For many people who got the news, the road to s city is the road to heaven, but this road is not smooth. It can even be said that the process to this road is full of countless thorns and dangers.

That way, maybe you can learn from monk Tang. Even if you have experienced the "9981" difficulty, you have finally seen the s city and the dawn.

But the last road may also become the end of your life.

Just like this person, he is only tens of kilometers away from s city. As long as he spends this day safely, he may be able to enter S City safely.

But it was here that he was fatally attacked and killed by a mutant tyrant.

The fragility of human beings is displayed incisively and vividly at this time. Unless you have strong enough strength, it is really difficult to survive in this environment.

Tong Lei and I started the speed, and they rushed in the direction of the mutant tyrant at the same time.

At the same time, I also called ashy out, and the spirit of the Falcon roared out from a distance and observed the situation on both sides.

In less than two minutes of full speed, a falcon spirit has begun to scream fiercely. In the line of sight projected by the Falcon spirit, the thick smoke is rolling continuously.

That's the direction.

Finally, I found it. In order to get there quickly, I even used the ghost's fast walking and flashing power at the same time, and my body almost flew past in mid air.

When I appeared there, what I saw was an extremely sad picture.

Three variants of the bad news, is leading a large number of zombies, crazy siege in front of a convoy. No wonder the mutant tyrant left here when he saw the food. The three mutant bad news, tyrant and bad news, were natural enemies. If he didn't leave, he might have been killed by these mutant bad news first.

There were about a dozen cars in the convoy, and the number of living people was about three or four hundred. They were also fully armed. It is estimated that they did not collect less firepower when they went to s city.

But even so, it is still difficult to deal with those powerful zombies. Under the crazy siege of zombies, these people can only retreat continuously and hide behind those cars to resist the attack of zombies.

In this motorcade, about a dozen capable people, under the command of a middle-aged man, barely resisted.

Even those ordinary people, with weapons in their hands, kept shooting.

Obviously, after such a long time of escape and killing, even these ordinary people have trained quite good quality in the battlefield. They basically have the style of the regular army, and even are more powerful than the regular army in some aspects.

If they face ordinary zombies, they may not have any trouble, but they face variant nightmares.

One of the mutant nightmares had broken through the line of defense, grabbed the huge iron bar in his hand and smashed it at the front. Only a bang was heard, and the truck was overturned directly.

Then the guy waved his iron rod and directly hit several people hiding behind.

Those people, still women and children, had no ability to resist this attack. Their faces turned white and their eyes were almost desperate.

Can't stop it. Are you going to die here?

I finally ran to s city. Do you mean to end here?

There was despair in their eyes. Just when those people felt that they were about to die, a figure suddenly appeared.


The harsh sound of metal and iron attack spread out instantly. The sound even had an extremely violent impact, which shook several people back several steps.

The imaginary death did not appear, and a not tall figure stood in front of him.

Holding an axe in his hand, he blocked the iron rod of the mutant's bad news.

Like a divine soldier falling from heaven, it brought another meter of sunshine at the moment of dying.

After the excitement of narrowly escaping death, the rest is shock. How strong is this man who can block the bad news of the mutant?

But immediately a more shocking scene appeared.

I only saw that the man's arm made a slight force and shouted, and he directly swung away the iron rod of the mutant bad news. The mutant bad news retreated involuntarily under the man's strength.

Then the man took a sudden step, appeared directly in front of the bad news of the mutant, showed a strange smile on his face, and suddenly waved his arm like a black armor.

With a bang, his fist exploded directly on the chest of the mutant's bad news. The guy's strong skin was completely useless at this time, and his body was directly pierced.

Then it burst, and the huge body suddenly fell apart.


A powerful mutant had no ability to resist at this time, and was killed in an instant.

"Hey, if you step back a little, it's not good to be affected." I turned and looked at the frightened people behind me.

Subconsciously, those people quickly retreated.

Then I took back my axe, opened my palm, and the green light appeared in my hand.

The light rushed directly into the sky, and then when there were no ice crystals, it exploded directly, turned into a light, folded in the same direction as raindrops, and scattered on the ground.

Poof poof

The light directly penetrated the bodies of the zombies, followed by dense explosions, and dozens of zombies in front of them were directly blown to pieces.

Tong Lei finally caught up. Tong Lei's speed was a little worse when I started the ghost trot. When Tong Lei came, I had killed a large number of zombies.

Tong Lei's appearance reduced a lot of losses. His body rushed directly to the bad news of a mutant, grabbed the bad news of that mutant, and his sharp claws could not stop the bad news of the mutant. The shock wave instantly penetrated into the body of the bad news of the mutant along the wound.

Only a sad cry was heard, and the body of the mutant was suddenly torn apart.

Just a hundred meters away, Aishi's body was standing on the roof of a building. The long hair behind him was floating in the wind, his hands were open, and the ice bow was directly pulled to the limit.

The magic crystal arrow roared directly from a distant place. With that bone chilling cold, it screamed and passed directly through the chest of a mutant body with bad news.

Bang... The bad news of the third variant was solved.

These powerful guys finally came to the end of their lives. With the emergence of these powerful helpers, they were killed in an instant!

The time gap is fully revealed at this time.

The rest of the zombies were quickly wiped out.

Although those people survived, they still had an incredible feeling. Looking at Tong Lei and me, especially Tong Lei, they looked in awe, gratitude and fear.

After all, Tong Lei looks really scary now.

Maybe we don't feel much, but it's really strange for people who see it for the first time.

That kind of look made Tong Lei's only heart tingle.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Tong Lei is unwilling to associate with others.

Once a human being, he still has human consciousness and human heart, but he lacks a human body.

When ordinary people see him, the fear and strange eyes make Tong Lei feel a little uncomfortable.

Although powerful, this guy is also quite sensitive.

Patted Tong Lei on the shoulder and clattered: "well, brother, don't care too much. After they get used to it, there will be nothing."

"My brother Guan Zhaolin's appearance is much more frightening than you. People don't care. You feel bad..."

Well, my comfort is not comfort at all.

Didn't you see this guy open my hand angrily?

"That..." at this time, the leader of the team came up with some hesitation in his eyes: "well, thank you for saving us. Excuse me, are you from s city?"

Sure enough, these people also came to s city.

"Almost," I replied.

"Is s city really a paradise as advertised?" the man's face suddenly became excited.

The eyes of the others were also ecstatic.

"Unfortunately, it was before, but now s city is gone..."