Meng Rui's face looked a little strange. He seemed to feel my eyes and smiled at me: "brother Lin, I haven't seen your strength yet. Brothers, it's all starting to work. You also show your skills a little. Let's see it?"

Meng Rui is very talkative. He obviously wants to see my strength, but the feeling of speaking out is not disgusting.

However, everyone is fighting with zombies. It's really not good if I'm the only one who keeps following.

With a smile, I walked past the back of the team.

At this moment, Xiaofeng, Ono and Chen Bolin are all involved in the battle.

These three people are just like terrible killing machines. Although a large number of zombies are surrounded in front of them, under these three people, there are only corpses everywhere, there is a mess everywhere, plasma is covered on the ground, and the ground under their feet is muddy.

Ahead, countless zombies swarmed down from the mountain, just like a wave of waves, trying to completely submerge us.

Some giant zombies, licking eater larvae, also appeared.

With the appearance of these guys, the situation at the scene became more dangerous.

The zombies became more irritable.

Even the nearby Xiao Ling and Liu Yin have already shot.

Liu Yin's power is a very special ability.

This is the first time I have seen Liu Yin exert her power.

Obviously, she didn't even open her eyes, but this woman can see what others can't see.

Liu Yin can express what she hears in a very strange way.

In front of Liu Yin, it's like a 3D screen. On that 3D screen, red dots are flashing rapidly.

Each red dot is the location of a giant zombie or licking a young predator.

Although there are many zombies in front of her, Liu Yin can clearly judge which one needs to be sniped.

I can't understand this thing, but Xiao Ling can understand it.

Xiao Ling only glanced at the map and immediately carried the sniper gun in his hand.

That big sniper gun is obviously not an ordinary thing. Although I don't know where Xiao Ling got it, it's just that the bullet alone is half a foot long.

This is obviously a heavy sniper gun.

Not to mention, a half foot long copper bullet appeared in Xiao Ling's hand, and his fingers brushed it, which immediately showed a shiny luster on it.

Soon it got stuck in the slot.

Then pull the trigger.


It's like an explosive explosion.

I only saw that Xiao Ling's body was leaning back for a while, and the recoil force was obviously unbearable.

However, the bullet, with a deadly roar, passed directly from mid air.

Pop, pop, pop!

The naked eye can clearly see that the bullet directly penetrated through the past like a laser. I don't know how many zombies were directly broken, just like sugar gourd. Finally, with a bang, it drilled into the neck of a huge zombie.

Then... PIA!

Even the giant zombie couldn't resist that power. I only saw that the neck was instantly broken into pieces and the body was separated.

Second kill, this is.

Darling, sure enough, none of the people here can be underestimated. Every one is a master.

Although Liu Yin's cooperation with Xiao Ling's launch speed is very slow, each bullet can take away a huge zombie or the life of licking eater larvae.

For the decapitation plan, that's great.

As for ashui, he created a large swamp area in front of him.

The originally hard land, even the stones softened rapidly, and the trees on the mountain also tilted rapidly.

The ground under his feet directly turned into a muddy swamp.

Those zombies just stepped into this area, their bodies immediately fell down, and their speed became like a turtle.

In that swampy area, I don't know how many bodies have piled up.

On the other side, Chen Yi, the queen of blood, finally shot.

A layer of blood red light surged up quickly, and the blood vessels seemed to be outside the body.

With the rapid peristalsis, in the twinkling of an eye, a single rocket launcher had appeared on the shoulder.

With a cry, the shell exploded directly in the most dense place of zombies.


In Chen Yi's strange laughter, the bomb exploded, and a large area of zombies immediately became flesh and blood fragments scattered around.

That scene, bloody and crazy.

With Chen Yi's hoarse laughter, it even makes people feel creepy.

In the end, everyone is crazy.

In that case, I'm crazy.

With a smile on my mouth, I walked forward.

Just then, two licker larvae rushed out of the explosion.

Both rushed at Chen Yi.

Xiaoye, Xiaofeng and Chen Bolin had no time to stop.

The speed of licking the eater's larvae is very fast, and Chen Yi and Xiao Ling belong to the type with extremely slow attack speed. It's impossible to stop them for a moment.

The only thing that can stop is Meng Rui, but now, that guy is indifferent.

It seems that you have identified me.

In that case, play it once.

His legs curled slightly.

At the next moment, the ghost quickly spread out, and my legs seemed to be equipped with springs. Under that force, my whole body was like a flash of lightning.


That speed is faster than licking the larva of the eater.

With a bang, the body twisted in mid air, condescending, and one leg directly hit a licking eater's cub.

The guy's body seemed to bear a weight of thousands of kilograms and was directly hit on the ground.

With this strength, I jumped up and landed on another licker's cub.

One hand stuck the guy's head, and the blade of Doran flashed quickly in the other hand.

With a snort, a long gap was immediately separated from the neck, and the whole head was immediately separated from the body.

The licker cub just got up from the ground and was shaking his head. The wrist kicked him directly on the head.

With a snap, the skin on the body, the bones on the neck and the muscles and veins almost all broke and tore apart in a moment.

The head was kicked straight out.

Everything is over in the blink of an eye.

Two licker larvae were killed in an instant.

That scene made Chen Yi and Meng Rui look slightly sideways.

Even Chen Yi didn't expect that I could kill two licker larvae so quickly.

Moreover, Chen Yiyin has a vague feeling that this man seems to be stronger than before.

As for Xiaofeng, several people also have strange faces, and the original publicity has been slightly restrained.

"Ha ha, no wonder Chen Yi praises you all the time. We really don't have to say this strength. If you join us, the possibility of our success this time will increase a lot." Meng Rui laughs.

Everyone is showing their own means.

Although the strength of these zombies is strong, they are still not enough to see in front of so many experts.

Although the speed of progress is slow, it is quite stable.

A little steady progress.

I don't know when the top of the mountain is near. As long as you cross the top of the mountain, you can find the tyrant.

Shit, like the ancient emperors, the tyrant curled himself up in his nest and couldn't come out at all.

If you want to find that guy, you must empty these little things.

Fortunately, all the people present are experts. Even so many little things can't stop us.

Just a few tens of meters away from the top of the mountain bag, the zombies around were basically emptied.

However, at this time, a dozen zombies suddenly turned over the mountain bag and rushed towards us.

Those zombies look pretty weird.

The head is more than two meters tall, and it is only slightly shorter than the giant zombie, but it looks far less robust than the giant zombie.

What's more surprising is that the speed of these zombies is quite terrible, and they don't give way to licking eater larvae.

"What's the matter? I'll kill the garbage." Ono sneered. The huge wolf howled. Ono rushed directly before Meng Rui could stop it.