Zijiao's words stunned us all.

A corpse king, an animal king?

The corpse king was just about to appear in the south, but it should be killed.

Or was the corpse King alive after being bombed by missiles? Then he came here with a group of zombies, or was a corpse King born in this place of old Europe?

And the beast king, what's going on?

"I'm not sure about the details. The python doesn't have many memories, but one thing is certain that this is not the Python's hometown. The python has migrated from China." Zijiao said again.

"From the Python's memory, we can see that whether it is the corpse king or the beast king, in fact, the birth time should not be too long."

"I don't know who came first, but it seems that the beast king took the lead in leading the mutant beast to Europe."

When the mutant beast was in China, it was also a regional bully, but its strength was not comparable to that of zombies. It could bully humans. However, human strength gradually grew up. After the two cities were established, the status of the mutant beast decreased from the second to the third.

In some ways, mutant beasts have basically lost their ability to fight humans and zombies.

The fresh flesh and blood of the mutant beast is a good food for zombies, and the mutant beast's body must have the ability to crystallize.

Mutant animals are quite good prey for both humans and zombies.

In this case, although there is no statistics, the number of mutant animals is actually decreasing.

It was in this case that the beast king appeared among the mutant beasts.

This is an unprecedentedly powerful mutant beast, and this mutant beast is smarter and more powerful than all other mutant beasts.

As the king of beasts, he ruled the whole group of mutated beasts and led most of the mutated beasts in Middle Earth to Europe, far away from the powerful zombies and human encirclement and suppression in Middle Earth.

There are also zombies and human beings in other parts of the world, but there has never been a place where there are so many human beings and zombies.

When the number of humans and zombies is too large, with such a huge base as support, it is easy to produce super powerful zombies and humans.

The beast king saw this keenly and led the mutant beasts away from the battle center.

The only place in the world that can compare with China may be India, but it is too submerged by the sea.

After arriving in Europe, the competition of mutant animals decreased a lot.

In Middle Earth, there were human massacres and zombie attacks. Knox was also catching mutant animals, and shadow island was also catching mutant animals. It can be said that it was very poor. After arriving here, mutant animals almost soon became the leader in Europe.

There are few people here. The number of powerful humans and powerful zombies is very limited, and few can compete with mutant animals.

The mutant beast gained the dominant position here, and then the beast king closed himself to practice and estimated to improve his strength, while other mutant beasts were raised around.

Unfortunately, this good thing didn't last long, and the zombie came.

It is also a zombie from Middle Earth, under the leadership of the corpse king.

Eurasia, this is a connected place.

After hearing this, I can basically confirm in my heart that the so-called corpse king is definitely the guy we bombed before. We thought we were killed, but he is still alive.

After the missile bombing, the guy must not have been killed, and then he got up from the ground when the smoke was filled.

Maybe this guy also wanted to lead a group of younger brothers back to kill.

However, the situation was different at that time. It was estimated that the corpse King expected that he might be killed if he continued to stand out, so he chose the same choice as the beast king and led a group of powerful zombies to flee to Europe.

In fact, the number of zombies has been decreasing.

This is inevitable!

Humans are decreasing, animals are decreasing, and humans cannot reproduce. Because the number of animals is decreasing, there are fewer and fewer offspring. In this case, zombies can hardly find food.

Some weak zombies became food for powerful zombies and were swallowed up.

The direct consequence is that the remaining zombies are becoming stronger and fewer. These zombies must also find a new way out. Otherwise, when all the food is eaten, the zombies will also be extinct.

Don't think zombies can reproduce, but zombies also need food to reproduce.

Even if they can devour the same species, they will eat less and less until one day they have no food at all, that is, the time for these zombies to become extinct.

When the corpse King led a group of powerful zombies to Europe, he immediately had a war with the mutant beast who had mastered the power here at that time.

In order to compete for the territory of survival, the two races had a scuffle.

Even the closed beast king was forced to appear and fight with the corpse king.

I don't know the final result. It is estimated that both sides will lose. The next thing is almost chaos. Although both sides have temporarily agreed on the scope of influence, this agreement is really difficult to implement for zombies and mutant animals. Similar fighting events are happening constantly.

As for the zombies and mutant animals in Europe, almost all of them have been incorporated.

The whole of Europe has fallen into the sphere of influence of the corpse king and the beast king. The only good news is that the corpse king and the beast king do not deal with each other.

The English kingdom we need to go to should belong to the sphere of influence of mutant animals.

The mutant beast controls southern Europe and Western Europe. The Eastern Europe we fly over is in the sphere of influence of zombies.

However, although it seems to be so divided, where do these mutant animals and zombies have any geographical awareness? It's not surprising to run into each other's territory.

Beast king and corpse king?

If these two guys work in Europe, it would be good.

If these two guys fight, there will be a great threat less to mankind, which is equivalent to saving two troubles!

Of course, the corpse king and the beast king took away only a part, and there are still a lot left in Middle Earth.

I hope it will be smooth this time. It's better not to provoke the beast king.

Although I don't know the strength of the beast king, if I can become the king of a group of mutant beasts, the strength should not be weak.

"What does the beast king look like?" I asked casually.

"Well, it looks like a huge turtle." she knocked her head and said.

What does a turtle look like?

Good guy, can turtles become animal kings?

I'm a little curious about how powerful the tortoise is and how he can become the beast king.

However, these are not our problems to consider. The Dragon flew from the sky again. After a long time, the python on the ground woke up, and its huge body quickly retracted, looking frightened.

We are not very familiar with Europe.

Although there is a map in hand, there is no positioning system, and we can only predict our position according to our general judgment.

It was under such difficult conditions that we finally arrived in Britain after taking an unknown number of laps.

In these places, the number of zombies is significantly reduced, and the number of mutant animals can be seen is significantly increased.

But whether before or now, the only thing you can't see is the trace of human beings.

And these places give people a very strange feeling.

In the streets and in the jungle, we can see countless pigs, sheep, cattle, horses and other things walking on the ground in groups.

Occasionally, a mutant animal will come out from the side, just like a lion hunting, pick up a prey and go!

But it's totally different from what we've met before. They will never kill one more prey, even if that prey is close at hand!

Moreover, the targets of hunting are all old, weak, sick and disabled, pregnant animals and small animals. They will never hunt.

We looked at each other like that.


I can't help but have such a word in my heart!