at the corners of his mouth. Anyway, Qian Huanshan's family is also at fault. Now his mother calls him a young talent. No matter how cheeky he is, he can't accept it. And the other person's "affectionate" eyes are really chilling, for fear that the other person has any conspiracy or deliberately plays, Zhang ordinary can not accept, ready to fly back to the cave.

At this time, Shi Nanqing saw that Qian's family didn't cooperate, so he waved his hand: "the children of Shi Family listen to the order! Surround me here, no one is allowed to go in and out, even an ant is not allowed to let me out! Those who violate the order will be killed! "


Wang Wei's face suddenly changes. There are not as many people brought by him and Qian's family as there are teachers. Besides, this guy doesn't know where to get some hot weapons. It doesn't hurt them, but there are no strangers in the field, but they can't be immune to the lethal power of hot weapons. What's more, the terrain here is very rough, like explosives. They are in trouble when they encounter them!

"Shi Nanqing, what are you going to do?" Wang Wei scolded.

"For what?" Shi Nanqing sneered: "of course, we are arresting fugitives."

"But my son is still in his hands, you do..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by Shi Nanqing with a wave: "your son's life is life. Is my son going to die in vain! No one can stop me today! If there are casualties in the process of arresting fugitives, the General Administration will distribute pension! Get out of the way

The strong air will open Wang Wei, Wang Wei extremely indignant, what is pension, more pension in exchange for his son's life!


At a command, the surrounding woods suddenly poured in, many strange people in camouflage clothes carrying hot weapons, and even a big strange man carrying a rocket! When did this become a single soldier weapon?

The scene seen in the film has now become a reality. Who can let the alien's body bear this kind of recoil.

Zhang Pingfan didn't expect that Nanqing of this division had come up with this insidious way of using thermal weapons. There was an unwritten rule in the alien world, that is, they were not allowed to use thermal weapons. Even the guns they used to arrest strange people were filled with narcotics instead of bullets. But Nanqing of this division dared to risk the world to use thermal weapons. This guy really hated himself.


A dull sound, Zhang ordinary a dodge a sniper, these guys are really dare to shoot.

"Shi Nanqing, you're not afraid of public anger!"

"I believe you will understand me when dealing with dangerous elements like you in extraordinary times and by extraordinary means." Shi Nanqing grins grimly and seems to have made up her mind.

Zhang ordinary looks very blue. It seems that he needs to find another way.
