Mom, that's a missile. How many people in the world can have a chance to see the missile explode?

Anyway, I don't want to miss it. What, you say I'm bored and busy? Come on, it's human nature to join the fun, okay?

Everyone crawled on the ground and quietly waited for the moment. The missile exploded. Except for a few soldiers, most people did not understand what kind of power it was and what kind of concept it was.

But we all know that the power of that explosion is absolutely earth shaking.

When that flame appeared in front of me, it was not long before the explosion. The speed of the missile was too fast and dazzling. Even if I said that the speed expanded to the limit, it was as slow as a snail compared with the missile.

The speed of the missile may be nearly 10000 meters in one second.

When the missile starts bombing, unless it is a special anti missile system, other things have no chance to escape.

I only saw that flame, expanding and expanding in front of me. In an instant, a huge object had appeared over the northern theater. Immediately, the direction gradually turned around, drew a parabola, and suddenly plunged into the lower end.

There was less than three seconds between when I found the missile and when the missile began to land.

Right in front of Bingya and me, that missile has directly hit the ground.

No sound was heard.

Only far away, at the moment when the missile fell, a huge black mushroom cloud soared into the air, accompanied by a huge fireball.

blot out the sky and cover the sun!

In a trance, I could see that area, and the whole theater seemed to tremble slightly.

Then a large area of thick smoke quickly spread around from the ground.

We stood high and saw the scene very clearly.


It was a powerful shock wave caused by the explosion.

I only saw a wave like a tsunami, which quickly spread wildly around, and the towering impact destroyed everything almost instantly.

The buildings collapsed in an instant, and the high temperature and strong pressure brought extreme terrible destructive power. Only those zombies were seen, and almost all of those buildings turned into ashes in an instant.

Nothing can survive under the power of that explosion, not even me. I will definitely be killed in an instant.

Without seeing it with your own eyes, you never know how powerful that power is. It's not too much to say that it destroys everything.

In that large area, everything dissipated and nothing remained.

It was not until a long time later that we heard that very strange scream and violent roar in our ears.

We are very far away, but just across such a long distance, I can see the ground shaking violently under my feet, and the forest is shaking violently as if in a strong wind.

That power even made me feel an impulse. What would be the result if I fired a missile in the direction of the Canyon?

Baron Nash, will you be killed by a missile?

I don't know. Baron Nash is too strong, but the missile's destructive power and pure energy impact are also very strong. If so, I don't know what the result will be.

It's also possible that Baron Nash's guy is old and never dies, but he may be unsealed.

Just before that missile exploded, a second missile appeared.

A mass of fire was detonated at a predetermined location.

The fierce impact is raging wildly in that area. We can feel the impact and heat wave from high altitude. Bingya can only keep her body balance by flapping her wings.

This is the power of cruise missiles. Moreover, this is a short-range small and medium-sized cruise missile. If it is an intercontinental missile, what will its power be?

What if they carry nuclear warheads?

The earth is not without powerful weapons. In fact, all kinds of weapons on this earth are enough to destroy the earth dozens of times, and it is no problem to destroy the world of the hero alliance.

But the disaster came too soon.

Most of these weapons are still sealed underground. When they are not used at all, they fall.

The army is ready to go to war with other countries at any time, but it has no plan to fight zombies.

The equivalent of each missile explosion is equivalent to the power of thousands or even tens of thousands of tons of TNT explosive, but in fact, the effective radius of direct destruction by missile explosion is not very large.

The most important thing is the high temperature and impact after the explosion. If it is a nuclear warhead, there is also nuclear radiation, which is the most terrible place after the explosion.

That amazing impact can directly destroy a large area.

One, two, three, four

Seven missiles exploded in a row, and the entire northern theater has been destroyed. This large area is completely covered by the rolling smoke.

After the seven missiles exploded, they finally disappeared.

The old man of Chu Tian paid a lot of money this time. After all, the number of 100000 people is enough for this guy to spend so many missiles.

You know, that guy doesn't have a lot of missiles in stock.

After the missile explosion, I don't know what it looks like there, because the smoke is so thick that our sight is completely blocked and we can't see anything.

However, there is not much time left for us.

So Bingya and I quickly landed.

"Junren, you are soldiers. After the missile explodes, how long will it take us to enter that area?" I asked Junren.

"Ordinary missiles don't pay so much attention. They can be used after the shock wave spreads and the flame goes out. They are not nuclear warheads," Junren said immediately.

"That's good. Mobilize everyone to get ready to go."

We must do it as soon as possible. It is not easy to rely on missile bombing to open a gap. If we delay any longer, maybe those zombies will gather again.

Everyone got up from the ground. Although the team was scattered, it had its own order.

The soldiers are all scattered around, led by several mecha soldiers and superpowers, and the large army has begun to move.

We were ten thousand meters away. When we finally came to the northern theater, we were shocked by the pictures in front of us.

At the edge of the jungle, there are broken trees everywhere. The impact of the explosion on the ground has brought out deep gullies.

In the area of the explosion center, the picture is more terrible.

Except for that huge pit, everything else was wiped flat, and even the stone turned directly into powder.

In a trance, we even feel like walking in a desert.

As for zombies?

I can't even see a body.

The explosion of seven missiles almost completely destroyed the area.

"Come on, come on, everybody speed up." shouted loudly.

The whole camp in the northern theater was still burning, but it was quickly extinguished under Bingya's ice cone.

The whole army shuttled directly from the area after the explosion, emitting the thick smoke.

Until we left the camp in the northern theater and went out, we still saw the traces of several missile explosions.

Outside, it was originally covered by dense zombies, but now, the explosion almost completely broke the blockade of the zombie, and there was no zombie in a large area.

Only on both sides can we see some wriggling and ragged figures around us.

But it's far away.

"Xiao Ba, open the way." ah Shen roared loudly.

Small eight excitedly waved his six tentacles and roared in front.

This guy had only five tentacles left, but after swallowing some of Baron Nash's flesh and blood, he grew another one.

At the same time, the roar of gunfire began to sound, and bullets were fired on both sides, blocking the zombies on both sides.